most under-rated flick all-time
this movie is like 20+ years old now
and ive seen it like 20+ times now
and it NEVER gets old or stale or loses its appeal
i watch it like once a year or when one of its classic lines
pops into my head
off the top of my head this movie's running time is 2 hours say 120 minutes
and im proposing there're at least 120 classic lines in it
my todo list im giving myself is to write down chronologically
w/ a time stamp too
every one of those lines
well i'll get to it that eventually - i hope
and it will be a fun labor of love
in the meantime please let me just say ...
i LOVE this movie
AND reading its message board
t/y to everyone who's participated - and continues to too - in it
ill end this w/ what i know will be #120
120. 'looks like im walkin'