MovieChat Forums > Hardware (1990) Discussion > Truly the worst movie of all time.

Truly the worst movie of all time.

It's been 13 years since I saw this movie, and to this day I cannot forget how truly horrible it was. Terrible acting, virtually no plot, lousy special effects; violence, violence, violence. This is the only movie I've ever seen that I honestly say that I hate. (Well, other than the Matrix, but at least it was entertaining).


fg, you had yet, at the time of this posting, to see Bloodrayne. THAT is the worst movie of all time.
The gene pool could use a little chlorine......


It makes me laugh when people say WORST MOVIE EVER for a really good movie, its like theyve never seen charlies angels (a truy bad movie).


I have to agree that Bloodrayne was horribly made. I actually cheered when Meatloaf burnt to a crisp because his acting was rancid! For the older folks, I actually saw Guyana: Cult of the Damned in the theatres years ago and fell sound asleep.

As for the Matrix, yeah, I loved the original. Keanu was eye candy but the concept was quite new to a mainstream audience. How I wish it had all been a game in some kids head though...sigh...the last 2 Matrix movies were sad sad sad.

Haven't seen Hardware but more than likely I would like it. I think.


Not what ya mam says...


Almost every film I like tend sto have somebody posting a topic like one of the following..



THIS Movie Doesn't WORK

and my personal fave


It's taken years for some films to get these badges of honour, but some take a while


Right, neon_suntan.
The title of the thread should be normalized. I vote for WORST MOVIE EVER.
POSSIBLE SEQUEL is nice too, but it is not on every film forum.
We should open such threads on every forum when there is not already one.
and you forgot the famous THIS MOVIE IS RACIST

By the way, Hardware is not the worst I've seen for the last 25 years.


Some people just will not get it. Hardware works like the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre works. Its not there for you to like it. Its a stylistic exercise to get on your nerves. Its a bleak, nasty, brutal, harsh, & ugly movie. Its also a great sci fi flick.


Agreed. Hardware is a good film because of its bleakness, its obvious the OP doesn't get it and the fact that he/she dropped a Matrix comparison in shows what a dullard they are.
The storys a classic, I remember reading it in 2000ad in the 80's and thinking what an awesome story it was and then seeing the film made it more real for me as a 16 year old. I was fortunate enough to goto the House of Horror in Blackpool(UK) in 1992 and they had the MARK 13 droid from the movie on display, made me smile too.


The acting is fine. The plot is great.
The special effects are good; violence,
violence, violence. Focus, focus, focus.

If you really, really, insist that Hardware
is the worst movie of all time, it is my sad duty
to inform you that 1) you are a 6 year old amish girl,
and 2) you can't possibly have seen every movie ever made.

And no, it's not "just a manner of speech".
Don't even go there.
It is pure unabridged retardation.
You really believe that Hardware is the worst movie ever made.


It amazes me the amount of abuse I have taken these past four years since I started this thread. You would think I was bashing "Wizard of Oz". I really, really insist that Hardware is the worst movie ever, and like I said in a previous post, I could care less about the insults or counter opinions thrown at me. There I've said it, now get over it.




Your welcome to have an opinion. Still you have to understand espeacially here on IMDB that simply throwing out some slurs and not going into depth on why you feel so passionately on your distain for the film. Thus you simply come off as a TROLL.

So cover yer arse with "opionion" you still look like a TROLL until you actually engage in the conversation.


If you had said 'the worst movie I've ever seen' as opposed to 'worst movie ever' which suggests you've seen every film thats ever been made then maybe people wouldn't slag you off so bad. What you are doing is stating it as fact, which it isn't. Opinions are not fact. Its simply how you feel about something.


This movie isn't THAT bad in my opinion. My only criticisms are that it takes way too long to get to the point, all but one of the death scenes are crammed into 15 minutes, and Mo's death trip was way too long. This is definitely a Terminator rip-off.

Groovy out


This movie isn't THAT bad in my opinion. My only criticisms are that it takes way too long to get to the point, all but one of the death scenes are crammed into 15 minutes, and Mo's death trip was way too long. This is definitely a Terminator rip-off.

Groovy out

The story was published late 70's early 80's and pre-dates Terminator. Wouldn't suprise me if Cameron had seen the 2000ad "SHOK!!" strip it was in and got his idea.




I PAID to watch this movie, and almost asked for my money back. I sat there for the best part of two hours and watched a film about a robot that just killed people. It must have had the lowest location budget ever, because if I remember rightly it all took place in one room. In fact it was so bad I can't even remember the end. I remember the hype and trailers looked good. What a rip-off!!


As I've said / wrote this on numerous occasions with numerous films and I'll repeat it here:

If people class this as one of, if not THE worst film of all time then I suggest that you watch more films.

That is all.



As I've said / wrote this on numerous occasions with numerous films and I'll repeat it here:

If people class this as one of, if not THE worst film of all time then I suggest that you watch more films.

That is all.


Well put. And seeing how the OP started his thread in 2004, and correct me if I'm wrong, didn't come back until 2006 and 2008, I imagine he'll come back in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, and so forth.

By the way, I loved this movie. I await for the director's cut.

"Keep on Kickin"


"I await for the director's cut"

Sorry to dissapoint you, but there's none. Just two versions, one being without the gore scenes. Originally there were more important moments to some characters. Ultimatly, like with DUNE, they destroyed a lot of that material. No chance to see a longer version that isn't just the unrated one. What a pity, I'd love to see more of that future world.

"D-E-S-T-R-O-Y : E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G"


Bummer. Oh well.


Yeah, my thought too. Richard Stanley himself says it somewhere on youtube. They had more "moments" for some of the canon fodder folks, but as usual some dumb producer guy wanted it to be tighter and faster paced, though it's still not like that. I myself love the slow pace in movies when it's stuffed with so much atmosphere like in Hardware. And there was a penis scene as he wanted to have a penis scene once in every of his movies. Bizzare! Maybe he wanted the female audience to get happy too whilst every other movie with some erotic shots was showing boobs and titts. Good reason, I think!

"D-E-S-T-R-O-Y : E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G"
