MovieChat Forums > Aliens (1986) Discussion > Great action and comic one-liners for US...

Great action and comic one-liners for US fans, but a film without a heart or soul.

Not really acting, but typical American ''guns and car chase'' fodder. Throw in a few ''Yeaaaah, way to go'''s and you have this.

And no, I ain't a SIMP or a teen.


I think the comparison between brute male force and killer mother instincts gives the movie quite a bit of soul.


this ALLLLLLL comes back around AGAIN to: "people like different things, and there is nothing wrong with that"


No, it comes down to: "I'm a foreign national pot stirrer. My JOB is to go from forum to comments sections running down American culture, politics and people."

I don't think he's ever seen this movie. He just knows that it exists.


As an American, I don't care what you think about this movie.

And the guy who directed this IS CANADIAN--James Cameron.


Speaking as a European, I love this movie. It's my #1 film of 1986, and probably my all-time favourite sci-fi movie, and, give or take Die Hard, my all-time favourite action movie.


This film *is* the heart and soul of the entire franchise.

Sigourney Weaver gives one of the most passionate, instinctive and empathetic performances in movie, let alone sci-fi, history, and the loss of Ripley's real daughter (which is admittedly glossed-over in the theatrical edition, but covered in the SE), and her bond with Newt, the child she is determined to save no matter how severe the threat, is as emotionally powerful and touching as you can get.

"A film without a heart or soul"

I honestly can't believe you watched the same film as everyone else. Unlike much sci-fi and action cinema, Aliens is a rare film that *doesn't* eschew emotional depth and resonance for beautiful but hollow art-direction and special effects and/or mindless stunts and simplistic storytelling.
