pet sematary 3

possible idea:five students who grew very cloes to their 7th grade teacher go to visit him in the summer. they decide hed be cool with a little prank. however, im not sure how, it goes wrong, and the teacher ends up dead. one of the girls, who is actually jud crandall (of pet semetary 1)suggests that theybury her in the pet semetary, after hearing from other elders what goes on up there. however, they dont know the half of it. the grandaughter, another girl, and the three other boys venture to the pet semetary and bury their teahcer. on the first day of school he returns, unlike anything theyve ever known him to be. soon, they realize hes deadly and terrorizes the whole school, narrowing down to his final five targets, his burriers. what do you think?


I hate to disapoint you, but this idea has already been done. It's called City of God. It takes place in Rio De Jinaro


With the Ellie Creed thing, it's possible that Clyde was lying about her being insane.


are they actuly doing a number 3? because when you search PS on here, it says 2008, theres no info about it. but it does NOT have a number 3 after it.

if i had a dick i'd go get laid



Yeah it sounds like they have it in the mix got this off a website called:

"There are plans to make a Silver Bullet 2 with Stephen King as a consultant but he will have nothing to do with the writing dutie's the story will revolve around Corey Haims character all growing up in the same small town as the original with some new cast. The details have yet to be worked out but it looks like that might happen. But for the big news that I know every one will love to finally hear, Pet Sematary 3 is a go were going to be going on a script that was written back in 93 when plans for Pet Sematary 3 was shelved. Like part 2 Pet Sematary 3 will have nothing to do with the one before, Mary Lambert is in talks to direct this but we are looking into other directors in case she passes. Filming plans to start in April for a sometime later fall release. Please get the word out the more anticipation will help this film in the long run I don't want to see this film killed before it starts again same for Silver Bullet 2."


when I was a kid I thought it would be cool to have a plane crash in the pet semetary. and then of sourse all these crazy zombies would come back to life.


I think a replay with some characters from the 2nd movie would be cool, like Jeff comes back to Ludlow and some kids become friends with him and they bury something in the semetary,remember this is a work in progress!!! Lol, but this idea is pretty cool!!!


That's actually a pretty rockin' idea.


Ha ha ha, unfortunately, only people who are familiar with the novel will understand who Zelda was.

Just in case I sound like a complete moron, it's been quite some time since I saw the first movie, did they tell her story?

"Let God have His own cat!!!"



They're already working on the remake of the original. What a shame.



That's just terrible.

You sound like the Cloverfield 2 dude who says it'd be really cool to have some guy wipe out on a motorcycle and then get attacked by the monster.

God, I hate it when people try to plan sequels.


Back in 1993 I had this idea of a policeman assigned to find this missing boy named "Clyde Parker", but I couldn't develop it any futher. Now it would be fun to bring Ellie back, now grown-up and going back home. Now, it would be funny to have a turtle as the main pet in a third movie... a killer turtle!!! how about it??


On the idea of a sequel, I have just 8 words for you:

Pet Semitary 3: The Legend of Ellie Creed

The short one's gawking at me and the tall one's being very droll.

