MovieChat Forums > Ghost (1990) Discussion > Subway Ghost: Do you think he fell or ju...

Subway Ghost: Do you think he fell or jumped?

He said he was pushed but by the way he reacted I do not believe that. I figured he either fell or jumped. So what do you think?

"This isn't my house."
"Didn't that movie used to have a war in it?"
"I was saying Boo-urns."


I guess they pushed him and that's why he's not gone to heaven yet. Because he has unfinished business.



He was probably angry at the world in life. Then imagine someone scoffing at you when you tell them how you died. You'd probably get angry.




No question, it's a no brainer. He was pushed. You just don't make up something like that, and he positively would never admit anyone "got the better of him" by overpowering him in any way if it didn't happen. He was pushed.

Now, the question may be whether he was pushed on purpose or by accident, or if it was in the middle of some horse play, but he obviously was "helped".

The fact that so many naïve fools here want so much to believe he jumped is evidence that most suicides aren't really suicides, but simply what we want to think are. It's so much easier for the human being to accept than a killer in the immediate area or family.

Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time


The fact that so many naïve fools here want so much to believe he jumped is evidence that most suicides aren't really suicides, but simply what we want to think are.

How is that evidence that most suicides aren't really suicides?!

You just don't make up something like that

You do if you're crazy and delusional...


I think he jumped and was in major denial about it. That's why he was stuck there because he could never accept what he'd done and therefore created his own purgatory.

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.


I think he was a suicide jumper.
But I don't believe it was because he was depressed,like some claim.
I'm thinking it was as simple as him being schizophrenic;or having some other mental illness,causing paranoia or delusion.

Right before he died;he might have went into a delusional state,just like he did with Sam.Thinking that someone seeing him mumbling to himself;on the platform and trying to help him,was out to get him.Resulting in him taking a header into the train,to get away in his own paranoid mind.

Or perhaps the role Sam was playing at that moment,never was even real.Maybe the subway guy just thought he was being attacked;by someone that wasn't really there,while having a psychotic episode.Resulting in his suicide.


He would do anything for a drag. ..


