MovieChat Forums > My Girl (1991) Discussion > Apparently 11 1/2 year olds that look li...

Apparently 11 1/2 year olds that look like their 7 get their periods

I mean really, that was a little unrealistic. She looked like she was like 7 years old and had like hardly any breasts and was like not even 4'10 i bet and probably didn't weigh 90 pounds and somehow got her period? Please. I was 5'5 105 pounds and almost 14 years old before I got my first period, and she's not even 12 and looks like she's like 5 and gets hers.

Anyone agree?


She didn't look 7.She looked 11 and her character was 11.Anyhow,this movie is a classic,if you've only just seen it now you totally missed out.

Best movie of all time!


I agree with Brooke89. And she really was 11 there.
I also got my first period at the age of 11.

Lilly: But the mall has cute clothes!
Miley: But the beach has cute boys.
Lilly: To the beach!


My sister got hers at eight.


I wonder when I will get my first period. :D

Fun Fun Fun


why do people keeping say she looked seven i think she looked her age.

dewey dewey dewey



It's not at all unrealistic. Periods can occur any time between the ages of nine and seventeen and, for some girls, you can have your periods first then develop more. Height and weight don't mean much unless a girl is anorexic or severely underweight.

"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G


You're kidding. I was 12, about 80 pounds and probably 4'10 or 4'11. Now I'm almost 17, and still small. Get over it.


I think she looked her age! Its different for everyone, and like omg alwaysvanilla, i can't believe you just told everyone when you got your period, thats just too much info!


She looked 11. Periods start at different ages. Some girls are flat chested and don't have hips when they get theirs. Some girls are very physically developed before they get theirs. Everybody is different. My sister got her period a month before her 10th birthday. I was a (very) late bloomer and didn't get mine 'til 21. Those are the 2 age extremes, but it's normal.



Great movie, no doubt !


21?? Jesus! That's pretty darn late! Just saying.


The youngest girl ever to have a baby was 5 years old.

She had her first period at 8 months...

Weird I know, it really doesn't mean anything because it is an exception, but still, very strange and interesting.



How do you know that about Kelly Clarkson? lmfao!


It's obvious the girl was raped but they never found out who did it. She also had precocious puberty which was why she conceived a child at that young of age. She even had breasts and probably a woman's body.


you can get it at any age
i got mine at 10


I got mine at 10 as well. She definitely looked old enough..


some children with a tramatic past can get their periods at an early age
my little cousin actually got her period at 5 from a hormonal imbalance

so yes it is quite relistic you just have to know the facts
but it is possible to get it at age 5
but her character was 11 which is a relistic age. and keep in mind that not everyone looks the age they are.


I was under 5 foot, had boobs about the size of hers and got my period at 10.


I was nine years old when I got mine.

So no it's not unrealistic at all.
By the way she looked 11 years old.


Not having and boobs doesn't really have anything to do with it, I was only a 32 AA when I got my period.
But I do agree that she looked a bit younger then 11 and a half. I thought she looked about 8 or 9.

-T (Tobias)


Yeahh...well im 16 now and i got my period a few weeks ago and i wear a 34B...soooo i guess im sorta a late


that does seem young for back then. In carrie she gets hers in high school.


Yeah, different people get theirs at different ages. "back then" really has no bearing on puberty.


my mom was shocked when I got my in jr high--she was upset actually.


I got mine before I was 9.
