* "Scissors sharpener" used to be a real job, but not anymore.
* In America, the son of a poor immigrant scissors sharpener can grow up to be a rich and untalented movie star.
* Kicking a bar stool out from underneath someone who's sitting on it is an impressive martial arts technique that merits being shown in slow-motion.
* In Brooklyn, the cops have to be ready for anything, which is why Gino keeps a loaded shotgun in his ex-wife's apartment.
* Steven Seagal hits people so hard that when they reel backwards into a wall, the wall itself shakes in terror. (watch that last scene with the tattooed guy again)
* Crack gives you superhuman stamina.
* Watching the good guy beat the hell out of the bad guy without receiving even a single punch himself is just as dramatic and exciting as seeing a fight where the bad guy can hold his own and the hero is actually in danger.
* In Brooklyn, a cop can break into someone's house without a warrant, shoot up the place (maiming and killing several people), toss away his gun so that he can beat his defenseless main antagonist half to death, summarily execute him on the spot, and not face any legal repercussions afterwards.
* Some people just shouldn't wear berets, ever.