why R?
sharelanguage, the naked little kids in the beginning
i am t3h r0xx0r!!!11one!one11
How come the 1978 Superman wasn't rated R?
shareWell first off, a movie cannot be Rated R because of naked little kids. They would still probably show something like that in a PG rated movie (atleast back then they would). It would probably be Rated R if there was some kind of sexual remark or even activity imposed involving the naked little kids. Other than that, it is kind of impossible.
shareNo. Probably because of the more realistic bombing scene. I think that would have upset me about fifteen years ago, so I could see not wanting to show it to littler kids.
shareNaked Kids! Good Gravy! What has this world come to when child pornography can be shown in theaters!
sharehaha.. how funny is that.. i think everywhere else in the world its rated 12 or 14!!!! Rating R for some naked kids... your joking....
sharesadly no they aren't. i was watching all the pressidents men the other day where they dropped about 5 or 6 f-bombs and that was rated pg. now you can't drop 3 with out it being rated R. pathetic
"They say that 60% of the time this stuff works everytime!"-Anchorman
I think there is a litle bit of violence as well.
It's the 80's. Do alot of coke, and vote for Ronald Regan.
Hell funny movie, surprisingly dramatic too.
The Latest Film Viewing:
Dead Again (1991) -- A+
Yeah, back in the 1980s and even the early 1990s they were a bit more strict when it came to ratings. For instance, Stand by Me (1986) is rated PG-13 just for the one or two times they say the f word. Now it would probably be PG. Mrs. Doubtfire was rated PG-13 as well and was released in 1993. It was rated that I think because of language and the fact that he was cross dressing, but I'm not entirely sure. It would probably be PG nowadays as well. I'd say Good Morning would be PG-13 now.
Jerome: I got the better end of the deal. I only lent you my body - you lent me your dream.-Gattaca
I haven't seen the movie but I'm guessing that the naked children were native Vietnamese children? So American cinema wouldn't even allow something as innocent as indigenous nudity of children?? That's shown on National Geographic Channel all the time! Yanks are such prudes!
shareActually "Stand By Me" is R rated and has a LOT of swearing in it.
Remember "Hair" from 1979. That had female AND male nudity but got a PG. The ratings board seems to have no trouble with nudity--but if it's in a sexual context the R rating is applied. In "Hair" they were just stripping to go swimming.
On the G rating note, The Andromeda Strain received this rating; however, it shows bare breasts. The standards for rating movies are as arbitrary as . . . every other code of conduct or standard of behavior that i have been expected to conform to. But I digress.
Yeah, back in the 1980s and even the early 1990s they were a bit more strict when it came to ratings. For instance, Stand by Me (1986) is rated PG-13 just for the one or two times they say the f word. Now it would probably be PG. Mrs. Doubtfire was rated PG-13 as well and was released in 1993. It was rated that I think because of language and the fact that he was cross dressing, but I'm not entirely sure. It would probably be PG nowadays as well. I'd say Good Morning would be PG-13 now.
also, this was in '88. The MPAA was probably still getting used to the idea of having a compromise. I haven't personnally seen the movie, BUT (and this is a big but) waking ned devine shows rear nudity, but got a PG rating.
shareThey used the F-word too many times! Even now, with it much liberalized, the most I have ever heard of a PG-13 movie getting away with was 2. They probably said it a hundred times.
shareThis person hits the nail on the head. Instead of everyone talking in circles and making up nonsense about peepees and weewees, open your eyes and see the truth. Dozens of F-bombs litter the picture. Yes, there are short shots of naked boys playing. Yes there is terrorism and some blood. But the profanity upped the rating for sure (especially since the film appears to now be classified as MA-L).
shareFor language and some violence.
The bombing of Jimmy Wah's bar comes to mind
By the way, does anyone here know what movie made the ratings board establish the "PG-13" rating?
Here is a good trivia question for you.
I will answer it, (or verify a correct answer when enough other people have responded)
Too easy!!
The specific film was INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM, although it is also thought that the Spielberg produced GREMLINS also had a hand in its creation. It could also be said that Spielberg's JAWS started the first rumblings of PG-13 as it was rated PG with a note that it probably wasn't suitable for pre-teen audiences.
Do I get a gold star?
Robert Altman
Yes you do!
"Sticks gold star on glumpy99's forehead"
I don't know what movie made the MPAA create the PG-13 rating but I know "Red Dawn" was the first movie to recieve the rating.
Are you the clown?
No, I'm Mary *beep* Poppins.
I read that Poltergeist had part to do with the creation of the rating.
You're gonna need a bigger boat.
I am watching this movie now on the Sundance Channel, which has commercials, and I suppose is fairly general access/viewing? I've never seen it before... all the way through. I was surprised, but not shocked, I guess you could say, that they left the 'whale beep' line intact, several references to the male anatomy, and They have dropped several F-Bombs. (so far) and the naked boys playing in the water were there, too.
I don't think my cable service gave me access to the Sundance Channel before. Does anyone know if NOT editing movies is normal for them?
How sad, that you were not born in my time, nor I, in yours.
I am watching this movie now on the Sundance Channel, which has commercials, and I suppose is fairly general access/viewing? I've never seen it before... all the way through. I was surprised, but not shocked, I guess you could say, that they left the 'whale beep' line intact, several references to the male anatomy, and They have dropped several F-Bombs. (so far) and the naked boys playing in the water were there, too.
I don't think my cable service gave me access to the Sundance Channel before. Does anyone know if NOT editing movies is normal for them?
Refreshing. Sometimes I think such language in movies is kind of unnecessary, but this film would lose a lot, considering the situations and subject matter if it was edited for family viewing, IMO.
How sad, that you were not born in my time, nor I, in yours.