God is a cheater...

and he's got a pretty twisted sense of humor too according to this film. I mean it's not like he's helping this team improve their own skills or giving them the power to win on their own. No he has to make it painfully easy for them to win. And then, in a cruel "ha ha *beep* you" he refuses to help them win the World Series. They weren't good enough to get to the world series in the first place. They didn't deserve that honor. Think of all the teams out there that didn't have Gods help, is that fair to them? And what for? Cus some stupid kid doesn't understand sarcasam and somehow just thinks if the Angels win he can get back together with his dad? I mean cus that makes sense right? Of all the horrible things happening in the world the one thing God goes out of his way for is to fu*k with this kids head?


You're insane.

For the record, Ben, I like the house.


He may be insane, but he's right.


hey, guys, it was a movie. god wasn't really helping a team out there ya know. he may have the same feelings that you do.



God indirectly helps thru the angels, if you like that...but also by improving the team's confidence/unity/self-respect as they did which is really what's needed to help them win the Championship - that was the help they needed most, so that's why the angels didn't help w/the Championship: because their part was done and now the team could win on its own thru support and teamwork.
The kid was naive to take the Angels comment litterally (see my other response to a thread on here about that 1) and doesn't have much experience with religion...but it does bother me that the prayer is answered in that sense. I mean, there's a belief that God can't give support to 1 team or another in games because it isn't fair. So seeing the angels help with that was disturbing. But it helped strengthen the coach and players, while giving hope to the kid (and technically his wish, since he never said "please let my dad and I get back together" in his prayer), so I can't complain about the plot too much.


I remember having these same thoughts the first time I saw this movie, lo those many years past. Not about God being a cheater so much (though I see the point). More to the fact that here was this kid, about my own age at the time, who seemed to have something resembling a normal brain. . . except for the part where he doesn't understand sarcasm AT ALL.


According to 'Al', he never mentions God but mentions Angels. By my guess, the Angels are kind of a mercineriers and prehaps even not working with God or working behind his back. Maybe to help or maybe just to be douchebags.

"I will make my arrows drunk with blood and my sword shall devour flesh"



dude, how can you say stuff like that? YOU ARE INSANE! this movie had nothing to do with God being a cheater or toying with his children's minds! Re sort you thoughts and CHILL!

and the kid was just a kid so i do not blame him for missing sarcasm....and he was desprate to be with his dad and have a family again...........so once again I do not blame him.

I've been sent to spread the message....God Bless Texas!

Proud Member of Team Will



i just laughed incredibly hard at this post


Al may be short for Almighty as in god.


I think you're right. Why does God take sides?



i blame society and MTV


God helped the team come together and play like an actual team. In case you didn't notice, in the beginning of the movie, two players collided in the outfield on a flyball. On a similar fly ball in the pennant game, one slid and allowed the other to catch the ball. Also, God helped Knox to have faith in his players. That's why the Angels won the pennant, because Knox put his faith in Clark when he knew that he had one strike left. The fans were also supporting him, note the waving of the arms at the end, representing that they were all behind him.

God didn't help them to win, he helped them to unlock their true potential.


So bending the foul poles, pushing runners to move faster, lifting fielders to get to balls they wouldn't have been able to get to on their own, making the ball move so opposing players couldn't field it, speeding up or slowing down pitches and making a rag-armed pitcher into Cy Young wasn't helping? They won many games with the angles help and they won the pennant by one game. The angles changed the normal course of events. And I realize it's only a movie.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


If you watch this film and entertain the thought of God as portrayed by the film, then you'd have to admit that everyone is "cheating." A person who is better at baseball than another player is cheating because he is more gifted (implying that it was given to him from somewhere else) than the other player. What is the difference from being gifted from birth and being gifted later in life through means of angels? If everything comes from God, it's not reasonable to say that "The Angels" or God were cheating because he gifted a team above another team. That is something that happens all the time.



This is madness!




Tonight!!! We dine!!! In ANAHEIM!!!!

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.
