Why does Airplane! get more respect than Top Secret!? Airplane is constanly listed on the top comedy lists, but numerous people have told me they walked out of the theatre when watching Top Secret. Any thoughts...I personally love both, but Airplane isn't quite as random and truly unique as Top Secret.
Both movies are optimal for what they are, neither could be better.
To me, it's better to just enjoy everything you can, why do some people have to try to always RANK everything? Can't we just enjoy both and not have them fight each other?
Can't the films be complementary instead of combatting each other?
Why do people have such conflict-based worldview about everything, does something always have to be better than the other? To me, it's better of things work together than fight each other.
Let both movies live, after all, both deserve to be praised as 'best comedy ever'.
When I think of Top Secret I think of a certain scene, and rank that scene #2 as far as comedic moments are concerned. Meaning there is a scene that I found so amusing I couldn't stop laughing for what seemed like an eternity (it was very embarrassing).
For what it's worth, my #1 comedic moment is found in a film that isn't remotely a comedy. About as opposite as it gets in fact. But there is a scene in the film that to this day I always crack a smile and chuckle over. The film is Lost Highway.