People Thought I Was Crazy!!

I was sitting around with friends one night and my friend was talking about someone having long hair but made the stupid comment they had "long ass hair" for some reason this triggered my memory of this movie. I asked my friends if they remembered a movie about kids wanting to grow hair and came up with a peanut butter mix and then they put it in some strange places if you know what I mean. I said the movie had other story lines but that one stuck out. They all looked at me like I was crazy. Finally after an hour of searching I found it here. I am not obviously alone. I was probably 6 or 7 when I saw this movie. I would have been 5 in 1985 so I really don't think I would have seen in when I was 5. I would love to see it again and show them I was right.


I've been trying to find the name of this movie for years now. I first watched it when i was little and whenever i'd ask someone if they knew it - they would just look at me like i was crazy. I could only remember the scene in the classroom and the boy following the truck.

Finally!!! Just gotta try and track this baby down now.



Ok have done a little bit of investigation and I'm pretty sure its called "The Great Land Of Small".

Can't believe it has taken this long to figure it out, it has been creeping me out for years.

Just had to add one more thing on, from Wikipedia:

"The film brought mixed reviews, with many children being scared by the film."

LOL that definately sounds like this film.


I just got done watching The Peanut Butter Solution on Google Video. I looked awhile back to see if I could find this movie and for some reason I decided to look again the other day and found the full movie on Google Video. Go check it out if you would like to see it again.
Good movie but yes very wierd. After watching it again though, alot of the parts that I remembered vaguely def stuck out and im like oh yeah that is what happened, lol.
There is a bunch of stuff that I remember somewhat as a kid and cant find it today whether it be a movie or a game. Like for the longest time I remember playing I think a computer game maybe or it could have been on a game system where it was almost like an adventure game where u had to find something in one place and then use that clue to lead u sumwhere else and I remember it having to do with like planets or something along those lines. That is all I can remember and it drives me crazy, lol. Like I can see the surface of the planets that im on...I dunno...its really vague.


Game was solar winds maybe? I remember it as a kid and had to do some googling to find it.


its really weird that this movie did this to all of us as kids. were all the same age give or take 2 years. and we all described this movie to our friends and they thought we were crazy. and we all had vague memories of watching this movie.

ANND we all looked/searched for this movie on the internet roughly around same time. i believe i commented on this board 3 years ago. either that or i commented on the peanut butter solution myspace page. myspace was the first place i rediscovered it.


Okay guys, I need serious help with a movie. Now it wasn't really frightening just kinda surreal. I remember being blown away by it as a child during the 90's which I'm unsure if it was released then. Perhaps the late 80's or something. Anyways It starts off with these two children (a boy and a girl) being babysitted by an older teenage girl who is kinda strict. They finally trick her or something and go into either the basement or attic and discover a bird cage with a large talking bird inside that resembles an owl. The kids are amazed by the owl and he offers to take them on an adventure, so the kids go with the bird outside and he flys away with the kids hanging on, the babysitter runs outside and grabs ahold of the bird also. Later on they all end up in the Amazon rain forest and they explore for a bit until the babysitter is captured by a tribe. The kids and bird continue without her and end up going to a temple where they fight a medusa snake goddess or something. Anyways they kick her butt and go back for the babysitter but when they find her she has fallen in love with one of the tribes men. So the kids and the bird fly away and the babysitter and her tribal boyfriend wave goodbye. That's all I remember. I know it came on HBO kids or something like that and at the time I was playing Tomb Raider 2, so it was about '97 when I saw this movie. Could anyone help me please? I know someone has to have seen this movie before.


Wow. Just wow. What a trip this is. I can't believe other people remember this movie. I can't believe I've finally found out what it is, and that it truly exists. I only had a few splinters of memory of it though- some kid's hair can't stop growing, there's a scene with garbage bags full of hair, and somehow, peanut butter is involved. These splinters have been floating around in my mind for years.

By the way, I was born in 1980.

So all of us have something in common in that we somehow remember this movie. Can anyone help me with this other thing? It's not a movie, but maybe someone else remembers it...

I went to Disney World when I was like 4, 5, or 6 (so, 1984-6). I remember this ride that was sorta like virtual reality. Might've been at Epcot Center. You sat in this "pod" with a few other people and I guess it was moving? Anyway, you had this little computer menu in front of you. You could pick from different kinds of scenery- desert, mountains, underwater, etc. When you hit a button, the scenery would appear in front of you on a HUGE TV/movie screen. A movie would play and it was sorta like you were going 100 miles an hour through the scenery (closest thing I can equate it to is virtual reality or something).

The one thing I specifically remember, and this is BURNT INTO MY BRAIN- is sitting in this pod with my family, selecting something from the menu, and racing through a desert scene, where it's like I was weaving through palm trees and stuff like that at 100mph. It was breathtaking.

I swear I experienced this in real life. I am dying to know if anyone else did.

"If this wasn't my son's wedding day, I'd knock your teeth out, you anti-Dentite bastard."


It's strange how everyone thought this was a dream, it was so vague I felt the same, I remember seeing this boy with long hair and it being very windy, I never did get to see the movie, I remembered about 20 years later!!!! It's amazing the effect this movie had on everyone.


I was 14 in 1985, but I still remember this movie being scary. My husband managed to find a copy for me and I just watched it today. It's pretty corny , but I loved it, still.


I just discovered it today. I must have watched it when I was 8 or younger (born in 85), and I occasionally searched for it for decades. I thought it was a dream or I made it up - turns out I'm like many of you and it's real. The part I remember is the long hair, it being windy, and the creepy house. Crazy...


Just like to register myself to the club. I saw it at my aunt's house when I was young in the early 90s. I was staying there and she put me in front of it for some reason. I also thought it was a dream or something I made up but certain scenes stamped themselves on my memory and just made me feel uneasy whenever I remember them. Strange film. Strange that it's had this effect on so many people.
