MovieChat Forums > The Fisher King (1991) Discussion > Does Perry ever realize Jack killed his ...

Does Perry ever realize Jack killed his wife?!

Does Perry ever realize who Jack is and that he inadvertantly led to his wife's murder?!?! Or is Perry just too far-gone to realize or want to understand this horrific revelation? Would he even blame Jack or just not care at this point if he did know?

Is there any evidence in the film to support this?

Regardless, excellent film. Jeff Bridges is a superior acting force of God.


wow, thanks for the spoiler. I know this movie is over 20 years old, but I've never seen it.. been meaning to lately. I've been looking at certain actors imdb page whom I really like, and going through their film history. If I see a movie that's pretty popular and I haven't seen, I'll try to watch it.. All I did was scroll down and just barely glanced at the messages ( I know now to never do that, on a movie I havn't seen yet), and BAM, spoiler right there in the message title. Lol, that sucks.


Can't imagine what is it that it "spoils" so much.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


In fairness, when you see the film you'll realize that this wasn't much of a spoiler.


Could have at least put a spoiler warning in the title. Dick.

Limit of the Willing Suspension of Disbelief: directly proportional to its awesomeness.


Folks, how about just watching the movie instead of coming to the IMDB page first? You literally had to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to see these headlines. And anyway, Jack didn't actually kill Parry's wife, he just feels responsible for her death. So it's really not a spoiler.


Wrong, the message boards are easily visible directly below the user reviews.

And you know, some of us like to read the reviews as well as FAQ before we watch the movie. Putting spoilers in the title takes zero effort and is common courtesy.

Limit of the Willing Suspension of Disbelief: directly proportional to its awesomeness.


Parry recognizes Jack from the instant they meet.

Although a great question is does Parry know he recognizes Jack?


Yawn, always the same. Do NOT look into the message board of a movie you haven't seen people. There's a chance there might be spoilers there, since people are, you know, discussing the movie.


I know, when the two came together and you realize what the movie is going to be about I already imagine they would do this revelation scene somewhere near the end, but it never came. Leaves me wanting for more, especially after the (way too) happy ending.


I just watched it, and was waiting for the reveal -- Bridges' character tried to tell Parry, something like "I know who you are, I know what happened", and then Parry had a flashback break from reality.

He never tried to bring it up again.


One of my favorite Robin Williams and one of my favorites Jeff Bridges -- I think he figured it out; one of my favorite movies

watching it on ThisTV right now


I don't know; I'd like to think Parry knew and forgave him. But if Parry lost it at the death of his wife, how would he know it was Jack who set off the gunman in the first place?


Uhh, don't go overboard, Jack never killed anyone. If that were the case, 25% of the US population would be guilty of "killing" Donald Trump if he ever got killed, based on their violent rhetorics.


The DJ did not kill his wife, or cause her to be killed. A madman did it. To argue that Jack was responsible is like arguing that the USA caused 9/11 because it sponsors Israel and funded Al Qaeda.


Nice to see I'm not the only one thinking this.
