MovieChat Forums > Malcolm X (1992) Discussion > should white people apologise for slaver...

should white people apologise for slavery

My initial response is no. Men and women should be accountable for their own actions not that of their forefathers. Im not trivialising what my ancestors or other black peoples ancestors went through but where does it stop. However as a country places like England and America should apoligise if they are to celebrate the great things they did they should also repent for their horrific deeds. What are you guys thoughts on this black or white


A bunch of people will catch feelings for it. I will only say that Germans apologized for nazism and Holocaust.


The countries should apologize; the people should not. All slave owners are long, long gone.


slavery still exists in the middle east and Africa


I don't own slaves, nor have I ever owned slaves. I have nothing to apologise for.

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.'"
- Bhagavad-Gita


Please read my post,Apologize for slavery.
In my post I mention that Lincoln already apologized
for slavery in his 2nd inaugural speech.
It's interesting to me how few people realize this.


This is, of course, after he didn't mind it as much and viewed it in financial terms. Read a transcript of the Lincoln vs. Douglas debate and be surprised.


Pure IGNORANCE. I don't want you to be sorry for slavery -- coming from you, it would mean nothing to African Americans. However, you do owe us all a huge apology for misspelling APOLOGIZE. Forget it... I forgive you in advance. And by the way, White America as a whole is responsible for the blatant slavery hundreds of years ago as well as the modern-day covert forms of slavery that exist today. You all deserve to pay for the hundreds of years of inhumane treatment of fellow human beings. You are still held accountable today if you are perpetuating the cycle with the racism that is still very prevalent today.


Sorry sailor, am afraid it is you who should be apologising/apologizing. Apologise is the English (you know, as in England) spelling of the word. The language is named English after all.

On the other point, no apologies are necessary IMHO. People can not be held accountable for something that started 400 and ended knocking on 50 years ago. The vast majority of the population in question were not even alive in this period or if they were, were nippers, ankle biters, bairns, adolescents or hormone monsters.

These events should never be forgotten but forgiveness is not for the blacks of today to seek, nor for the whites of today to give.


Brilliant reply mate.
I love it when ignorant people try to take the morale high ground but get shot down in flames because they cant spell basic ENGLISH correctly.
Futhermore I have nothing to say sorry about as slavery was around hundreds and hundreds of years before my time.
I hate the way people say slavery is an English found trade.
Anyway , get the chip of your shoulder and stop carrying on as though you have been directly affected by slavery because you havent.
It happened deal with it and when blacks stop refering to themselves as Ni**ers maybe people of other race will as well.
You need to respect yourselves and set an example instead of calling each other Ni**er and saying "AAAYYYIGHT"


i dont think we sould give the black people an apology since lots of people
were not even alive around the time of slavery and anyways lots of black people have it good today
i get that some of us white people have bean bad to black people in the past
but thing are never gonna get any easier in life the world will always have crappy
times but there will always be good times then too so lets not dwell on the past
and look ahead to the future but i quest i will give a apology because i must
admit i have had kinda racist thoughts in my life so i'm sorry for that
yes i know the past & future thing was a cleeshay sorry if i misspelled that i've never wrote/typed cleeshay


jesseleehooker so far i like ur answer the most...

"Where we're going, we dont need rodes"


i'm sorry, but i'm white and i have NOTHING to apologize for, period. i didn't own slave nor did any of my ancestors. i don't treat people any different whether you say i do or not. i will say though, that being from an inner-city, i was treated different on a dailey basis because as a white kid, i was a minority. my mother told me to suck it up and get over it, and i did. so there ya go, why do you let what other people SAY get you into such a mind-set. get over it, and remember that it swings both ways. the blatant double standard is disgusting and i don't see anyone standing up to put an end to that.

side note- since this is a movie site, i'd like to point out that african americans make fun of themselves and white people on a regualr basis, and it's funny. they can throw around *beep* and other such rediculous terms and it's not a big deal (as it shouldn't be). the second a white person says anything that can be taken out of context in a publim forum, they might as well have burned a cross on the lawn of a southern black church.

***Hell,I'd kill for a big fat blind gay guy if we could just get some work done around here***


I apologize... sorry my fellow African-Americans for atrocities committed by a community of people that were not of my own origin, though, I'm a white-American, so I suppose it's mandatory.

Does that fix anything? No, it does nothing. While I agree with your side on whites having an advantage even today, look around, things are still a long ways from equality, but we're getting damn good at working at it.

Reparation won't give you equality, it'll only be a monetary symbol of difference.

Affirmative Action won't make us equals, it's only a "leg up" for "lower tier" individuals.

It's like asking for a friendly kinder Jim Crow to revive itself upon a nation finally coming to grips with equality.

Instead of struggling so hard to separate our races, why not use that energy to make something better.

So, again, I apologize, but do you really want it?


Thats because of how blacks were put in movie do you forget the black face movies back in the day or the Tom and Jerry cartoons with the big lipped slave lady or the Warner Brothers cartoons with the slaves and big lipped monkey looking people remember till the 70s a black person would be killed for looking at a white person let alone jokeing on them and to your 1st ponit you getting made fun of doesnt equal a race of people being raped, killed, enslaved, stolen from their land and brought here to build this very country for free that we live in now, was told the were not even a person but three fifths of a human, that they didnt have the brain power to do evryday normal things like read and write, tested on like animals till all that has happened to you your little inner city living cant compare


that's all horrible, i agree. Everything you say is true, BUT, i still don't have to apologize for anything! you can tell me about the atrocities until your head explodes, but i had nothing to do with it! i was born in 1985 an did not partake in the apparent killing of black people just because they looked at a white person... i find that awfully hard to believe, but oh well. some really crappy things happened, and that's it. why are we not asking the people who SOLD their own people to Europeans during the slave trade to apologize? Mostly because these people don't exist anymore and their offspring shouldn't have to answer for what they did (the same way i shouldn't have to)...but mostly because people like you see white America as the root of all evil and that no matter what happened, we must have had something to do with it and there can be no blame anywhere else. Get over it, and move on! if we spend so much time complaining about what happened decades to centuries ago, nothing will ever get done today or tomorrow.

***Hell,I'd kill for a big fat blind gay guy if we could just get some work done around here***




amen. I owe no one anything.


It’s fairly easy to distance ourselves from the past in our minds but the truth is that we are all born into an existence that was constructed exclusively from all that came before us (down to the last grain of sand). The root word of ignorance is ignore. Just as children inherit their forbearer’s estates, life has a strange way making children accountable for their forbearer’s sins.


slavery still exists in the middle east and Africa

Um... I'm not sure if you've been to the Middle East before, because it's obvious you are repeating what people in your country are saying without thinking. No offense.
I agree with you, its not fair to make up a committee of whites and let them apologize to the black people on behalf of white people. However, most of the blacks right now are suffering, living by the poverty line and are uneducated because of what the white's ancestors did to the black's ancestors.
The United States government should fix the situation by making organizations to find jobs for the people from certain areas and levels, and also guarantee to bring university acceptance for high school students from these areas. We all know most of these areas include black people.
Germans made it up for the Jews by an apology and giving them money as compensation because of what their ancestors had done to the Jews.


You are speaking of affirmative action, which has been ruled unconstitutional by the US supreme court. The fact is, that since there is only so much of everything to go around, every poorly qualified black who is promoted over a better qualified white directly harms the prospects of the less affluent white population. If your aim is to reverse the positions of the poorest whites and poorst blacks, this may eventually achieve it - but will it do that country/economy any good - and do you think all those deprived white folk are going to be sitting on their hands, waiting to slip into poverty? In this zero sum game everything given to another, reduces me -


i didint mean all slavery is gone i know it's in the middle east i just meant the usa
and i didint mean that all black people have it good i just mean that alot of black people have it good today and i do believe America made a apology for slavery a long time ago and slavery kinda helped out the blacks in away
ok we all know slavery was bad but if we didint slave the blacks they would all be in aferica and they live very bad lives today in a country that has pretty bad
government i mean i wish that we were equals to begin with and there was no slavery but not every thing can go the way we want it
but i do agree with you on The United States government should fix the situation by making organizations to find jobs for the people from certain areas and levels
and also guarantee to bring university acceptance for high school students from these areas
i agree with that


"slavery still exists in the middle east and Africa"

Yes and it would not be so prevalently practiced in these countries were it not for the fact that all of these countries, including those ravaged by wars between blacks, have been and still are victims of colonialism brought about by European countries. Many of these African nations are still being oppressed by European countries. Much like what is going on in Iraq, certain countries have made it there business to create strife amongst the native peoples wherever they find them, buy bringing, weapons, drugs, and division; all in the interests of exploiting the land and the indigeous peoples out of all of their natural resources.


No. whats done is done leave it at that.

The Following statement is true
the previous statement is false
-George Carlin


blah,blah,blah - these countries ran on slavery long before europeans even had nation states - who do you think enslaved the hebrews? Grow up, we owe you nothing and you're getting nothing at our expense,accept it!


it does not exist in the middle east retard


I think that the United States apologize and I believed that Ghana and a couple more African countries apologize as well.



"The countries should apologize; the people should not. All slave owners are long, long gone."


What do you think countries are made of?.....I'll tell you its people.

Your country and your government from what I understand is "the people." I say this because I remember a phrase "and that government of the people, by the people, for the people." by Abraham Lincoln.

A country is a country its dead, its the people who occupy the country and run it that make it alive.

If your country and/or government apologizes it means "the people" apologized. So why should "the people" apologize for something that they didn't do? You stated yourself "all slave owners are long, long gone."

"Worker bees can leave
Even drones can fly away
The queen is their slave"


Yes but many Germans, who lived during WW2, are still alive. I had nothing to do with slavery whatsoever. I feel no guilt at all. It was a terrible period in history but I bear no responsibility whatsoever.





You two gotta be kiddin' !! In both circumstances they do not compare with the questions circumstances.

