Film makes no sense. Little sympathy for characters. (Spoilers).
A bunch of rich, white, effeminate boys are encouraged to indulge themselves even further than their cushy lives already do.
One boy wants to act, but his father won't let him while he's in high school. Meaning the boy will simply have to wait a couple years until he's done with high school, or strike out on his own. (The dad obviously can't force him to do anything once he turns 18.)
However, unwilling to wait 24 months (or so) to pursue his dreams, the boy then kills himself in a self-indulgent tantrum -- as if that were the only option available to him.
Simply ridiculous, especially for those who would love the chance to attend an elite prep school, and/or have their parents pay for their college / grad school.
Clearly told from the perspective of someone who's had everything handed to him, and can't imagine having to wait even briefly for something they wanted.