MovieChat Forums > Wings (1990) Discussion > Favorite Wings Quotes

Favorite Wings Quotes

Lowell: "How long has Helen been a hooker?"


Roy: "A little party planning tip that has served me well over the years... If it's green it's trouble, if it's fried get double".


Loweell: Theres nothing like the feeling of the wind blowing through,, well pretty much everything youve got


Roy: "A little party planning tip that has served me well over the years... If it's green it's trouble, if it's fried get double".

I'm watching Season 2 on DVD and, while I was inspired to check out this board, I literally just heard this quote!


Dunno if it's already been mentioned, but first time I heard Lowell's comments after eating what he thought were marshmallows, but were in fact toadstools, I nearly died. My gf at the time, now wife, literally had to put an ice pack on my face because it was so red from laughing so hard.

"I thought marshmallows didn't have stems."

"Could someone please help me pick up my fingers?"


Socks up boss!


it's been years but and its probably wrong but i think its from when joe and helen are planning their wedding and roy says "i got 2 words for you...deviled eggs." joe tried to say something and roy stops him...'ah ah ah...deviled eggs."

That was one of the finest examples of spiritual guidance I've ever had the good fortune to witness


when Antonio finds out that his uncle's lover name was "Gino" Lollobrigida:

Gino?, not Gina?, that's not as good...


A couple of my favorites:

1) Roy has to go on a diet to get his blood pressure down and Fay tells him he needs to reduce his butter intake and he says, 'On meals or by itself?'

2) The whole scene between Joe and Brian at the end of the episode where Joe is grounded for high blood pressure.

3) Brian does something to a girl and makes her think Joe did it. Then Joe figures it out and has Brian write the girl a check. And then Joe takes the check from the girl and rips it up and tells Brian to write it from his own checkbook.

4)Joe is telling the guys about his new relationship with Helen and they're making fun of him. Then he says, 'I'm gonna tell you guys the same thing I told so and so in 3rd grade when [insert girl's name] invited me into her playhouse. I have a girlfriend and yoooouuuu don't!' Then he walks away and Brian says, 'I hope Joe doesn't think he was the first one invited into that playhouse.'

Sorry, if those aren't completely correct. It's been a while since I've seen any episodes.

Also, to whoever mentioned the Trivial Pursuit/ Ann Margret quote... I love that part when the answer is Ann Margret and Roy refuses to answer that, even though it's right.

*Official member of the APEA.*
Oh $hit, I forgot how fast you were.


Brian and Casey are discussing having a surprise party for Joe and Helen. Brian says that he always springs for the 10 footer.
She tells Brian that they are not having a big sandwich at the party.
She wants a fancy room with a case of champagne and a fancy chef.
He says and the big sandwich.
She tells him that we are not having the big sandwich.
He responds back by saying
"This is Nantucket... it's not San Fransico... we are a simple people... we fish our waters... we till our lands... we eat a big sandwich!"

Helen to Brian's old flying friend...
"For a moment there I thought you and I were gonna grow old together... but you got old real quick!"


"Also, to whoever mentioned the Trivial Pursuit/ Ann Margret quote... I love that part when the answer is Ann Margret and Roy refuses to answer that, even though it's right. "

Instead he answers "Ida Lupino!"


Every since seeing the trivial pursuit eppy....I tell my 12 year old daughter all the time when she whines:

Roy to Brian (after he tells him he's Lowell's new partner)


She hates when I tell her that. She can thank Roy for that one LOL


same scene as above (approx quote):

Roy to Joe: "I tried Hackett, but no one said anything about Lowell being my partner, no one on this earth could have taken that.
No offense, Lowell."

Lowell: "None taken, Roy."


Antonio, singing about Casey, something along the lines of Cagney and Lacey... Donald and Daisy... Duuuuuuuuuuck.

Faye's reaction to her "present", a piece of driftwood with a sea gull (I think?) badly glued on top: "Wow. All 6 of you pitched in for this."

Helen's bachelorette party, she unwraps a very S&M looking outfit/gift/thing. She comments on how in the world you use it. Faye innocently quips, "oh, it's really very simple."

Pretty much the whole episode when Brian wants Alex back, and Joe is trying to convince him that he only wants her back because he can't have her, and that once he has her he won't want her again. So, she's taking off in her helicopter, and Brian's pleading, "Baby! We can make it work." Joe says something (anyone remember?) and Brian shouts back, "Alex! You're clear for take-off!"

Helen: "Why don't you go back to the zoo 'cause that's where all the hyenas live!"

The episode where Helen had to fly to get the quickie divorce from Antonio and wanted to keep the whole thing a secret from Joe. (At least, I think this was the episode) And every time Joe comes near the kitchen, Casey (whose job it was to keep Joe away) would scream at the top of her lungs, "Helen's at the store!"

Brian: "This is Nakedland, and I am the king of Nakedland." or President?

Lowell's scrap metal works of art were all called "xxxxx - and a Diet Coke!"


