Jefferson or Steve?

Personally I'd go with Jefferson. His isms with Al were just classic. I loved how we insulted Marcy behind her back, but turned into an instant coward when she was around. I loved the 'Yes Ma'am' t-shirt.
Don't get me wrong, I liked Steve, I just thought Jefferson was better. I'm glad they went in a totally fpdifferent direction when they cast him and he just wasn't another Steve


Definitely Steve. I found Jefferson to be too silly, one-note and almost easy to ignore. Jefferson too often blended into the background and could easily be dominated/overshadowed by Marcie and Al. Everything Jefferson could do, Steve could do. Steve could basically be Jefferson if the plot called for it, but Jefferson couldn't be Steve. Steve was much more developed and had more layers.


Jefferson all the way.

His chemistry with Al and Marcy were much better than Steve.


I always liked the episodes with Jefferson in them better.

My favorite Jefferson line (from the episode with Marcy's cousin Mandy visits. ) Marcy gets jealous at Mandy's better looks and attention from Jefferson, prompting Mandy to stay with the Bundy's. She later also kicks Jefferson out to spend the night at the Bundy's where he finds Al and Mandy talking alone in the living room...

Jefferson: Hey wait- what are you two doing down here together in.your pajamas? (He turns to Mandy with a very interested look on his face) I thought you were, uh gay?

Mandy: I am.

Jefferson: (turning backs to Al) Does Peggy know about this?

Al: Peggy sent me down here!

Jefferson: (increasingly amused, declares) AAh-oh! You people really are... (now whispering through a secretive grin).. sick....

He was just always so much funnier to me than Steve. And great looking. IMO, he brought a lot to the show. He is missed when viewing older episodes.


Well, in the past I would have said Steve, but today I would have to say Jefferson.

He just bought a different level of humor to the show, his constant switch between laughing about Marcy behind her back and being on her side whenever she pays attention to him is just hilarious.

Either way they're both good.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


Tough call. Early on I loved Steve but in the later seasons he wasn't as funny. Jefferson I didn't like at first because he was pretty much eye candy for Marcy and acted more like Peggy. Later on he did get more interesting though.



I'm seeing the episodes with Steve for the first time on TV, and I'm leaning towards him at the moment.
Jefferson is rather shallow.


Steve no question about it. Jefferson kind of killed this show for me.


Jefferson by a mile

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.
