Wow. Just wow. What a trip this is. I can't believe other people remember this movie. I can't believe I've finally found out what it is, and that it truly exists. I only had a few splinters of memory of it though- some kid's hair can't stop growing, there's a scene with garbage bags full of hair, and somehow, peanut butter is involved. These splinters have been floating around in my mind for years.
By the way, I was born in 1980.
So all of us have something in common in that we somehow remember this movie. Can anyone help me with this other thing? It's not a movie, but maybe someone else remembers it...
I went to Disney World when I was like 4, 5, or 6 (so, 1984-6). I remember this ride that was sorta like virtual reality. Might've been at Epcot Center. You sat in this "pod" with a few other people and I guess it was moving? Anyway, you had this little computer menu in front of you. You could pick from different kinds of scenery- desert, mountains, underwater, etc. When you hit a button, the scenery would appear in front of you on a HUGE TV/movie screen. A movie would play and it was sorta like you were going 100 miles an hour through the scenery (closest thing I can equate it to is virtual reality or something).
The one thing I specifically remember, and this is BURNT INTO MY BRAIN- is sitting in this pod with my family, selecting something from the menu, and racing through a desert scene, where it's like I was weaving through palm trees and stuff like that at 100mph. It was breathtaking.
I swear I experienced this in real life. I am dying to know if anyone else did.
"If this wasn't my son's wedding day, I'd knock your teeth out, you anti-Dentite bastard."