I can't believe that nobody mentioned anything from the episode with Frasier and Lilith ("Planes, Trains and Visiting Cranes"), and the episodes with Carlton Blanchard.

Carlton: "If you got bit by a monkey, what type of drugs would they make you take?"
Antonio: "I don't know, ask Joe maybe he knows."
Joe: "You sure do ask a lot of questions Carlton?"
Carlton: "Well my mama always said, they was no such thing as a stupid question."
Brian: "Run that one about the monkey by her sometime."



that whole entire end of the Trivial Pursuit ep made me a fan of the show. I had never been a particular fan of the show until I just happened to catch that ep on Nick at Nite back in may of '04 while eating dinner (had been working the late shift at my old job, a movie theater and didn't get back till after 3 damn you sold out star wars showings!) but in my search of anything to watch on tv, i said all right its nick at nite or bad movie, and i got wings and this ep, and it was seriously what i needed after dealing with star wars fanatics all day. from then on, i made sure to set my vcr so i could catch em nightly. good show, watched the entire run thru twice over. sometimes i manage to catch one here or there on tvland, although i don't make a point of taping em nightly anymore since i saw em all. i liked it, but its no simpsons or seinfeld or even taxi (or newsradio) where i feel i can watch em all again endlessly, but it was really really nice to have a show i can run with the whole way thru. much better show then i ever expected it to be from the few times i'd seen it before previously.

Primetime today needs more sitcoms, so that years from now, they can have reruns of more shows, that the channels can show so that we can watch and discover how good they were. ITs annoying, if they don;t managed to come up with sitcoms to run, there's not gonna be new reruns, and we're gonna be stuck with the same reruns of the reruns we have now. that's not a bad thing per se, but i always enjoy stumbling and sunsequently getting hooked on a new show. its a great feeling, and one i wish i could discover more, if only the nets could stick with one show long enough these days.

Becker was such a show, that's another one I stumbled across in reruns a few years ago i never watched when it was on, and highly enjoyed goin through the run of, very enjoyable. i remember when it was on, and people (moslt smartass entertainment weekly columnists were asking why is this show on or popular or saying the only reason it was on was cause it came on after raymond, it was really funny on its own, always felt is i hadn;t read that, i might have tried it sooner. don't believe what you read, watch shows for youself and decide if they;'re good or not! end of rant!)

ok, wings was A-OK in my book, i'd fly Sandpiper again anytime!


lowell "the last time i cried was when my father took me downtown to see ordinary people"

roy "yeah that was a sad movie"

lowell "what movie?"


A few quotes from my utter fave episode (Whose Wife Is It anyway?) which I'm currently obsessed with yet again (I can't wait to own the episode on DVD, I don't know how much longer the video with this episode on will last...)

Joe is explaining to Brian how he and Helen ended up in bed together:

Joe: I don't know how it happened, she stopped by here on her way to New York to borrow my travel iron. So I gave it to her.

(Brian gives him an incredulous look, cracks me up *every time*)

Joe: I meant the travel iron. There's not really much else to say, we wished each other luck, gave each other a kiss goodbye...and fell into bed like dogs!

Fay and Antonio are talking about Helen's wedding to Lynch

Antonio: The only time Helen will talk to me is when she wants someone to dance with her fat Aunt Rose. I never get the hot cousin you know, it's always me, and the 300 pound woman in support hose doing the hokey pokey.

I love the remarks after Helen's outburst when Joe catches up to her

Reverend Sanders: I have two words for you: Civil Ceremony

Fay: Well call me old fashioned but in my day the night you got engaged you slept with your fiancee

Roy: Due to F.A regulations there will be no smoking...or sex while in flight *pause* think you can make it Chappel?


Some more quotes

From Decent Proposal, Joe arrives back from getting the loan, he and Lowell have a conversation where Joe thinks Lowell is talking about the loan and Lowell thinks Joe is talking about Helen and Lynch's engagement (I don't remember the first bit of the conversation, the tape I had with the episode on got trashed)

Lowell: I'm talking about Helen and Lynch, their getting married.
Joe (stunned): what?
Lowell: I think I said that pretty clearly
Joe: Helen and Lynch are getting married?
Lowell: Joe I think I've come to the root of our communication problems, you just *don't* listen.

Oh and from "Love Is Like Pulling teeth" which I just saw for the first time on DVD. Joe has put a drugged Helen down after arriving at the watching party. Lowell comes out and tells him she's gone.

Joe: Gone, what do you mean gone?
Lowell: Does he really not know the meaning of the word or is he just panicking?

I just Love Lowell's reactions in both those scenes!

Oh, and a quote I can't get out of my head from the second season episode "All in the family", makes me laugh just to think of it.
Joe has just gone through what he thinks is Helen's diary

Helen: Joe, what are you doing?

Joe: What am I doing? what are you doing? who the hell is Bob and why did your loins burn for him last night?!


From 'Twisted Sister', Joe has just shown Lowell Helen's engagement ring

Lowell: What a clever inscription, "to my darling Melon"

Joe: What! Oh I don't believe it.

