Were all of the seasons great?

I've seen many episodes but not from the very beginning. Are there any seasons to avoid?


The first season is pretty ghastly, I'm afraid. The second season is a little better; about halfway through, the actors really find the cores of their characters; Picard suddenly becomes CAPTAIN Picard, for instance. But it's not until the third season, with the return of Dr. Crusher, that the series really finds its heading & truly moves forward.


wow, I did not know that. Was Riker the main character in the first two seasons or was it just a mish-mash of episodes without much direction?


There didn't seem to be any main character early on, and the crew hadn't quite gelled yet. Geordi was a helmsman, with a couple of other actors-of-the-week appearing as engineers, for example. I can see why Denise Crosby asked to be written out, as Tasha & Worf pretty much shared the same duties, making at least one of them redundant.

Part of the problem was that they were using quite a few scripts for an earlier proposed revival of the original series that never came about; as a result, they were retreading the same ground, but not as well. At the same time, they needed to establish their own identity, but without alienating the built-in audience from TOS days. The relationship stories were fairly embarrassing during that first season, but would happily get better in subsequent seasons.

Although I will say that the final episode of the first season "Conspiracy" was a very effective "invasion from within" story that had some genuinely creepy moments. I've never understood why the series didn't follow up on it, as it had a somewhat open ending.

By the second season, there were very good episodes, such as "The Measure of a Man" in which Data's individuality & personal freedom are at stake: is he a sentient being, or just hardware to be used, taken apart, studied by Starfleet? Data starts to become the character we know from the later seasons; we also get the beginnings of the Geordi-Data friendship, and Data's love for Sherlock Holmes. And there's also the introduction of the Borg.

Everything isn't quite there yet in the second season, but they're clearly marking out their own territory & identity by then. The so-so episodes sometimes hearken back to the first season, but are almost never as egregious. I can rewatch & enjoy much of the second season; but I avoid rewatching the first season.


Maurice Hurley in an interview claimed "Conspiracy" was part of a mini episode arc that would eventually introduce the Borg which were originally intended to be insect like creatures and not cybernetic beings.

Season 1 episodes were very "TOS"ish and not in a good way.


Thanks for that information! It would have been an interesting different direction.


Although they never really made Riker the main character, I did get the feeling that he was the "new Kirk" and Roddenberry, if he were running the show, might have made Riker the real No.1 character instead of Picard's Number One.

Owlwise is correct: season one has some good stuff, but it's mostly a slog.


All are memorable. Some are great.


I would say skip the first season, and start from season 2 where things start to pick up. Season 3 - 6 I think the show was at its best. season 7 wasn't bad, however I think they made the right decision stopping it there.


I wouldn’t skip the first season, you get to meet Q for the first time there, I can't believe I'm defending season 1! HAHA

Most of the episodes in seasons one and two are like the boring episodes in later seasons though. Once they change uniform you know you’re watching the good stuff!


Season one is an attempt to remake the original series. It even looks like it was made in the sixties.


Agreed ... but without the original sixties charm.


I actually like the first season. Some really good eps. The show got progressively better with each season. By season 6 it started to fall off a bit. Dont get me wrong still LOTS of great eps and moments but it was getting a little played out by season 6. Still overall I love TNG and DS9(Which also got progressively better with each season , season 1 was worse than TNG season one i think but it did not get stale by season 7)

I grew up in the original series but my top two faves are TNG ans DS9.


It follows a similar pattern to Babylon 5 in terms of its story arc, with the first season being largely forgettable though with a few interesting episodes, season 2 being better but things getting really interesting by seasons 3 and 4.

There also seemed to be a marked improvement in the quality of the show by season 3, it just looked more professional, the effects seemed better and the sets and cinematography had also improved.


Babylon 5 Season 1 was not "forgettable", it set the background, characters and sowed the seeds for what was to come later. It was Season 5 that was "optional", simply because it wouldn't have existed had the show not been threatened with cancellation and JMS forced to condense two seasons into one. Yes, Babylon 5 was MEANT to end with the death of President Clark and the formation of the Interstellar Alliance, no more.


I agree to an extent, but i just didn't find any of the of the season 1 episodes compelling on first viewing, though on reflection and having viewed the series a few times now there are a few episodes that show the potential of what was to come, such as Signs and Portents, Babylon Squared and the two parter Voice In The Wilderness.

That said I am glad that I stuck with it because it became one of my favorite TV sci fi shows, despite its occasional lapses due to budgetary constraints and dodgy acting.


Fair enough, but I only got into Babylon 5 as the visual effects were done on a Commodore Amiga, the computer system I owned at the time and for which I was a devout zealot of (I would not tolerate anything bad said about it), and an add-on hardware device called NewTek's Video Toaster.

However, as I was awed by those visual effects in the Gathering pilot and season 1, it soon gave way to my appreciation of the characters, narrative and plotlines. Just as well, really, as Commodore went bust in 1994 due to corporate mismanagement by bastards like Mehdi Ali, and the Amiga faded into computing history as the PC took over for the more demanding CGI B5 scenes. Oh well...


I think there were a few episodes in season 4 that were great.