1. Many white people today can trace their families backgrounds, on both sides, coming to this country AFTER 1900.

2. The Germans who 'apologized' were contemporaneous to the offense. If I wrong another, yeah, I should apologize. If one of my ancestors happened to fight on the side of the south because he wanted slavery to remain the law of the land, then ya, HE owes the apology - not someone centuries after the fact. Not to mention, going that far back, they are scarcely a relative.

And. just as easily. you may have had an ancestor who gave his life to free the slaves.
Is he owed a thanks ? Yes, and we do that on Veterans Day.

It seems that everybody's a freakin' VICTIM these days... get over your damn selves already !!!


Britain would be apologizing to almost every country.(imperialism)


Not being educated (obviously) you don't know that a lot of countries would be apologizing to Britain, too - invasion, colonisation, oppression, enslavement, annihilation - when they do, we may perhaps, but it's not likely now, really, is it?


My initial response is no. Men and women should be accountable for their own actions not that of their forefathers. Im not trivialising what my ancestors or other black peoples ancestors went through but where does it stop. However as a country places like England and America should apoligise if they are to celebrate the great things they did they should also repent for their horrific deeds. What are you guys thoughts on this black or white
You must realize that the present day White people are the beneficiaries of what their ancestors have done. A mere apology is NOT enough. Black people are in a hellish condition to this day because of what was done to us.


what would you suggest then


what would you suggest then

My suggestion is that if Whites are truly sincere in their apology, then give us some land that we can call our own whether here or elsewhere, and make sure it's minerally rich and fertile. Then supply our needs for a certain amount of time until we are totally self sufficient, and take care of ourselves. However as long as we're here we should have equal justice under the laws of this nation, and equal employment opportunities. That's part of what real justice looks like.


Minorda, please explain, how blacks are not equal? I do not recall seeing a law punishing one more for one's skin color that is still abided by today.

Also, why should my money go to pay for land for you? I have never made an offence towards your race, nor any other race.

One last point, almost no one owned slaves. That's correct, not every white male living in the south owned slaves, Forgive me if the number is not exact, I believe around 1% of the ENTIRE population owned slaves.
I have reaped no benefits from it more than you have.

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.'"
- Bhagavad-Gita


Minorda, please explain, how blacks are not equal? I do not recall seeing a law punishing one more for one's skin color that is still abided by today.

That's the easy part. Stanley "Tookie" Williams was innocent of the crime that he was excecuted for, and repentant of the crimes he did commit. Yet Charles Manson was guilty of all the crimes he's in jail for, and he stated that he'd do it again is still alive living off of tax payers money. Also you never heard of Black police officers shooting unarmed White males with enough ammo to take down an elephant. To name everything requires more space than on this board.

Also, why should my money go to pay for land for you? I have never made an offence towards your race, nor any other race.
You personally may not have. However, you do benefit from this system of White supremacy.

One last point, almost no one owned slaves. That's correct, not every white male living in the south owned slaves, Forgive me if the number is not exact, I believe around 1% of the ENTIRE population owned slaves.
I have reaped no benefits from it more than you have.
As I said you benefitted by the fact you're White in America. Whether you (or your direct ancestors) personally owned slaves or not isn't the point. Besides any percentage larger than 0% is too many. In the end all White people on way or anothe benefited. To say otherwise is naivety at best, and dishonesty at worst. What happened to us is the worst form of degradation in the annals of history BAR NONE.


Both Tookie williams and Manson were convicted by a jury of their peers, were found guilty and handed sentenced by judges. That is not racism, that is our court system at work.

"You personally may not have. However, you do benefit from this system of White supremacy. "
This makes no sense what so ever. I may have not benefited, yet I have benefited?
What about whites who's ancesters were not even IN America during slavery? they're just as guilty?

You hardly had anywhere near the "worse form of degeredation." Slavery cannot even begin to compare the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, or any other time period really. Jews have always been treated much worse than Blacks, going back to the Roman Empire, when merely being a Jew (Or a christian, for that matter) was a crime punishable by death.

You're digging for ways to make Whites looks like racists, you yourself are no more than a racist. One needn't be white to be a racist.

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.'"
- Bhagavad-Gita


Of course it can compare. Slavery is probably the worst form of degradation. We should remember, though, that black people have not been the only people who's been enslaved in History. The slaves in the ancient Greece were not black.

"The Love you take is equal to the Love you make" The Beatles.


You hardly had anywhere near the "worse form of degeredation." Slavery cannot even begin to compare the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, or any other time period really. Jews have always been treated much worse than Blacks, going back to the Roman Empire, when merely being a Jew (Or a christian, for that matter) was a crime punishable by death.
There are much worse things than death. Watching a pregnant women having her baby cut from her stomach, and the woman dies, and the baby's head crushed under foot. How about a Black child being beat beyond recognition when he allegedly whistled at some White woman. Or being killed for looking under a White woman's dress when it was being hung out to dry. I could go on and on. I think you have the foolish impression that we had it good. Jews had their name, language, culture, and identity. Our people didn't and still don't.


is anyone taking up a collection toward that bit of land for you people, because i'll send $20.00 toward the fund, if it means we'll no longer have to put up with your whining hatefilled presence around the place. Oh and btw, if the US is so bad, how come blacks left the W Indies on being freed from slavery and came voluntarily even pre-civil war - and are still coming from africa now, many illegally, and how come not many went back to liberia when they had their chance?

In fact, I can answer your demands with that one word: LIBERIA


"You can't go home again"; Thomas Wolfe, 1938


The only hate filled presense has been yours. You seem to have a problem with Black people that don't even think about what you think. To me what you think is of no consequence to me. It's as though you don't even exist.


Ordained minister of the Nation of Islam (I guess that's what minorda stands for anyway)Why don't you stop beating about the bush and come right out and say that what you and your associates want is a total transfer of all white assets,properties, university places,jobs above menial level and social security payments directly from white to black hands. You also want whites to be in the same position as you people were up until about 1966 - in other words, you want payback. There is no point in your denying this - it is as obvious as it could be. Let's hear what you have to say, if you dare be honest.


Responding to you is a waste of time. I've been nothing but honest. No memeber of the Nation wants advantage for our people by putting your people at a disatvantage. But a small mind such as yours can't figure it out.


Last time I checked, most of the Underground Railroad was made up of kind white people. I'm black but I'm not one those crazies what I think is fair is fair... well atleast to me.


man this is some bs im reading f that all white mens should apologise for they racism shiet apologise or be beaten. wit ya nazi asses black power now and forever the white race shall soon come to an end but them white women daamn thats all good


Cassius, 2 quick questions for you:

1) Would you translate that into English for us?
2) If the White race were to disappear, wouldn’t that also mean the end of White women?


Cassius, 2 quick questions for you:
Who's Cassius?
1) Would you translate that into English for us?
This is no cure for your illiteracy.
2) If the White race were to disappear, wouldn’t that also mean the end of White women?
My god! How could I have overlooked this eventuality? How can I possibly recover from this?

Will your sister disappear as well?


You mean a land outside the soverignty of the USA?. You know there was a movement called "colonizationism" that existed before abolitionism, that was about what you're saying?. The abolitionist movement came to conflict with them, saying that black people had a right to stay in the USA and to have all the right white people had.

"The Love you take is equal to the Love you make" The Beatles.


its not going to Hurt anyone if Whites dont Apologies to Blacks, so i dont see why not.

It cant only make things better./


When the Moors, (culturally and racially mixed African/Arabian people) conquored southern Europe and the Mediterranian, (Greece, Macedonia, Italy, Sicily, Spain, Portugal, Southern France) in 911AD and ruled until their eventual overthrow in Spain in 1492AD (an event that is still annually celebraited in Spain), did their ancestors apologise for the enforced racial mixing that occured, creating a new people in the world, the Latin people? Should blacks apologise to John Travolta because he's not blond haired and blue eyed like his wife? Then again, Robert Deniro married a black woman, and thats nice to see; nice to see a man of Latin extraction getting back to his Roots.


When the Moors, (culturally and racially mixed African/Arabian people) conquored southern Europe and the Mediterranian, (Greece, Macedonia, Italy, Sicily, Spain, Portugal, Southern France) in 911AD and ruled until their eventual overthrow in Spain in 1492AD (an event that is still annually celebraited in Spain), did their ancestors apologise for the enforced racial mixing that occured, creating a new people in the world, the Latin people? Should blacks apologise to John Travolta because he's not blond haired and blue eyed like his wife? Then again, Robert Deniro married a black woman, and thats nice to see; nice to see a man of Latin extraction getting back to his Roots.
By the way, the Moors never enforced anything like that. There was religious freedom in Spain. They brought Europe out of the Dark ages. They taught Eurpoeans how to bathe regularly, and how to use soap. For centuries, Europeans believed that the Earth was flat, but we traveled the globe.


you taught us how to bathe? funny thing that the romans had a flourishing bathing culture 1000 years before the moors came to spain! the moors were butchers and conquerers, if you where not muslim you had several disadvatages for being a dhimmi, so how is that religious freedom? as for traveling the globe? huh? i didn't know that leif erikson was black! you are a joke with your black supremacist crap! don't invent history!

Thank you Ireland


Please. Whites have been reinventing history since you've been in power. Romans were butchers and conquerors since the beginning. We've travelled the globe long before Leif Ericson's parents were a thought. The only crap I see is the comment you sent me. Now get out of my face.


oh, the romans where butchers, but the the moors conquered through love and compassion or what do you mean?

and please elaborate on the magnificent african sailors that sailed the globe before 1000 A.D!

and as for inventing history, the only ones doing these are blacks with an inferiority complex who want to claim everyone from cleopatra to hanibal as theirs!