Lowell: What a cute nickname. Come to think of it she does kind of have a melon for a head.

I mean she's a lovely girl and all, and you gotta be happy she's not too self-conscious about that melon head!


LOL I just burst out laughing at that punchline! Thanx for the day brightener!



"What, what is it?"

"I just had this funny premonition that you were going to ask me to marry you."

"That IS funny."

"Then it's true?"

"No, it's just funny."


"Well I left it all on that note."

"Ah, yes, the note. Would you mind translating this for me, I can't read a word of it."

"Joe never had any problem with my penmanship."

"C'mon Faye, what's this...'Monty Python on flan omelet?'"

"Yes, well it's 'monthly payment on plane overdue.'"

"Okay, what about this....'Fat rabies omelet?' Well, we've established that omelet is overdue."

"It's 'FAA report overdue.' Now Brian, I really don't have time for this."

"Faye, Faye, humor me and tell me what this is...'You harry paud me, so ethyl rump the altitude opy quilt.'"

"Well, you haven't paid me, so either dump the attitude or I quit."

"Want me to translate it for you?"

"No, I'm getting good at this. 'I know the goat is a roady tart, but I bought your dog a grape jar.'"

"I know we got off to a rocky start, but I think you're doing a great job."


"Should we take her up for a spin."

"Really? What am I talking about, you're Ace Galvin, one of the most famous pilots in the world. You can fly anything."

"Not since the accident. See, I sorta' borrowed an F-16 Tomcat and ended up settin' her down in Dollywood. The moral of the story is, never let a hooker be your navigator."

"Can I quote ya'?


"I know, I know. I've just got to relax."

"Sure. I tell you what you do. You go home, put on some music, draw a bath, ..... and KISS YOUR AZZ GOODBYE."


"You're exotic and alluring..and something else..and in my dreams you dance through the Netherlands."


"If its and buts, were candy and nuts, we'd all have a wonderful christmas!" - Joe Hackett --> Tim Daly


I'm not sure if this was mentioned yet, but love this exchange.

Roy: "Lowell, please take Mr. Mortenson's bag out to the plane."
Lowell: "My pleasure."
Lowell: "Right this way, ma'am."

Blake(Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross): "Coffee is for closers."


When Roy hears his ex-wife wants him back, he says:

"Once a woman has been with Roy Biggins, she never wants to be with another man again".

Antonio replies, "Yep, that's about right".

I saw that one coming, but it's still hilarious.


Quotes from "If It's not one thing its your mother"

On seeing Roy and Faye getting excited over going to a Barbara Streisand concert:

Lowell: Hey Roy, I see you got yourself a little snugglebunny!

In the same episode, Helen's mom is cooking for the gang, Brian and Lowell are stuffing themselves:

DeeDee Chapel: Biscuits and gravy coming up!
Lowell: That's not the only thing coming up!

I also love Lowell's earlier quote of "DeeDee Chapel? get ready to undo your pants!"
Despite the innocent meaning it just sounds so dirty and funny!


I've had such a blast reading through these quotes, but there's a couple I can't believe no one's posted yet.

Roy:Party's at Joe's house, be there or be stupid. (Pause) Lowell, you can be both.

Casey:Maybe we should get Joe and Helen a welcome home gift.
Brian:Sweetheart, we already gave them a welcome home gift. WE BURNED THEIR HOUSE DOWN!!!

That last one may not be exact, but it's classic. Ugh, can't wait for the whole series to be on DVD!


Just saw Decent Proposal again for the first time in forever, and I can't get Brian's "song" out of my head!

Brian: This is for that little lady sitting right over there

Alex, hey, it's me Brian
I'm not Lyin'
When I tell you I'm Cryin'
My heart is...Fryin'
Whatever you're sellin' I'm Byin'
Cause inside I'm Dyin'

Roy: You're dying out here too pal!

So, Alex, I just found out that nothin' rhymes with Alex
Except for Maybe...No Nothin' rhymes with Alex
So please....please come back to MEEEEEEEE!

So funny - not to mention Lowell's "One more time!" after Alex has shot Brian down once again (awwww).


I haven't seen this one in a loooong time, but I remember Helen and Alex were feeling bad about getting older, and they kinda confront some young guy(s) (maybe he called one of them "ma'am" and say something like "We're gonna go now, and you'd better watch our butts as we leave!"

Probably totally messed that up, but you get the idea.

I can't wait for the rest of the DVDs to be released.


Antonio: Get your hands off me or Ill use my pepper spray.
Idiots are fun no wonder ever village has one-House M.D./Hugh Laurie




Sorry if this one's already been mentioned, but here goes.....

Carlton: For the love of Mike. Heavens to Betsy. For Pete's sake. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!


There are so many.

Antonio: I wonder if Ice T. is related to Mr. T.
Lowell: I wonder if Mr T. is related to Mr. Coffee.
Roy: I wonder if your mother is related to you father!!!

That still cracks me up!!!
