Realistically, you wouldn't need any 'inertial dampeners' (a silly idea anyway, especially in a show where you have to pretend to be falling down when someone shakes the camera - they should've either gone with the 'inertial dampeners', OR kept going with the crazy 'being flung around'-trick, but not both).
I mean, a planet has its gravity, but it's a relatively weak force. If you can generate your own gravity to a spaceship, and introduce an energy field around it (think of the crazy movements so-called 'UFOs' are known to be able to do historically in this planet's atmosphere), your own gravity and energy field separates you from any outside force, and the biggest ninety-degree turns won't affect the people inside the spaceship at all. Therefore, a bump on the surface that makes the craft shake, wouldn't make the people shake.
The only situation, where the Star Trek-like 'camera-shake-based' effect would realistically happen, would be if you are in a room that's in a gravity environment, like on a planet, and then that room, that doesn't have its own gravity, shakes separately from the planet, so the planet's gravity is pulling you towards itself, while the room is moving about.
However, a spaceship has gravity in every room, so it would be like shaking the planet Earth and expecting us to feel it or be flung about, which wouldn't, of course, happen.
So, only if they had a spaceship-gravity-separated room, like a 'building inside the spaceship', and then that building were to shake, would we get that effect - NOT, when the spaceship itself shakes for one reason or another.
However, maybe it's considered 'fun' to do that camera shake and have people thrown about all over the place, after all, it's television entertainment, not a documentary.