Cringiest scene?

I love this film but no one can deny its full of full on cringe moments.

#1 for me is during "Popular Girl" when Louise walks into Mr Weaver's class to them all clapping her loooooool

They think we're the demons now - Prue Halliwell ~ All Hell Breaks Loose ~ Charmed


I think that because she used a teen idols coat to do the popularity spell is the reason the all treated her like that like the singer is treated. The posters, clapping for her, copying her hair, etc.


FYI, Zedge actually has a ring tone with Polly rapping "Top That". It's just too funny not to download.


Most certainly "Top That" and moments with Rhet. SMH




How about when that nerd tried to make a move on Louise in the car? That guy was the geekiest guy I ever seen!

Louise: who are you supposed to be? Doctor Demento?


EVERY scene. *Mic drop*

Nah, many moments (even the cringiest ones) in this are actually rather nice.

I agree with all the scenes that been mentioned but I don't think anything in the movie can "top".... that. :D It goes without saying that those rap scenes are so cringe worthy; so hard not to be amused by them. And as for the cheerleader "rehearsal", the song in that scene is hilarious but all that leg and rear action... not bad.

You want something corny? You got it!


The scene when Louise is spying on Brad while he is shirtless and working out on the football field.


The way Brad's girlfreind is dancing to the "I like boys" song. So cringey, that girl had two left feet, right before the coach comes to blow her whistle, she's (Brad's gf) is doing this hooooorible two step sway with no rhythm. She was seconds away from dancing like Elaine from Seinfeld.
