MovieChat Forums > Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) Discussion > I still can't forgive the Mickey Mouse j...

I still can't forgive the Mickey Mouse joke

It is just an obvious attempt of injecting kiddie humor into a series that was never directed towards children. It was a horrible joke, horribly written, horribly acted, horribly executed. There is absolutely nothing that can excuse such a pathetic attempt of dumbing down a franchise especially after two amazing and classic films.


I don't even remember that "Mickey Mouse joke." Must have been a huge moment... Much bigger and more annoying kiddie friendly moment was the whole "young Indiana Jones adventure" at the beginning. It was there probably just to market Lucas' upcoming tv-series.


There wasn't a Mickey Mouse joke. OP is just annoyed that the name "Mickey Mouse" got mentioned. He has issues.


What I do remember, Marx Brothers was also mentioned by Connery. I guess it wasn't as bad as the Mickey Mouse...


There was a Mickey Mouse joke and it's representative of the direction Spielberg wanted to take the franchise which was to make it a franchise for kids. He completely did away with the dark and mature themes of the first two and replaced them with Mickey Mouse jokes. A complete and total sell out.


There was no Mickey Mouse joke. There was a fake Scottish lord joke, and the butler said "if you are a Scottish lord, then I am Mickey Mouse" - that's not a Mickey Mouse joke. Mickey Mouse does not feature in the punch line at all. Had the butler said "Jesse Owens" instead, would that have made it a Jesse Owens joke? No, of course not. The joke would have been exactly the same, the name used is purely incidental and has nothing to do with the humour of the scene.


It absolutely was a Mickey Mouse joke and the fact that you brought up Jesse Owens proves my point. The line was originally supposed to be Jesse Owens (I knew who he was all the way back in 3rd grade) and he changed it because the preschoolers wouldn't know who that was. There was no humor in that scene (attempted humor however), everything about that scene was wrong, the accents, the acting, the dialogue, the slapstick, Spielberg managed to get everything in that scene totally wrong which is actually kind of impressive (in a bad way).


No, it proves my point. Answer the question, please: if the butler had said "Jesse Owens" instead, would that have made it a Jesse Owens joke? Answer, please.


Yes it would have , but he didn’t go with Jesse Owens he went with Mickey Mouse to appeal to children


What's so funny about Jesse Owens?


Changing it would not have made the joke funny, however it would not have insulted the intelligence of the audience as much as Mickey Mouse. I never said the joke was funny.

Now I ask a question: what does Mickey Mouse have to do with archaeology?


You didn't answer the question: what's so funny about Jesse Owens?

And why are you bringing archaeology into this? The butler was not an archaeologist. And Indiana is an archaeologist in name only: these movies have nothing whatsoever to do with archaeology. Even though, it must be said, Indiana Jones is sort of the mascot of archaeologists everywhere. Not because we see any trace of archaeological work in these movies (though name-dropping Gordon Childe in Kingdom was actually appreciated), but because the movies are cool. Plain and simple. And Last Crusade was always a particular favourite amongst the students where I happened to study archaeology.


I don't think that joke was funny so therefore I can't answer that question.

The movie is about Archaeology genius, so why bring Mickey Mouse into this? How this could be a favorite for anyone is beyond me, this movie was complete and utter garbage.


I'm not asking if YOU would find it funny. I'm asking what's supposed to be so funny about Jesse Owens, from Spielberg's point of view.

Look, you're the one saying "Mickey Mouse" was in there to make the kids laugh, even though you haven't been able to explain how hearing "Mickey Mouse" is supposed to be funny to a child. But setting that aside: going by your logic, if Spielberg kept "Jesse Owens", then according to YOU he must have thought, "Jesse Owens, that'll give people a good laugh!" And I'm telling you that doesn't make sense at all. Here is the actual joke:

Indy PRETENDS to be a Scottish lord. He is unconvincing.
Butler DOES NOT BUY Indy's disguise.
Indy PUNCHES the butler.

That's the joke. The actual words do not matter. The butler could have said, "You, a Scottish lord? Don't make me laugh." ...and the joke would have been exactly the same. Mickey Mouse has nothing to do with it.


You're premise is absurd, you are asking me to justify a joke that I don't even think is funny. If you disagree with me then you should be telling me the humor of that scene, since it doesn't seem like you can then I'm right.

If Mickey Mouse has nothing to do with it then why was he part of a not funny joke in a movie about archaeology???


Words of advice for you, save your breath on this guy. No matter what you say he will claim this to be one of the most awful films in existence. He is a closed minded ignorant person. Just thought I'd give you a heads up. If you want to really get a glimpse of this guy's delusion go over to the dark Knight rises board and watch how he will fold like a pretzel to defend that film. It's interesting he will fold like a pretzel to hate belittle last crusade but will fold like a pretzel to defend the dark Knight rises. No logical points will he have to defend or belittle.


I know, he's been fanatically arguing about it since before the shutdown of the IMDb boards, then under the name of UltimateHippo, or something like that. Logic is to him like bullets to Superman: bounces right off.


What I think is stupid is it's like okay we get you don't like the film, but his reasons are so dumb. Even if I dislike a film for a silly reason I will admit it he won't. He calls a simple editing mistake a plot hole. I'm like goodness man it's a continuity mistake that happens in almost every film. Yep and that was his name. He has many sock accounts.


I also recall someone calling him out on using IMDb ratings as proof that Dark Knight Rises was great, while refusing to accept the same criteria for Last Crusade.


Yep he sure does do that. Anytime someone said how they disliked it he would immediately cite the data from IMDb. Funny when it comes to crusade he won't ever mention it. It only has merit when it supports stuff he likes.


Yeah I think I've seen the dude carry on whole conversations with himself via sock accounts. Just one big circle jerk.


He is the biggest joke on this board man. Say anything bad about tdkr and he will appeal to the authority. He's allowed to do that for films he enjoys but you are not allowed to do that for films he dislikes. Last crusade he considers terrible and will drone on and on about how it is terrible.


The Last Crusade is the best while Temple of Doom is the worst


What Mickey Mouse joke? At least explain what you are talking about please. But as I look back on my movie watching history this is one of the franchises I wish I had never spent money on or watched. There are so many bad movies, Hollywood's quality control is shite.


The OP thinks that Temple of Doom is far superior because of its darker scenery which frightened little children in theaters and introduced the PG-13. He hates The Last Crusade for Spielberg, in his view, appealing to children after Temple's controversy by inserting a "Mickey Mouse" joke because children would not be familiar with who Jesse Owens was, as the line originally said. Like mentioned before, he has been going on about it and made probably at least a dozen of threads over the years.


It is just an obvious attempt of injecting kiddie humor into a series that was never directed towards children. It was a horrible joke, horribly written, horribly acted, horribly executed. There is absolutely nothing that can excuse such a pathetic attempt of dumbing down a franchise especially after two amazing and classic films.

I get you brother, Its like "Full Metal Jacket" all over again , the beatings , the cold blooded executions , the commentary of the duality of man and the pointlessness of war , all obviously put there for children...
Its obvious - the main characters even called 'joker'
and then to top it off they sing the Mickey Mouse song at the end.

The movie failed to get its own ride at Disneyland though ,so jokes on them!


You probably wouldn't like the movie Enemy Mine then - a bigger Mickey Mouse joke there.


I've been meaning to re-watch that. Can't remember the joke though. Will keep an eye out when I do.


You're OK with cartoon violence that characterised this franchise from the beginning. But you are triggered by a reference to a cartoon character.

Ok, snowflake.
