1-6 are the only good 'Fridays'

Part 6 was fun but after this movie it was all downhill for the franchise imo



I would say 1-8.


I thought 1-7 were great and it went downhill after that until FvJ.


I strongly disagree although I'm entertained by each installment to a certain degree their's a few things that just annoy me about most of them thus why my love for this franchise has went down incredibly low in the past few years.

Let's take a look at the first six you mention:
1 is a poorly done Murder Mystery film that's only saved by it's group of likable characters but other than that as a Horror film it's plan awful.Ripping off Halloween makes me dislike this film even more.
2 is worse than 1 for not really trying and just ripping off a whole bunch of other better Slasher films including the original.
3 is despite a horrendous 3D gimmick is vastly superior than the first two at least it tried to do something different.
4 is dreadful with just pointless bodycount characters.
5 was just milking the franchise for all it's worth by not leaving well enough alone.
6 could've been much better by making Tommy Jarvis the killer but nope it added this silly and inappropriate supernatural Zombie Jason element that only hurt the franchise than help it out.

So those are hardly worth claiming as good films as entertaining as they can be at moments and if under the right mindset.

Now let's look at the rest:
7 is just a remake of The Final Chapter with a Carrie twist.
8 deceived the fans and made tons of insulting choices.
9 just was a big F u to the franchise with it's awful mythology.
10 is fun and at least brought proper closure to the franchise.
11 was a cool crossover with Freddy Kreuger.
The remake made up for all the terrible films and made a halfway decent film with the franchise.

So ultimately this franchise never really was good don't understand the love for it via the fanbase.


1-8 are all awesome. The Paramount entries were the best Fridays, imo. The New Line entries were good, but not as good as the first 8.

"Martyr me for Cordis Die."


1-5 are my personal taste. The earlier films had a great sense of dread and atmosphere to them (something I think the later films lacked), and 5 gave the series a chance to try and do something new with the series (which regrettably was ignored). 6 and the later films are all pretty good as well, just not as memorable to me as the first five.

Then again on the flip side, all the Paramount entries are superior to the New Line films.

The Saw Is Family


I've only seen the first nine films, haven't seen the three after that, and I like all nine.

Manhattan is the worst because of the teleporting Jason, but its still fun at times.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


7, FvJ and the reboot are good too.