Thank you Ireland


Read the writings of Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, particularly "They Came Before Columbus". If you look particularly in Central and South America,, as well as parts of Mexico, there are statues of faces that are obviously Black. As far as the Roman comment, you made that comment that the Romans weren't butchers. At their worst, the Moors didn't do anything more brutal than the Romans, or the Spanish Inquisiton right after that.


you bring up a claim, that the moors taught us to bathe. then i refute this claim by telling you that the romans had a bathing culture long before that! then you say, yes, but the romans were butchers, then i tell you that the moors where butchers too. then you say, well they weren't at least not worse than the romans. i basically refuted all your claims, but you still go on with your nonsense.

and why should i read some afrocentrist nonsense by some pseudohistorian. you know as well as i that there is no sceintific evidence that africans have been to america before columbus. there is however plenty of evidence that the vikings lead by Leif Erikson where in america long before columbus. that is exactly the revisionist history forging that you afrocentristic fools do all the time!

and there where statues in mexico that might pass as black? so what! there are also plenty that pass as white!

do you know Quetzalcoatl? Do you know he was depicted as a white man with blue eyes? Moctezuma II though the landing of Hernán Cortés in 1519 to be Quetzalcoatl's return!

There's also the myth of the Hopis of northern Arizona about the Pahana which they call "Lost White Brother". The Pahana would come from the east and destroy the wicked and bring a new era of peace. the hopi mistook the Spanish conquistadors as the Pahana when they arrived on the Hopi mesas in the 16th century.

and of course the kennewik man. a 9000 year old skeleton found in kennewik, washington with caucasoid features!

But still i wouldn't say that it is a sure fact that white people have been to america 1000s of years ago, yet you with no evidence at all claim that negroes have been there? typical for you lot! as i said don't invent history just to further your agenda!

Thank you Ireland


Whatever. If you never read a book, you have no mouth to even talk about it. If anything is pseudohistory, it's most of the crap we've been fed in schools. If you read the book I've mentioned you'd see the evidence. There isn't even close to enough room to put it all on this little message board. By the way, Black people were the first people on the planet, and there were no whtes on the planet before 6000 years ago. Now declare this subject closed, and get the hell out of my face.


who said i never read a book? i just don't read books that are written by a revisionist pseudohistorian! there are also books that claim that the nazis live the antarctis and that stonehenge was build by aliens! yet just because somebody writes a book about it doesn't make it a fact. your theory about african sailors before columbus is regarded as nonsense by historians! your defensive bickering won't change that!

as for black people where the first. so what? the dinosaurs where there 65 million years before. does that make them superior? i guess not! oh, and how do you explain the kennewik man who is 9000 years old and europid if white people just emerged 6000 years ago? seems a bit strange!

you brought no counterarguments, just revisionist rewriting of history ! well, don't be surprised when you come of as daft!

Thank you Ireland


Again. For all we know what you brought was something you made up. By the way, if you read what I wrote, I was speaking of making a comment on a specific book that I mentioned, and you never read. The book in question, if you even bothered to really read what I typed is titled "They Came Before Columbus" by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima. Until you read that book, you don't even have a mouth to comment on it. Also read the works of Cheikh Anta Diop, a scholar from Senegal, particularly "African Origin of Civilization, Myth or Reality". I could go on and on. Don't get me started on the fallacy of dinosaurs. I don't give a damn what you see in the museums, there never were any. Nothing predated the Black man. The way I see it, you're just some rabid dog of a racist who still believe that Black people did nothing. We began civilization. This is my last comment to you. You can take your comments and go to hell You've been placed on ignore, so sending me anything further is a waste of time.


oh please elaborate on "the fallacy of dinosaurs"! this black supremacist crap gets better by the minute! of course, nothing predates the black man! you have crawled out from the primordial soup billions of years ago and are the source of all life on earth! we all worship you, bringer of civilisation! this is so idiotic it's laughable!

Thank you Ireland


Quit victimizing yourself and your entire race. Sure slavery was bad, but it's over and no one alive today had anything to do with it, I never owned a slave and you never where one so you are not entitled to an apology or repremation.
Oh, and guess what? Not just the US had slaves, countries all over the world have; many worse then slaves in America. It's not just a part of American history, it's world history.


Your people are in a privledge position because of what happened to my people. Our people are in a hell of a position because of it. We suffer from its effects to this day. By the way there was nothing worse than our enslavement. So don't tell me that load of B.S. that there was worse than what we went through. No other group of people have went through the form of slavery that Black people have went through. Because at least those other people have their names, don't. We have YOUR names. They speak their own language. English, Spanish, and French are NOT our languages. We weren't allowed to express ourselves as Black people, and still aren't. We're still experiencing the effects of slavery to this day. The damage to us has NEVER been repaired. To be honest, very few Whites seem to be willing to put in the real work it takes to fix the damage. Giving us a few crumbs won't do it. Those that say "haven't we done enough for you people", my answer is a resounding HELL NO!! Nowhere near enough.


No other group of people have went through the form of slavery that Black people have went through

I take serious offense to that statement. Slavery has been practiced since before there was writing, from the Mediterranean people to the Romans to the Vikings to the Europeans. Usually on whoever they happenned to be conquering, meaning usually not the African people. Indeed, the root of the word "slave" comes from the Slavs, who were conquered in the Middle Ages and forced to serve as slaves. In Africa, slavery is still practiced to a small extent - by the Africans themselves. So yes, I would say there are a few other groups of people who have gone through what Black people have gone through. Even white people have been enslaved at some point, usually by other white people.

As for that BS about names, this is such an easily solved argument: do what they did, change your name to X or make one up for yourself. As far as I can tell, any citizen can do that.

Moving on to your point about language, the point remains the same. Those languages are the languages of the world; people learn them for the sake of convenience and improved communication, not as an exercise in cruelty. If it means so much to you, start an organization to teach Africans (and African-Americans) Swahili; I won't get in your way. But then, even those in Africa learn english, simply because it gets the world on an even keel and fosters the kind of communication that breeds trust and peace.

The damage to us has NEVER been repaired. To be honest, very few Whites seem to be willing to put in the real work it takes to fix the damage. Giving us a few crumbs won't do it.

The damage has been repaired; black people have the same rights as any other people, and a black man is second in the running for the highest office in the nation. Indeed, the position of power is actually shifting away from white people, destroying your argument about white supremacy in America. Consider this: there is a stereotype in almost every sitcom of the dorky white guy, or the dorky jewish guy, or the dorky asian guy, etc. Is there a stereotype for the dorky black guy? If so, can you name some for me? No? Guess why?

In twenty years, mark my words, there will be no racism. There will be bigger issues to focus on in the US and hopefully the world for us to trifle with something so unnecessary as color of skin. I would have thought an NOI'er like you would have been into self-reliance and nondependence on the white man. Malcolm talks at length about this in his autobiography, haven't you read it?
It seems hypocritical to talk about forming your own nation and then asking for money or help from your "enemies". Giving people crumbs only reinforces your superiority over them.

All I'm going to say is that you shouldn't try to force your opinion on others like this, Minorda. This is a movie database; talk about movies, not about race. Your profile indicates that you're quite intelligent, but you can't go three posts without mentioning race. You won't convince anyone, or even spread the word the way you're going. You belong to the Nation of Islam, that's fine by me; some of my best friends are Muslims (especially in my community there is a huge Muslim population). I don't try to tell you that all Brits are cruel sadists because they controlled India for a while; let bygones be bygones.

PS: I realize that just like you can't convince anyone over the internet, I probably won't convince you.

Believe me, you don't want Hannibal Lecter inside your head."


I take serious offense to that statement. Slavery has been practiced since before there was writing, from the Mediterranean people to the Romans to the Vikings to the Europeans. Usually on whoever they happenned to be conquering, meaning usually not the African people. Indeed, the root of the word "slave" comes from the Slavs, who were conquered in the Middle Ages and forced to serve as slaves. In Africa, slavery is still practiced to a small extent - by the Africans themselves. So yes, I would say there are a few other groups of people who have gone through what Black people have gone through. Even white people have been enslaved at some point, usually by other white people
Has any other group of slaves been robbed of their culture like Black people? We were stripped totally of the knowledge of ourselves. Every other people have their own names, most of our people wear YOUR names. We were robbed of our language. Idon't know if you know, but English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese are NOT our languages.

As for that BS about names, this is such an easily solved argument: do what they did, change your name to X or make one up for yourself. As far as I can tell, any citizen can do that.
Was already done. I've been a card carrying member of the Nation of Islam for 17 years as of yesterday. If it were B.S. as you say, Black people's name's had never been changed.

The damage has been repaired; black people have the same rights as any other people, and a black man is second in the running for the highest office in the nation. Indeed, the position of power is actually shifting away from white people, destroying your argument about white supremacy in America. Consider this: there is a stereotype in almost every sitcom of the dorky white guy, or the dorky jewish guy, or the dorky asian guy, etc. Is there a stereotype for the dorky black guy? If so, can you name some for me? No? Guess why?
You must think I'm stupid. I know for a fact that the first sentence is NOT true. Otherwise the 6 teens in Jena, Louisiana wouldn't have been charge for what they were charged, and the White boys who started it were charged with nothing. Never mind the fact that those Whites hung nooses on trees yet the prosecuter does nothing. If you don't know anything about the case I'm speaking of, then you need to read more. The position of power is STILL in the hands of White people. A Black man running for office doesn't changed that. It didn't change when Jesse Jackson ran in 1984. Is their a stereotype for a dorky Black guy? I guess you don't remember Steve Urkel from the TV show Family Matters. The only time a Black guy is shown as smart, they make him as a dork. The stereotypes about us that still exists put us in danger. You don't have to worry about White or Black police officers shooting us down for the littlest B.S. excuse. Yet I've known many instances where police try to talk down ARMED WHITE suspects before they even think of shooting them. I live in NY where a man was shot dead, and his friends were injured just before his wedding. So does the "dorky White guy have to worry about getting shot by police? Until you can say that without being a liar, you have nothing to say.

