1-6 are the only good 'Fridays'

Part 6 was fun but after this movie it was all downhill for the franchise imo


IMO, 1,2,3,4, 6, and 7 are the only good ones. I will watch 5, 8, and Final Friday if they are on, but they are not as good as these are. 5 has Melanie Kinnamon and 8 has Jensen Daggett, they are the only reasons to watch either one.


Fridays 1234 & 6, thats it. The rest arent as good as those but I stil like watching them.


For me it's 1-7, and then Freddy vs Jason.

Although I do enjoy the gore bits in Jason Goes to Hell and there are some amusing parts in Jason X I really could do with out them. However both of those movies are far better than part 8 which I find unwatchable.

Only people with money say that money doesn't matter.




Disagree, this is were they perked up for me.




I'll never understand why people say that part 7 and part 8 both suck. It's like every time they tried to do something different and break away from the standard formula, most fans believe they were " jumping the shark" or "selling out". At least they didn't just make the same exact movie again like they had been doing. Why does it have to remain as the same generic, basic, by-the-numbers slasher mold? Don't get me wrong I love parts 1 through 6 just as much but can appreciate the later entries attempting to keep the series fresh (with the exception of Jason X, which truly DID suck and strayed from the source a little too far). I can kind of understand the dislike for part 8 being that not as much time was spent in Manhattan as I would have liked, but part 7 has to be one of the best.

Oh well, to each their own I guess.



Agree with everything here except understanding the dislike for part 8. Fucking loved Jason Takes Manhattan.


My rankings jump all over the place actually:

1) Friday the 13th 2009 (amazing nudity and great gore)
2) Friday the 13th Part 3 in 3d
3) Friday the 13th 1980
4) Jason Takes Manhattan

Tie for the next 4:
Jason 5
Jason 6
Jason 7
Freddy vs Jason

Then the bottom 4:
Final Chapter
Part 2
Jason Goes To Hell
Jason X


The Final Chapter and Part 2 in your bottom 4?????

Jesus christ!!!


They kind of blur together for me, but my recollection is that the first one was interesting, the next 3 were cookie-cutter slasher films, the 5th one was weird, the 6th one was a lot of fun, 7-11 were lame money-grabs, and part 12 was the best of the bunch.

I guess ranking them for me would be like this

