MovieChat Forums > The Golden Child (1986) Discussion > Sardo Numspa (i.e the writers) really go...

Sardo Numspa (i.e the writers) really goofed up in one area

When Numspa tries to get Murphy arrested at the airport, Murphy gets away by telling Numspa that if he gets arrested then the dagger would end up in the police evidence room.

So why is that even remotely a problem for Numspa?????? The guy can disappear in one spot and reappear in the next. He can change into a rat. He could have very easily gotten the dagger out of the evidence room.


"I'm the dude, playing a dude that's disguised as another dude".


Probably something about not being able to use the power of darkness against the power of good.
I dunno.


If you “dunno,” why did you reply? Did you feel that you were somehow obligated to reply?

I’m mocking you because you epitomize the stupidity and ineloquence that run rampant on message boards. Thanks for offering your dullard self as an example.


"I’m mocking you because you epitomize the stupidity and ineloquence that run rampant on message boards. Thanks for offering your dullard self as an example."
You're the one with nearly 12,500 posts!
What an amazing life you must have as a keyboard warrior.
Oh, here is one of your posts. Is this what you deem as intelligent and eloquent? There are thousands to select from.


The guy clearly has a terrible mental disorder just block his autistic ass.