All I'm going to say is that you shouldn't try to force your opinion on others like this, Minorda. This is a movie database; talk about movies, not about race. Your profile indicates that you're quite intelligent, but you can't go three posts without mentioning race. You won't convince anyone, or even spread the word the way you're going. You belong to the Nation of Islam, that's fine by me; some of my best friends are Muslims (especially in my community there is a huge Muslim population). I don't try to tell you that all Brits are cruel sadists because they controlled India for a while; let bygones be bygones.
This is NOT opinion. This is fact. I don't force a damn thing on anyone. I correct what I KNOW is incorrect. I just present the truth. As a follower of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad under Min. Farrakhan, my job is to tell the truth, and dispel the lies. It's obvious you haven't even read half of the posts I've posted. Most of my posts on this board have nothing to do with the race question. Most of my posts are to correct the lies about my teacher, the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, and his relationship with Malcolm. My bringing the truth is to get your blood off of my hands. After I say what I say, you do whatever the hell you want to do with what I say.


Elijah Muhammad had Malcolm X murdered for telling the truth. That is the facts. The NOI teaches that there should be a separation of the White race and the Black race. You forget that we are all members of the HUMAN RACE.


[qoute]Elijah Muhammad had Malcolm X murdered for telling the truth. That is the facts. The NOI teaches that there should be a separation of the White race and the Black race. You forget that we are all members of the HUMAN RACE.[/quote]The first sentence is a G** D** lie. The Hon. Elijah Muhammad did NOT have Malcolm killed, period. You have no proof that he did. Because you can't prove a lie. Yes, we should separate from White people who have done nothing but give Black people hell. Did Moses teach integration with Pharoah? No. I've been in the Nation for nearly 20 years, and will bow to no one as far as knowledge of that subject.


I've had enough of reading this garbage Minorda920...

You need to stop crying about something that ended over 130 years ago. Things have happened to MANY racial groups throughout history. They aren't crying about it over a century later. They have overcome.

What you call "your people" have suffered through slavery... boo hoo. Try being a Jew. They have gone through MORE hell in recorded history than ANY other race. Yes, that's right. You cannot argue this fact. Do you hear the Jewish population whining because they cannot "express themselves" or have their own names? Nope. Never. Did jews need affirmative action to find a job? Nope. They worked hard, educated themselves, and prevailed.

Black people seem to think because they were slaves that an entire country owes them something. Here's a bit of information that is another FACT: Only about 1-2% of the ENTIRE U.S.A. owned black slaves. A huge immigrant population came to America during the time of the civil war. Most of the families that live in America came here AFTER slavery ended. So, you're saying that the people whose families didn't have anything to do with slavery should pay for those that did?

Some racial groups don't require, as you put it "a few crumbs". Some racial groups work to raise the grain, but a stove, and bake their own bread. Not get it handed to them for an injustice that happened over a century ago.

As a race, if you want to advance, try this: Go to school, get a job, speak eloquently and not that street jive garbage we have to listen to, stop calling each other N*g*er in all your movies, music, and television, and stop griping about racism. If you act like an idiot and cannot speak like a regular person, we don't hate you because of your skin color. I'd dislike anyone that talked and acted like that.

You are an absolute joke Minorda920. Unless you are about 160 years old and you were a slave, nobody owes you a damn thing. You are the reason people have generally bad views on black people. You whine and think the world owes you something. If you were still in Africa, you wouldn't have 1/100th of the opportunities you have in this country. Here's where you need to start: Go to college, get a job, and speak like a professional. Get that ridiculous chip off your shoulder. I'm sick of people thinking I owe them something because I'm white. My family immigrated here in 1919. About 60 after slavery ended. What the hell do I owe you? NOTHING! If you still feel the need to bitch, go back to Africa and see if you can prosper. I guarantee you a much worse existence.

Why should I be afforded less opportunity than you because I'm white? Oh, I guess we ALL owe black people something don't we? *PTTTBBBHHH*

Fire Bat
IMDB has taken away my freedom of speech. Happen to anyone else?


Or you could move to Africa.


Wanting an apology, or money, or anything now, is less about wanting fairness and more about wanting vengeance.


I feel that a person should only apologize for things that he did wrong. Since there are no people who own slaves in the United States or Great Britain anymore, all of the people who did own slaves are long dead, along with everyone who was a slave, there is nobody left to apologize, and there is nobody left to accept an apology.

Just considering it is actually a little bit offensive. Why should I have to apologize for my skin color?


There is a notion in 12-step programs that an apology is part of the healing. Here is something to think about. Ever wonder why the child of an abusive parent is adversely affected? Both religion and psychology recognize that dysfunction thrives for generations. It produces an aberrant mindset that is unable to acclimate to society’s norms. That was the premise of Richard Wright’s Native Son. While present generations are not directly responsible for slavery, all are directly affected by it. To a very large degree, some aspects of "the good life" are still more easily accessible to whites than blacks. To perceive a completely level playing field, is to ignore that. Anyone who can’t acknowledge this phenomenon would be unable to consider the concept of an apology.

Anthropologists see it differently. They can see a direct link between external influence and the obvious disruption of natural development. The reversal of affirmative action is a reflection of an attitude that somehow, “enough has already been done to correct the aftermath of slavery”. However we don’t really see that being manifested in the lives of the average, everyday, post-slavery blacks.


But why should I apologize? I didn't do anything wrong. Suggesting that white people should apologize for slavery is implying that we're guilty just for being born white. I believe that a man should apologize for his actions, not his race.


While present generations are not directly responsible for slavery, all are directly affected by it.

Regardless of whether you feel inclined to apologize or not, do whatever you do with understanding. I have found that most people focus almost exclusively on one small piece of a very large puzzle and use that limited exposure to predict the contents of the entire puzzle. I hope you are more mature than that. Let’s find out:

Do you believe institutionalized slavery in the USA has ever had anything whatsoever to do with the quality of your life?

careful. your insights are showing.


...slavery is implying that we're guilty just for being born white

No one is 'implying', it's a FACT you should be guilty once you are born a White American--America was FOUNDED on Racism, by the original slaughter and execution and plundering of the Native Indians' lands. Followed by the 400 years of slavery inflicted on the black people (I'm not Black, by the way; not only Black people hate America, the WHOLE WORLD hates America for what it has done AND what is doing).


No one is 'implying', it's a FACT you should be guilty once you are born a White American--America was FOUNDED on Racism, by the original slaughter and execution and plundering of the Native Indians' lands. Followed by the 400 years of slavery inflicted on the black people (I'm not Black, by the way; not only Black people hate America, the WHOLE WORLD hates America for what it has done AND what is doing).

You are aware that what you've just said is incredibly racist, right?


I'd be all for that, as long as you blacks go there AND STAY THERE! White people don't want to be around you, White flight proves it. Go there and kill each other, we don't care. Stop effing up our country and bitching that it's White people fault that you can't get your $h1t together.


There should be a tax for being white. That gets donated to a black scholarship fund for the next 300 years.


<<White people are the beneficiaries of what their ancestors have done.>>

Are you referring to all White people, or just the descendants of slave owners?

We come into the world naked, screaming and covered in blood. Why should the fun end there?


<<White people are the beneficiaries of what their ancestors have done.>>

Are you referring to all White people, or just the descendants of slave owners?
I meant all White people. Whether they personally owned slaves or not, they benefitted from our oppression, and degradation.


The latest DNA research seems to indicate that all human beings have a common ancestry and that we are more than 99% similar in composition. To suppose that our mental faculties are generically predisposed by racial designation is to somewhat ignore what medical discoveries now suggest about our organic composition. To suggest a spiritual component that favors evil or good is to infer that God made some races evil and others good. To suggest that races are genetically predisposed toward good or bad behavior is to deny the past 5,000-10,000 years of recorded history. All races have at one time or another practiced deplorable acts either against their own race or to those outside their race. Sadly as a whole, the primary component that has caused the human race to advance is the barbarous practice of warfare!

It is true that the Caucasian race has essentially “ruled” for the past 2,300 years but the Black Man has also had a turn at the wheel (prior to the Greco-Roman age) and only archeology can tell us if they were any more ethical or benevolent as a ruling race. If you doubt this, read about contemporaries like Shaka Zulu, Genghis-Khan, Japanese warlords, the Mayans or all the madness that took place in the Egyptian dynasties before Cleopatra was even born! No single race has a premium on cruelty or short-sightedness! If our ancestors were indeed less short-sighted, no one (domestic or foreign) would have been able to enslave us in the first place.

Evaluating human performance based only the last 500 years of history is simply far too myopic! Everyone sins according to his/her life circumstances rather than ethnic predisposition. Hitler, Saddam and Caligula were all abused as children! Had they been raised in less dysfunctional environments by loving parents, we might not even know their names!


I don't really think they benefited. Just consider that the free North was far richer than the slave-holding South.

"The Love you take is equal to the Love you make" The Beatles.


I don't think "hellish" is the word I would be looking for Minorida920. No black people in the US are picking cotton, being whipped and the like. My great-great-grandfathers fought to free all slaves during the civil war.

That is absolutely enough on my part and my family's part. No reparations, no apology, no money, no nothing.


In truth there are still black people picking cotton here in the USA but they are not doing so as slaves. Actually, the primary reason for the Civil War was secession and individual state’s rights vs. federal authority. Slavery was really more of an after thought. To his credit, Lincoln eventually adopted the cause of emancipation at the cost of his own life.

At the close of the American Civil War the emancipated slaves were each promised 40 acres and a mule to help them build a new life as free men/women. This is a close to an apology as anyone has ever offered for slavery in the USA. Unfortunately, that promise was never kept.

To expect an apology is somewhat like believing in the Easter Bunny.


I don't think "hellish" is the word I would be looking for Minorida920. No black people in the US are picking cotton, being whipped and the like. My great-great-grandfathers fought to free all slaves during the civil war.

That is absolutely enough on my part and my family's part. No reparations, no apology, no money, no nothing.
The Civil War ( a contradiction in terms if I ever heard one) wasn't fought to end slavery. It was fought to preserve the Union. Abraham Lincoln didn't care if we were freed or not. Not one single Whtie Union soldier died for Black people. They had a different program in mind. Gen. William T. Sherman didn't burn Atlanta for Black people. It was well known that he didn't care about Black people. The Union cared no more about us than the Confederacy.


