It's been 13 years since I saw this movie, and to this day I cannot forget how truly horrible it was. Terrible acting, virtually no plot, lousy special effects; violence, violence, violence. This is the only movie I've ever seen that I honestly say that I hate. (Well, other than the Matrix, but at least it was entertaining).
I like the movie because: - It allowed me to put off mowing the yard for a little while longer. - It also gave me a greater appreciation for films I previously thought sucked the big one. - It put me to sleep and when I awoke, I was refreshed and ready to start a new day. - After hearing "This is what you want, this is what you get" a thousand times, it gave my fledgling music career some hope. - As an artist, it was nice to see my profession still exists in the future, even if no one is buying. - I loved that I'll be able to pull out my trench coat from my teen years and throw on some sunglasses and be able to fit right in with the general public. - Finally, and perhaps most important, I'll finally be able to eat some delicious reindeer steak. I've been craving that since Heat-miser and Cold-miser were at each other's throats.
I just read on amazon that there is a featurette on the dvd that says Hardware 2 was in the works but never got made. Now that's the shock of the century! Actually what surprises me even more is that someone decided to release this horrible piece of filth on dvd!
By the way, to the genius who said, "don't criticize a film until you make one", your argument doesn't hold water. No, I have never made a film. No, I have not seen every film ever made. But I was a paying customer years ago when this so called movie was released, and as such, I have the right to criticize it any way I wish.
If posting a strong opinion about a movie makes you a troll, I guess every single person on IMDb is a troll.
Look, I know there are a lot of people that liked this movie and thought it was an underrated gem. That's fine, to each his own. I, however, did not. I thought this was an abomination to the art of movies. I love movies dearly. And this schlock barely qualifies as one.
If you don't agree with me fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But to call me a troll? Why don't you turn off your computer and go breathe some fresh air? And get a little ambition while you're at it. There's more to life then living in your mom's basement and having a fast food job.
So, let me make sure I have that straight: In order for one to have a valid opinion here, or to even qualify themselves as a sci fi fan, one must like the Matrix first?
Rena,do us a favor and put down the crack pipe. If I'm a troll, you're 10 times the troll I am.
I love SF but thought Matrix was dull and predictable. I kept watching it trying to like it, but to this day I've never got into it.
Anyway, to the matter in hand. I watched Hardware tonight on BD for the first time in probably 20 years. It wasn't as great as I remembered it to be, in fact some of it was downright poor and awkward, but I overall I enjoyed it.
One thing I thought was still very strong in it was the general portrayal of the whole post apocalyptic thing. It's done to death and often not done that well but I thought some of the designs and cinematography in Hardware was very good and had stood the test of time.
Certainly for a low budget SF movie you could do a lot worse.