Well, there are many ways for 'them' to be 'spectacular'. Big ones can be ugly, droopy ones can be big, certain proportions can be wrong - the center protuberance can be asymmetrical or too low, too high, too much to the sides, in the wrong place, the wrong tone, the wrong size or shape, the skin can look bad for various of reasons, etc.
So when you look at numerous 'those', you can realize it's actuall hard to come by with a 'perfect pair', where you can say "now, -that- looks good". It does happen, but it's rare. It's not the size as much as the perfect proportions, color, shape, surface qualities, texture, how the light reacts to it, and so on and so forth.
To find natural 'they' that are not too big, not too small, perky but not droopy, perfect symmetry, perfect proportions of all parts that not only fit the individual ones, but also as a whole, look perfectly good, and even look good while moving - now, that's something that can be called spectacular, because such an occurrence is rare.
Of course I haven't seen hers, so I can neither confirm nor deny whether the statement is accurate, but I am just saying there's lot more than 'size' or even 'shape' to whether 'they' are spectacular or not. And in the show's context, judging from what the episode shows us, I'd say there's a good possibility for them actually being spectacular.