MovieChat Forums > Pulp Fiction (1994) Discussion > What would happen to Vincent if Mia had ...

What would happen to Vincent if Mia had died?

When Mia overdoses from her Cocaine use and Vincent panics, what would have happened if Jimmy had either not been home to help them out or if he had refused to help and Mia had ended up dying?

Or if they had tried to save her life but she had still died anyway? Would Marcellous Wallace have been understanding or would Vincent have suffered an untimely end?

I would love to see how Jules would have handled Mia overdosing on drugs though, because he was a lot more cool and street smart and did things differently than Vincent did, he might have called The Wolf and gotten help from him.

Also Vincent could have called 911 and reported Mia's drug overdose to them and allowed them to take her and save her life, then she is released and promises not to tell Marcellous about what happened, dont know why Vincent never considered calling 911 at Jimmy's house at all.


Vince wasn't moving heaven and earth to save Mia cause he liked her. He knew he was a grease spot if she died on his watch. But this is also why Marcellus trusts Vincent. He gets things done. Shit went as badly as possible on that date and Vincent made sure it was all right as rain.


The actual answer is he would have ran away. Because he knew what would happen to him once Marcellus found out. Which ironically would have prolonged his life (maybe not for that much longer though)


He would have been found dead, in pieces, with unspeakable things done to his anus.


I guess you missed what Vincent said regarding this. He said "if this bitch croaks, I'm a fucking grease spot!" while trying to bring her body into the heroin dealer's house.


I always thought he said “grease bum.” Lol


Ha that's funny. I just re-watched the film for the first time in 15 years, and I always thought Jules says "do we have it?" when Vincent first opens the briefcase, but he's really saying "are we happy?"

(I have to watch movies with Closed Captions on now when I watch anything with my family who are getting older and harder of hearing.)


Yeah, I’m bad about confusing the lines in movies, and songs also for that matter.

Another from Pulp Fiction is when they are talking about Tony being thrown from the building. Vincent comments on his weight and Jukes replies something like “he’s got a weight problem, but what’s he gonna do? He’s Samoan.” For years I thought he said “What’s he gonna do? Eat some more.”


