RAISING ARIZONA is being shown on Channel 56 on PBSh----don't know if anybody caught it, but I remember seeing on VHS back in the day and loving it because it was so damn crazy,off-the-wall, and funny on top of that. Plus it has so many good actors I like in it that have been good in just about everything I've seen any of them in--besides Nicholas Cage, who's hilarious--as well as Holly Hunter and the rest of the cast. The three most memorable scenes in it for me--which I'm surprised no one's mentioned:
1. H.I. robbing a store and then rushing back out to his car, only to find out he can't get in because he locked the keys in the car---LOL! I swear that was the first time I'd ever seen anything like that in a film, and I LMAO at it!
2. The 2 guys in prison screaming like crazy the whole time they pull themselves out of the mud.
3. The whole entire scene with the running dogs---that was truly a WTF--how-the-hell-did-they ever-get-those-dogs-to-do-all-that moment---it was the top craziest of the crazy scenes in the entire movie,straight up, and memorable is hell---which is why I still remember it after all these years!