If the Union did not care, then why was "John Brown's Body" a Union marching song? After the war was over, why did the Union pass 3 Constitutional Amendments banning slavery and specifically giving rights of citizenship to former slaves?



If the Union did not care, then why was "John Brown's Body" a Union marching song? After the war was over, why did the Union pass 3 Constitutional Amendments banning slavery and specifically giving rights of citizenship to former slaves?
The Union didn't care about the slaves as human beings. It doesn't to this day. Those are only tokenisms at best. The slaves were (and still are) nothing more than a tool. We still don't have full rights as citizens today. The Constitution when it came to us isn't worth the paper it was written on.


The Union didn't care about the slaves as human beings. It doesn't to this day. Those are only tokenisms at best. The slaves were (and still are) nothing more than a tool. We still don't have full rights as citizens today. The Constitution when it came to us isn't worth the paper it was written on.

What "slaves" do you feel are still a tool? What rights do you feel that you do not have?

Ex-slaves who fought in the Revolutionary War and the Civil War would disagree with you. Frederick Douglass (who became a close friend of President Lincoln) would certainly disagree with you.



What "slaves" do you feel are still a tool? What rights do you feel that you do not have?

I don't have the right to be respected by police who can't seem to differentiate the criminal from the law abiding hard working citizen when it comes to Black people. I have to worry about getting shot in front of my own home when I never commited a crime. That doesn't happen often (if at all) in other (White) communities. As far as who is still a tool, everyone that fight any of America's wars while the above scenario still takes place in our communities.

Ex-slaves who fought in the Revolutionary War and the Civil War would disagree with you. Frederick Douglass (who became a close friend of President Lincoln) would certainly disagree with you.
Mr. Douglas knew that the struggle wasn't over, and in fact knew it just began. Lincoln himself said that he only wanted to preserve the Union. He said that if he could preserve the Union without freeing the slaves, he'd do it. By the way, when the Revolution was over they were still slaves.


I don't have the right to be respected by police who can't seem to differentiate the criminal from the law abiding hard working citizen when it comes to Black people. I have to worry about getting shot in front of my own home when I never commited a crime. That doesn't happen often (if at all) in other (White) communities. As far as who is still a tool, everyone that fight any of America's wars while the above scenario still takes place in our communities.

The overwhelming majority of police are dedicated professionals trying to keep the peace. Only a tiny number of people are unjustly shot by the police. I agree though, that it is still too frequent. When it does happen, there is a big investigation and usually a scandal.

Mr. Douglas knew that the struggle wasn't over, and in fact knew it just began. Lincoln himself said that he only wanted to preserve the Union. He said that if he could preserve the Union without freeing the slaves, he'd do it.

Lincoln very much opposed slavery his entire life and repeatedly made statements against it. He also felt that the two separate systems of free and slave states, i.e. a "house divided", "could not stand". Howevever, Lincoln was also a politician. He did not want to alienate slaveholders who were still loyal to the union during a critical part of the Civil War. Thus, he proposed gradual amancipation of slaves from loyal slaveowners via the government purchasing their freedom (as happened in Baltimore). Sometimes, it takes a practical man, rather than a purist, to actually accomplish positive social change.

By the way, when the Revolution was over they were still slaves.

Slaves frequently signed up for the militia as free men. Some states, e.g. Rhode Island, offered freedom to slaves who signed up for the militia. From 1777 to the 1790s, most Northern states abolished or severely curtailed slavery. It has long been a common practice in the history of societies, to grant citizenship to peoples who perform some service to the state.

It should be noted that slavery/serfdom/indentured servitude/second class citizenship/imperialism were long accepted practices all over the world. From the late 1700s culminating in the 1960s, there were worldwide movements to escape/oppose/abolish the many various forms of oppression.



The overwhelming majority of police are dedicated professionals trying to keep the peace. Only a tiny number of people are unjustly shot by the police. I agree though, that it is still too frequent. When it does happen, there is a big investigation and usually a scandal.
But they get off scott free. Of the "tiny" number, a majority of them look like me. Yet, a police man can kill an injured dog, and get fired. That shows me that our lives are less than that of a dog. I can name chapter and verse where the private citizen White got away with murdering Black people, much les the police.

Lincoln very much opposed slavery his entire life and repeatedly made statements against it. He also felt that the two separate systems of free and slave states, i.e. a "house divided", "could not stand". Howevever, Lincoln was also a politician. He did not want to alienate slaveholders who were still loyal to the union during a critical part of the Civil War. Thus, he proposed gradual amancipation of slaves from loyal slaveowners via the government purchasing their freedom (as happened in Baltimore). Sometimes, it takes a practical man, rather than a purist, to actually accomplish positive social change.
Someone told me once, excuses are like a**holes, everyone's got one. The fact remains that Lincoln never believed in the equality of Black over Whites. We're still "gradually" being "made free". We just had full voting rights close to 40 years ago.


But they get off scott free. Of the "tiny" number, a majority of them look like me. Yet, a police man can kill an injured dog, and get fired. That shows me that our lives are less than that of a dog. I can name chapter and verse where the private citizen White got away with murdering Black people, much les the police.

No, there is always an investigation after a police shooting. If the suspect did NOT have a weapon, then there almost certainly will be a trial. However, if the suspect had a weapon, then it's less likely that charges will be filed.

Here is some good information. If a police officer confronts you, then you should be exceedingly polite, keep your hands where he can easily see them, do not make any sudden moves, tell him before you reach for anything. If you are pulled over, turn off the engine, turn on the interior lights, open the window, and place your hands on the steering wheel.

If you have a gun or knife anywhere near your person, then put your hands on the steering wheel, or the wall, or the car, or in the air, and inform the police officer.

Someone told me once, excuses are like a**holes, everyone's got one. The fact remains that Lincoln never believed in the equality of Black over Whites. We're still "gradually" being "made free". We just had full voting rights close to 40 years ago.

Yes, excuses are like a-holes, everyone's got one, and they all stink.

However, the undeniable fact is that President Lincoln had a plan to free all slaves, either by proclamation or buy-back. And that plan was fully carried out.

President Lincoln became friends with Frederick Douglass, and he became convinced that whites and blacks were equal as human beings, and that it was possible for them to live together.

Certainly, American society has racial divisions, and they play out in multiple nefarious ways. However, unquestionably, in American society today, anyone who is motivated, works hard in school and on the job, does not take drugs, does not engage in promiscuous sex, maintains a positive mental attitude, etc, then they can make a good life for themself and their family.

One of the most important truths in life is to realize that 95% of how your life turns out is up to you.



No, there is always an investigation after a police shooting. If the suspect did NOT have a weapon, then there almost certainly will be a trial. However, if the suspect had a weapon, then it's less likely that charges will be filed.
Charges aren't filed most times when they find NO weapon. In the few times they do get charged, they go to a grand jury where there acquital is almost a guarantee. Amadou Diallo was going into his apartment, and the police shot him 41 times, with 19 hitting him. Because the cops got a change of venue, they were acquitted of all charges. This is a pattern with White folks.

Here is some good information. If a police officer confronts you, then you should be exceedingly polite, keep your hands where he can easily see them, do not make any sudden moves, tell him before you reach for anything. If you are pulled over, turn off the engine, turn on the interior lights, open the window, and place your hands on the steering wheel. If you have a gun or knife anywhere near your person, then put your hands on the steering wheel, or the wall, or the car, or in the air, and inform the police officer.
Keeping your hands seen didn't help Philip Pannell Jr. of Teaneck, NJ. He had his hands raised, but was still shot in the back. It was April 10th, 1990, my 19th birthday, so I remember it well. The cops weren't charged.

Yes, excuses are like a-holes, everyone's got one, and they all stink.

However, the undeniable fact is that President Lincoln had a plan to free all slaves, either by proclamation or buy-back. And that plan was fully carried out.
President Lincoln became friends with Frederick Douglass, and he became convinced that whites and blacks were equal as human beings, and that it was possible for them to live together.
I don't believe that's true. Lincolm was in favor of repatriation of slaves to Africa and elsewhere, even at the time of his death. He did say that when there is the duality of Black and White, there wil always be a superior, and an inferior. He said that like any White person, he wants the superior status going to the White race.

Certainly, American society has racial divisions, and they play out in multiple nefarious ways. However, unquestionably, in American society today, anyone who is motivated, works hard in school and on the job, does not take drugs, does not engage in promiscuous sex, maintains a positive mental attitude, etc, then they can make a good life for themself and their family.
I fit the above criterian, and yet, I'm still struggling to make ends meet. In fact, I can't afford to rent an apartment in NYC. I never took drugs in my 36 years of life. I'm not promiscuous, and I've worked hard all of my life. Yet I don't get jobs I'm more than qualified for. Did you know that a White man who had spent time in prison hasa better chance of getting a job than a Black man who never been to prison, much less a Black person who did go to prison? It makes me wonder, do you really know what Black people went through in this country's history?


Charges aren't filed most times when they find NO weapon. In the few times they do get charged, they go to a grand jury where there acquital is almost a guarantee. Amadou Diallo was going into his apartment, and the police shot him 41 times, with 19 hitting him. Because the cops got a change of venue, they were acquitted of all charges. This is a pattern with White folks.

The shooting of Diallo was certainly unjustified. Obviously, those police were too quick to assume that Dialo was going for a weapon. Dialo should not have gone for his wallet in that situation, but he was probably confused as to what to do, being an immigrant from Guiana. His parents received a $3 million civil settlement from the city.

The authorities have shot other people, white as well as black, in questionable incidents, e.g. Ruby Ridge, Waco, Donald Scott, etc.

Keeping your hands seen didn't help Philip Pannell Jr. of Teaneck, NJ. He had his hands raised, but was still shot in the back. It was April 10th, 1990, my 19th birthday, so I remember it well. The cops weren't charged.

