1-6 are the only good 'Fridays'

Part 6 was fun but after this movie it was all downhill for the franchise imo


I agree completely. I think they were just grasping at straws for the rest of them. I loved Jason Lives, my favorite of the first 6. Creepy, with some humor, but not ridiculous.


The first four are the only quality entries in the franchise.

Things took a steep dive after "The Final Chapter" and never recovered.

"It's October...and we all know what that means."


You idiot. 2nd and 3th are nearly worst ones, only 7th and 8th are worse.


You call someone an idiot because they don't share your opinion?


Try reading this genius's "reviews" on his profile page. There is not one coherent thought to be found, throughout. Now that takes real talent. Most trolls accidentally make sense from time to time...



You idiot. 2nd and 3th are nearly worst ones, only 7th and 8th are worse.

You can't call someone an idiot and then make a sentence like that. I don't even know what you're trying to say. Are you saying 3 is bad? That's considered one of the better ones.


Part 2 is actually the best in the entire series.


I would go two more up. 1-8 I very much love. The New Line ones are OK to lame.


Part 1 was poorly made and extremely cheesy. So I'd leave that one out.


Can't be serious. It was the best. All sequels are poorly made and extremely cheesy, only an idiot would think trashy camp sequels are better. There's nothing but poor camp in the sequels so if like them you can't say this trash is better.


I'd argue 1-5 are the only good ones.

I showed Part VI to some friends and they couldn't believe how awful and ham-fisted the dialogue was.
Part 1 is in an elite league all its own, but 2-5 are superb slashers just the same.

Horror Reviews at: http://www.oh-the-horror.com/
Over 1200!


I'd argue 1-5 are the only good ones.


1-5 are the best ones. Part 6 has the girl with powers? That was a horrible idea.


The girl with the powers was in part 7 - part 6 was where Tommy dug Jason up and turned him into a zombie.

Personally, I think that part 7 is great - nice to see someone beat Jason at his own game.


I actually enjoy all of the movies though some definitely are better than others. Each is entertaining in it's own way. The first half of the series is better than the 2nd though.

Burn, witch! Burn, witch! Burn! Burn! Burn!


Yup, I love them all too.

I can't stand IMDB threads telling us what we're supposed to like and what our favorites are SUPPOSED to be.

Besides, FvsJ. I didn't even like that one and I am easily pleased when it comes to the slasher movies.


Ha! I like this threads concept. For a franchise to have 6 continually enjoyable movies for you, I would have to say there isn't much to complain about. ;)

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