Evidently, there was a report of a gun. The cop WAS charged, but he was acquitted. It is difficult for either of us to know exactly what happened.

The killing of any innocent person is unjust. Thus, the crowds of black people who celebrated OJ Simpson's acquittal should understand that too.

I don't believe that's true. Lincolm was in favor of repatriation of slaves to Africa and elsewhere, even at the time of his death. He did say that when there is the duality of Black and White, there wil always be a superior, and an inferior. He said that like any White person, he wants the superior status going to the White race.

Here are excerpts of Lincoln' first presidential debate with Douglas where there is such a reference. Certainly, slaves were in a degraded condition, and if they were freed, they also needed their condition to be improved. Lincoln acknowledges this reality.

Lincoln: [...
I think, and shall try to show, that it is wrong; wrong in its direct effect, letting slavery into Kansas and Nebraska-and wrong in its prospective principle, allowing it to spread to every other part of the wide world, where men can be found inclined to take it.

"This declared indifference, but, as I must think, covert real zeal for the spread of slavery, I cannot but hate. I hate it because of the monstrous injustice of slavery itself. I hate it because it deprives our republican example of its just influence in the world-enables the enemies of free institutions, with plausibility, to taunt us as hypocrites-causes the real friends of freedom to doubt our sincerity, and especially because it forces so many really good men amongst ourselves into an open war with the very fundamental principles of civil liberty-criticizing the Declaration of Independence, and insisting that there is no right principle of action but self-interest.

"Before proceeding, let me say I think I have no prejudice against the Southern people. They are just what we would be in their situation. If slavery did not now exist among them, they would not introduce it. If it did now exist amongst us, we should not instantly give it up. This I believe of the masses North and South. Doubtless there are individuals on both sides, who would not hold slaves under any circumstances; and others who would gladly introduce slavery anew, if it were out of existence. We know that some Southern men do free their slaves, go North, and become tiptop Abolitionists; while some Northern ones go South, and become most cruel slave-masters.

"When Southern people tell us they are no more responsible for the origin of slavery than we, I acknowledge the fact. When it is said that the institution exists, and that it is very difficult to get rid of it, in any satisfactory way, I can understand and appreciate the saying. I surely will not blame them for not doing what I should not know how to do myself. If all earthly power were given me, I should not know what to do, as to the existing institution. My first impulse would be to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia,-to their own native land. But a moment's reflection would convince me, that whatever of high hope, (as I think there is) there may be in this, in the long run, its sudden execution is impossible. If they were all landed there in a day, they would all perish in the next ten days; and there are not surplus shipping and surplus money enough in the world to carry them there in many times ten days. What then? Free them all, and keep them among us as underlings? Is it quite certain that this betters their condition? I think I would not hold one in slavery at any rate; yet the point is not clear enough to me to denounce people upon. What next? Free them, and make them politically and socially our equals? My own feelings will not admit of this; and if mine would, we well know that those of the great mass of white people will not. Whether this feeling accords with justice and sound judgment, is not the sole question, if, indeed, it is any part of it. A universal feeling, whether well or ill-founded, cannot be safely disregarded. We cannot, then, make them equals. It does seem to me that systems of gradual emancipation might be adopted; but for their tardiness in this, I will not undertake to judge our brethren of the South.

"When they remind us of their constitutional rights, I acknowledge them, not grudgingly, but fully and fairly; and I would give them any legislation for the reclaiming of their fugitives, which should not, in its stringency, be more likely to carry a free man into slavery, than our ordinary criminal laws are to hang an innocent one.

"But all this, to my judgment, furnishes no more excuse for permitting slavery to go into our own free territory, than it would for reviving the African slave-trade by law. The law which forbids the bringing of slaves from Africa, and that which has so long forbid the taking of them to Nebraska, can hardly be distinguished on any moral principle; and the repeal of the former could find quite as plausible excuses as that of the latter."

I have reason to know that Judge Douglas knows that I said this. I think he has the answer here to one of the questions he put to me. I do not mean to allow him to catechise me unless he pays back for it in kind. I will not answer questions one after another, unless he reciprocates; but as he has made this inquiry, and I have answered it before, he has got it without my getting anything in return. He has got my answer on the Fugitive Slave law.

Now, gentlemen, I don't want to read at any greater length, but this is the true complexion of all I have ever said in regard to the institution of slavery and the black race. This is the whole of it, and anything that argues me into his idea of perfect social and political equality with the negro, is but a specious and fantastic arrangement of words, by which a man can prove a horse-chestnut to be a chestnut horse. [Laughter.] I will say here, while upon this subject, that I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so. I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and the black races. There is a physical difference between the two, which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality, and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position. I have never said anything to the contrary, but I hold that, notwithstanding all this, there is no reason in the world why the negro is not entitled to all the natural rights enumerated in the Declaration of Independence, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. [Loud cheers.] I hold that he is as much entitled to these as the white man. I agree with Judge Douglas he is not my equal in many respects-certainly not in color, perhaps not in moral or intellectual endowment. But in the right to eat the bread, without the leave of anybody else, which his own hand earns, he is my equal and the equal of Judge Douglas, and the equal of every living man. [Great applause.] ... ]

Later, when Lincoln became friends with Frederick Douglass (who was self-liberated and self-educated), he fully realized that black people had as much potential as any other people, and he resolved to end slavery through various means.

During the 19th century, peoples all over the world began asserting their freedom, and many were struggling out of a degraded condition. For example, Greek society/culture was so degraded by four centuries of Ottoman rule, that the Biritish did not believe they could be descended from the Classical Greeks. This was exacerbated when Muhammad Ali of Egypt invaded Greece to support the Turkish sultan versus Greek attempts at liberation. In another case, the Russian serfs were under the absolute rule of the Russian nobility and were only a step above slavery - this had profound consequences for Russian society in 1917. In both Japan and India, there is a bottom caste that is culturally/ethnically exactly like the majority, yet they are degraded. China has degraded the people and culture of Tibet, Russia degraded Afghanistan, and North Korea and Cuba degraded their own people in the name of communist social equality and modernity. And of course, Islamic societies forces religious/cultural minorities into second class citizenship, and they degrade people who resist, e.g. the Sudanese, Bahai, Hindus, Coptic Christians, Ethiopian Christians, etc.

I fit the above criterian, and yet, I'm still struggling to make ends meet. In fact, I can't afford to rent an apartment in NYC. I never took drugs in my 36 years of life. I'm not promiscuous, and I've worked hard all of my life. Yet I don't get jobs I'm more than qualified for. Did you know that a White man who had spent time in prison hasa better chance of getting a job than a Black man who never been to prison, much less a Black person who did go to prison? It makes me wonder, do you really know what Black people went through in this country's history?

I'm sorry that you are having a difficult time, I thought you were probably younger than that. Sometimes, if you can just get a lesser job, that can lead to a better one later.

Life is hard for almost everyone. But I agree that black people generally have it even harder. Still, an ex-con of any race is much less likely to get a job than anyone else.

I believe that every person has a fundamental choice - (a) engage reality and make life better one little bit at a time, (b) give up on reality and let life go to hell.




So are Hispanics, Caucasians, Middle-Easterns, etc. People from all ethnic backgrounds and all walks of life could be in the hellish conditions that you speak of. If you want change, then your argument is with the government, not the people. And change doesn't happen through message boards.

"Hill House, not sane, stood by itself for eighty years and might stand for eighty more."


So are Hispanics, Caucasians, Middle-Easterns, etc. People from all ethnic backgrounds and all walks of life could be in the hellish conditions that you speak of. If you want change, then your argument is with the government, not the people. And change doesn't happen through message boards.
None of them went through the hell that Black people went through. None of the above were robbed of the knowledge of themselves. That's far worse than killing someone outright.


And you're saying that I, just because I'm white, should apologize to you for that?

"Hill House, not sane, stood by itself for eighty years and might stand for eighty more."


That's on your conscience if you indeed have one.


I had nothing to do with slavery. I have reaped no benefits from my ancestors regarding slavery. My ancestors weren't even in this country during that period of time. If you expect me to apologize for slavery just because I'm white, then maybe I should expect you to apologize for guerilla warfare that has happened in Africa... you know, just because you're black. But I won't. You know why? Because it doesn't make sense. You had nothing to do with it, as I had nothing to do with slavery. The only thing you've proven on this message board is your animosity towards white people. You're focusing the blame on the wrong people. The people who should be blamed are dead, so it would be best that you just let your hatred rest in peace.

"Hill House, not sane, stood by itself for eighty years and might stand for eighty more."


Not hellish at all in the US vs those left in Africa...


so what're you saying? You want us to hand over everything we've got to you. Well, my brother made a good start a few months ago - he handed over the contents of his wallet and his watch, emptied out his ATM at knifepoint, and got gratuitously stabbed in the leg - obviously some enterprising young men weren't prepared to wait for government action to improve their 'hellish' conditions.


Your comment doesn't really deserve the dignity of a response. By the way that scenario happened to us on a much larger scale taking much more than a wallet.


You're saying "us" as if you were part of it. It wasn't YOU! My ancestors went through crap over in Europe, but I don't act as if I myself went through it. And I definitely don't expect any compensation for it. Get over yourself. Stop making warfare on white people. It's over, make the best of your situation just like everyone else does... not that you aren't already well-off, seeing as you have access to a computer. Take responsibility for your life now and stop blaming it on what happened hundreds of years ago.

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.


You're saying "us" as if you were part of it. It wasn't YOU! My ancestors went through crap over in Europe, but I don't act as if I myself went through it. And I definitely don't expect any compensation for it. Get over yourself. Stop making warfare on white people. It's over, make the best of your situation just like everyone else does... not that you aren't already well-off, seeing as you have access to a computer. Take responsibility for your life now and stop blaming it on what happened hundreds of years ago.
With all due respect, you didn't go through what Black people in America went through. Black people are still going through it. You were in your own country. You still had your own culture. You still had your own family name, and knowledge of your native language. Black people to this day don't have that. We received, and still receive the worst treatment that people ever experienced in the annals of history. The fact that Barack Obama is running for President of the United States is not progress. When the masses of Black people are in hell, the few that are privelidge have a responsibility to lift their people up. To say "get over it" is an insult because it's not finished. We are still suffering the effects of the worst form of slavery ever experienced by ANY people BAR NONE. Also it shows that you're either ignorant of what Black people went through, or you just plain don't give a damn.


The simple truth is that America is a wealthy nation in part, due to slavery. This means that any white person alive today in the USA has benefited from what was done either before they were born or even before their ancestors immigrated to America. If there were no promise of a better life, no one would have wanted to come here in the first place! Most immigrants eventually assimilated into the American lifestyle over time but how many of them would gladly trade places with their black counterparts who were already in America before they arrived? Men and women may adore each other but few men truly understand what women go through. So how much more so will races misunderstand one another? If you would not trade places with a black person today then perhaps you intrinsically sense a disparity that goes far beyond the superficial differences in skin complexion and physical features. Perhaps you really fear that it would result in a loss of influence, autonomy or dignity?

When we celebrate Presidents Day aren’t we really just acknowledging that a large part of the lifestyle we have was given to us by the founding fathers? Surely we must agree that their blood, sweat and tears are worth remembering and honoring! Slavery also helped build the nation and the greatest apology anyone could offer for it is simply acknowledging and remembering that! There is no escaping the simple fact that the present owes EVERYTHING to the past! We all carry the past within us. Part of that legacy is the dysfunction derived from generations of usurpation and mistreatment. So is 40 years of opportunity really enough to undo the dysfunction of the last 400 years? Surely we shall all overcome but it may take a little longer for all to arrive at the finish line together. Everyone talks so much about moving on but I don’t see many people (white or black) really doing that too much. If it were that easy 12-step, rehab programs would not be prevalent today. Instant gratification ever was a myth and maturity recognizes that the fruits of such expectations are short-lived.


Very tough subject to touch on without offending all around. I will say that my parents were both immigrants, so my family wasn't here during slavery, but as an American, in choosing to be a U.S. citizen, that's part of the legacy you have to inherit as well. There is an original sin associated with being a U.S. citizen, and you should be prepared and responsible enough to take it on. Also, regardless of fault, it's a responsibility that more people should accept so that mistakes aren't repeated.

The filmmaker Fassbender made his films because he was horrified that his people, the German people, wanted to put Nazism behind them as if it never happened and people like his mother were making excuses for it rather than accepting responsibility. He felt this was counterproductive and mistakes would only be repeated again with that mentality.


I'm Latino, and I say absolutely. Apologizing is the first step towards reconciliation. Recognizing our faults and trying to move beyond them is the only thing that will ever relieve the current tension between the races.


Slavery cannot even begin to compare the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, or any other time period really

Yes it does more people died on the slaveships than in the holocaust


"Slavery cannot even begin to compare the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, or any other time period really "

And slavery happened in America. Germany apologized to the Jews. America has pretty much acted like it never happened. Slavery led to Jim Crow. Jim Crow led to Black people feeling inferior. This mindset still plagues us today. Don't know how the Jews in Europe are treated today, but I would bet they're doing better than us.


Then quit your whining, grow a pair and go out and change it. Whining about how inferior you feel on the internet helps nothing, nor does blaming another race. The only person you have to blame for your problems is yourself, it is a sign of a weak mind to throw your troubles on others rather than change them.

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.'"
- Bhagavad-Gita


Slow down speedy. I was talking about we as a people. I don't feel inferior to anybody.

And if we as a people have a weak mind, I wonder how we developed it. Maybe it was over three hundred years of the United States government telling us were inferior. It's going to take a little more than 40 years (the end of Jim Crow) for all Black people to get their acts together.

And it's easy for you to say to quit whining. Your family wasn't oppressed in this country. When your grandfather went to a baseball game when he was a kid, did he have to sit in a desginated area in the cheap seats because of his race?


Apologise hmmm. I know collectivly as a country we should as the white imperalistice social structure that has it's roots in Rome and Great Btritina. Has contuned to exist today. As far as the whining comment. How would you feel if you built the this country on the back of your ancestors and the most you get is a patronizing one month? This entire economice, social tructer is based upon the domination of whites over people of color. Worldwide.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


We should only apologize to our selves because now that we've set them free they're ruining our countries

you are an idiot.
Im assuming youre from America which means that youre ancestors were European so hows it youre country if its anyones country its the Native Americans


Slavery cannot even begin to compare the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, or any other time period really

as an african american i am apalled to hear you say somethng like that because the holocaust was a horrible thing true but as i have seen over the many years, many jewish people have migrated to the united states changed their names so that they wouldnt be recognized as jews and lived quite comfortable lives. where as black people built this country from the sweat off their backs and by the hand of the lash and continue to this day to be treated as second class citizens and are not able to come here and change our names or skin color. what is worse, to be put to death immediatly or live a life of degridation? how dare you compare the holocaust to slavery. both were horrible events that occured in history. i also have worked with jewish people that have had no problem dropping the n-bomb and have a great disliking for black people and in actuality both races should come together to try to help each other heal from the horrible things that have occured insted of hating one another or looking your nose down at another race.


Your forbearers took the easy way out and used slaves to build the agricultural base of the USA. Agriculture is what made all the rest possible (industrialization, etc.). You are currently dealing with the result of a crime committed 200-300 years ago (i.e. reaping what was sown). Do you wish to further compound the sins of your fathers?


You are yourself reaping just as much as I am. Believe it or not, the "white race" is no longer out to get you, perhaps you would have basis in reality with this statement 50 years ago, but not in this age.

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.'"
- Bhagavad-Gita


You are yourself reaping just as much as I am. Believe it or not, the "white race" is no longer out to get you, perhaps you would have basis in reality with this statement 50 years ago, but not in this age.

If you believe that, you're either naive, or you're being dishonest. When you tell me when a Black police officer shot an unarmed White male with enough lead to put down an elephant, or stop them for no real reson at all then you can say that the above is true.


I don't see how it's racist to shoot someone who was acting threatening, no matter race. It's the police's nearly paramilitary training. They're also taught to keep shooting until the target goes down, hence "enough led to put down an elephant."

I have been stopped for no reason, as have my father and mother.

If you're so paranoid of the whitey, stay away from him.

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.'"
- Bhagavad-Gita


I don't see how it's racist to shoot someone who was acting threatening, no matter race. It's the police's nearly paramilitary training. They're also taught to keep shooting until the target goes down, hence "enough led to put down an elephant."

I have been stopped for no reason, as have my father and mother.

If you're so paranoid of the whitey, stay away from him.
So an unarmed Black man is a threat huh? Amadou Diallo had no weapon of any kind. He was going into his apartment building when he was shot. When unarmed White males fill the morgues of your city, or any other then your point is valid. Until then, you have nothing to come to me with.


No more a threat than an unarmed white man. If you will remember, he wasn't "just walking into his apartment," he reached into his pocket in a manner that caused the NYPD to think he was pulling a gun. It's easy to omit fact isn't it?

White and hispanic males, infact, do fill the morgues of my city, as most blacks in my area are upstanding citizens, white far outnumber them, therefore whites are killed more often.

You, my friend, are a racist in the truest form. You sit here and call whites ignorant racists, yet, you remain just as ignorant. Make it know that race means nothing, that race is merely an adaption to climate. This is far more effective than alienating whites by proclaiming the white's "time is ending" and that you're "entitled."

I Have to question you of one thing. Do you honestly believe whites are the result of an experement gone wrong by a black scientist?

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.'"
- Bhagavad-Gita


No more a threat than an unarmed white man. If you will remember, he wasn't "just walking into his apartment," he reached into his pocket in a manner that caused the NYPD to think he was pulling a gun. It's easy to omit fact isn't it?
So an unarmed Black man reaching in his pocket is a threat, huh? Yet a White man who ia actually armed isn't. Because they try to talk down the White man with the GUN. But they just shoot up the Black man. I left out the part when a Black detective was shot by White police as well. Fortunately he's still alive. His name is Desmond Robinson. They shot him before he had a chance to identify himself as a detective. So don't tell me that load of bulls**t about the White police treating suspects equally.


Has this ever occured to you, that maybe black people crying racism actually help people accept all the negative stereotypes? If you as a people want to be seen as equal quit parading around rapping about golden grills, f*ucking hoes, pimping out bitches and smoking weed. Pull up your pants and actually WEAR the SOBS like a RESPECTABLE person you want to be seen as. No, not all blacks act like this and wear clothes like this. But all these platinum selling rappers arent helping your image are they? Why dont you point the finger back at yourself for a change and see what YOU might be doing wrong.


goatman254, you seem to be missing the point. The root word of ignorance is "ignore". In 2007 the problem is not that white people are out to get us. The problem is that the damage is already done! Are you unable to sense that? The past and the present are indelibly linked and nothing can change that. Exactly what kind of psychological backlash was everyone expecting from 200-300 years of legalized mistreatment? America is not a wicked nation but many Americans do not seem to accept the responsibilities that come with living and being born here. Those responsibilities come largely from the past! Dysfunction is not reconciled by simply pretending it does not exit.

Personally, I don't want an apology. I am more concerned about historical amnesia and I will settle instead for an acknowledgment that in the year 2007, America benefits as much from the 1800s (slavery at a fever pitch) as it does from 1776 (The American Revolution)!


@ goat See Willie Lynch

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega



Sandrothenecromancer, forgive me for bringing us back to the original point but I was referring to industrialism that took place in the USA (read it again).

So England never had slaves? What books have you been reading? You really think that the Blacks in England just decided to move there from Africa? The truth is that the English EVENTUALLY abandoned the practice of slavery in 1772 (the American Revolution was in 1776) and race-based slavery here in the USA was just beginning to blossom. Ever heard of India, Hong Kong, South Africa or the Caribbean? You really think that expression “the Sun never sets on the British Empire” came about simply by good business practices fostered by a few ships at sea?

Just for the record, the Jewish man who was named Yeshua ben Yoseph by his parents (who was later renamed Jesus after his death by those who spoke Greek) was NOT born on December 25th and the Easter bunny comes from pagan mythology.

I wish you all the best with that history book you are writing!


I´m white, Slavic more specifically. Czech republic. No slaves, just vassaldom. My points:

2. Majority of black slaves were actually SOLD by BLACK slave-holders in Africa (from greco-roman times till recent history). Should black Africans apologize to African-americans?

3. Unlike holocaust victims, slaves freed in 19th century aren´t alive today. Why do you think, that YOU, their grandgrand-children are entitled to anything at all? Be responsible for your own actions "you reap, what you sow" doesn´t apply at all here.

4. Why is there so much resentment between Blacks in Africa and America? Doesn´t having higher living standarts have anything to do with it at all?

5. Why is there so much racism against Hispanics from your side? Is racism acceptable, when Black Man does it?

6. Do you think, that AIDS is bio-weapon developed by CIA against blacks?

7. Finally, why every former colony (some originally quite rich) with pre-dominantly black population (unlike asian ones) is today absolutely screwed and dependant on foreign aid? And no, more foreign help from MY wages isn´t going to help them at all.

I´ll wait and see, if you can give me some decent answers, but right now, I think, that you are full of sh*t.


At the close of the American Civil War the emancipated slaves were each promised 40 acres and a mule to help them build a new life as free men/women. This is a close to an apology as anyone has ever offered for slavery in the USA. Unfortunately, that promise was never kept.

spriggan-1, an ethical person would not buy slaves at all (except to set them free)!! The person who buys African slaves is not innocent simply because he was sold the slaves by a Black Man. Your logic here is quite flawed

spriggan-1, the threads here are sometimes difficult to follow. Consequently your post seems to be to have no continuity with the original thread itself. I have 2 questions for you:

1) Which post are you actually responding to and who are you saying is full of sh*t?
2) Many Whites who live in America still seem oblivious to the real issues of race (both historic and contemporary) that exist right here in the USA. A Slavic person would most likely be clueless about what it is like to be Black in America and therefore unqualified to speak on the subject. How many years have you actually lived in America?

If you respond to these questions I am sure your questions will be answered as well.


@ 4Lyfe

Someone time ignorance is bliss but hell for those adversly affected it. I appluad you. Keep letting know the truth.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


Every single country or ethnic group has something to apologize then...Many of the african slaves were sold by other africans, so I suppose than the African people should apologize to the african american people.


apologizing would be about we focus on the people who are actually still enslaved these days. God people just like to ancestors were worked to death by the English, am i complaining? NO. I'm half english half irish. I get idiotic bigotry from both sides of my heritage. But guess what, I focus on stuff that's actually a problem in the PRESENT. How about we all take this energy and motivation and use it to help people who are really in need. Reagrdless of race.


Every single country or ethnic group has something to apologize then...Many of the african slaves were sold by other africans, so I suppose than the African people should apologize to the african american people.
Remember that the Whiteman didn't have to buy a Black man from another Black man. All he has to do is steal that Black man, and the Black man that's trying to sell them for free. Many times they did just exactly that. The bulk of slave trade was done by Europeans.



There is modern day racism, I acknowledge that. But it's a two way street. Affirmative action is racism against white males, but I don't see blacks clamoring for that to be abolished because it is unfair. Face it, you only care about racism when it affects you. If it is racist against white people you couldn't give a sh*t. So why should white people care about you? You look out for your interests and we do the same.

Also, this country is full of descendents from Asia, Ireland, Italy, Germany, etc. Their ancestors lived in the northeast and were mostly not here until slavery was over and therefore have no part in this alleged monetary and land "advantage" white people still have due to slavery. So do you suggest the Asian Americans, Italian Americans, Irish Americans, etc. should pay too? And what about blacks who came from Europe? Do they not deserve this compensation because their ancestors were not exposed to slavery? Give me a break, you are insane.

And exactly where is this "land of our own" supposed to come from? Almost the entire world is populated and therefore would require a mass movement of people already living there. So you would be so ignorant and selfish as to make thousands of people move from their homes to give you your own land? Or do you just want the United States to create another war in which to take some land for you? You have your own land, it is called Africa. You want out? Move there.

Believe me, nothing would make me happier than if you leave, but it won't happen.


My ancestors tortured and killed Jews. I am of Nazi Germany descent. But I have nothing to apologise for.

Don't judge me, Jesus says not to!



There is modern day racism, I acknowledge that. But it's a two way street. Affirmative action is racism against white males, but I don't see blacks clamoring for that to be abolished because it is unfair. Face it, you only care about racism when it affects you. If it is racist against white people you couldn't give a sh*t. So why should white people care about you? You look out for your interests and we do the same.
Please. Affirmitave action of just an attempt to level the playing field. At best, it's a temporary position. You assume that the playing field is even when it's not. To put it bluntly, I really don't care if you don't care. The feeling is mutual. For me to explain it to you, would show that you never had the capacity to understand in the first place.

Also, this country is full of descendents from Asia, Ireland, Italy, Germany, etc. Their ancestors lived in the northeast and were mostly not here until slavery was over and therefore have no part in this alleged monetary and land "advantage" white people still have due to slavery. So do you suggest the Asian Americans, Italian Americans, Irish Americans, etc. should pay too? And what about blacks who came from Europe? Do they not deserve this compensation because their ancestors were not exposed to slavery? Give me a break, you are insane.

You had every advantage that we didn't. Yes, because of the advantage, you were able to come with none of the problems we had. At least you had your cultural identity, and that sense of who you are. My people didn't. We didn't have our names. We had White people's names. Anytime you see a Black man named Will Jones, or John Smith, that's a Black man that doesn't have his identity. We don't speak our own language, English isn't our language. I could name chapter and verse.

And exactly where is this "land of our own" supposed to come from? Almost the entire world is populated and therefore would require a mass movement of people already living there. So you would be so ignorant and selfish as to make thousands of people move from their homes to give you your own land? Or do you just want the United States to create another war in which to take some land for you? You have your own land, it is called Africa. You want out? Move there.

Believe me, nothing would make me happier than if you leave, but it won't happen.
Where is your land my friend? White people aren't natives anywhere on the planet. Everywhere White people go, they supplant the natives. You're not the Native African, certainly not the native South African. Nor are you the Native American, native South American, Hawaiian, etc. In reality, you're not even a native European. We gave you Europe when you tried to get in the Holy land 6,000 years ago. To be honest, all of the Earth is ours. Everywhere you go, we're there, and have been since the beginning of time. As for cerating another war, the US had no problem creating a war when it established the state of Israel. The Whites that call themselves Jews have no claim to that land. Our claim is legitimate. As I said, no one went through what we went through, not even the Jews in Nazi Germany.


jokerthewildone (Sun May 27 2007 19:24:51)

There is modern day racism, I acknowledge that. But it's a two way street. Affirmative action is racism against white males, but I don't see blacks clamoring for that to be abolished because it is unfair. Face it, you only care about racism when it affects you. If it is racist against white people you couldn't give a sh*t. So why should white people care about you? You look out for your interests and we do the same.

Also, this country is full of descendents from Asia, Ireland, Italy, Germany, etc. Their ancestors lived in the northeast and were mostly not here until slavery was over and therefore have no part in this alleged monetary and land "advantage" white people still have due to slavery. So do you suggest the Asian Americans, Italian Americans, Irish Americans, etc. should pay too? And what about blacks who came from Europe? Do they not deserve this compensation because their ancestors were not exposed to slavery? Give me a break, you are insane.

And exactly where is this "land of our own" supposed to come from? Almost the entire world is populated and therefore would require a mass movement of people already living there. So you would be so ignorant and selfish as to make thousands of people move from their homes to give you your own land? Or do you just want the United States to create another war in which to take some land for you? You have your own land, it is called Africa. You want out? Move there.

Believe me, nothing would make me happier than if you leave, but it won't happen.


first of all trailer park, you obviosly dont watch the news or read any history books because as of the last few years, affirmative action has been abolished in many states. myself as an educated person is sitting here doing a report on a black supreme court justice who voted to abolish affirmative action. as for your comment about making people move to give us land you folks had no problems coming here and taking it from the native americans in the beginning. that is all your race knows, to take what is not yours. as for the chinese who came here and worked the railroads alongside with the blacks, while whites stood over them with guns, hell yea you should pay them back too for the hard work that they did. you bought us here, you forced us here, now we arent going anywhere. go steal an island and make it all white and we will gladly leave the likes of you there. but when you spoout out things about history and politics, make sure you know what your talking about. read a book and educate thyself.


"No one is going to get a positive answer from the whites on this board because these people think that racism is over. Have you all noticed that the white posters all never said a word about modern day racism. There's no point in paying attention to them because you won't get anyhing but racism from their posts. That's all those people know."

I'm white and I know that racism still goes on. The other day I saw an almost empty bus slow down at a bus stop only to speed off leaving a black man stood there. I live in Stockport, England, and some of the public still have a racist attitude. So yes I agree that racism is still around but I certainly don't agree that all white people are racist. In fact your very point is guilty of racism - you're grouping a load of people together and attributing one point of view to a vast population of people who have different lifestyles and opinions. It's statements like 'That's all those people know' that just make things worse.

Going back to the question of the thread - no, I don't think white people should appologise. I shouldn't be held accountable for what my ancestors did, nor should a muslim be accountable for what the 9/11 bombers did.


To be fair Stockport is a $hi t hole.
That bus driver was probably Pi$$ed that he lives there and is just looking for an excuse to express his anger.


Did I do anything? Am I a racist? Have I ever been involved in slavery? No. Why should I apologize. However, I do believe that sometimes we have to do things we don't understand for the sake of peace. If someone wants me to apologize, since it's really not that big of a deal, I guess I will. If it's really that big of a deal, sometimes it's better to appease people.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature
