MovieChat Forums > Trading Places (1983) Discussion > What exactly happened to Penelope and he...

What exactly happened to Penelope and her friends?

I've thought this was a good movie but I was disappointed that you've never gotten to see Penelope and her snobby friends getting their comeuppance for turning their backs on Winthorpe after he turned to him when his life was falling apart, I always felt they've gotten off way too easily.


Their families' fortunes were ruined upon partaking in the scheme as well as the Dukes. They became hookers because they do not have anything in the way of brains to make a living. Sorry, that's the best I have got on it.


May have been interesting to find out she was tied to the Dukes and lost everything as well.


As their niece, she may have been living off the family fortune. I've known a lot of wealthy business owners that put family on the payroll without any actual duties or obligations. It's possible she lost her income or money source when all assets of Duke & Duke and all personal belongings were seized by the exchange.


They didn't need any comeuppance for this... they abandoned him, but he came back on top better than ever and was now giving Ophelia a proper dicking on a yacht. They weren't behind what Beeks did to him with the money planting and all. The were just pretentions douchebags that sound like a bunch of dickheads in their barbershop quartet. Fucking cringe... I'm sure Louis enjoyed plowing Penelope's patch but after Todd started blowing ropes on her belly why would he want her (or Todd) back in his life. Fuck them....

The best revenge for an ex like that is to live happy and Winthorpe did that and then some. The "bad guys" got what was coming to them and that's pretty much all the best revenge this story needed IMO.


I'm sure Louis enjoyed plowing Penelope's patch but after Todd started blowing ropes on her belly why would he want her (or Todd) back in his life.

I'm not sure how that would make a difference. Clearly Ophelia has had far more ropes blown on her by a much higher count and he doesn't seem to have a problem with that.

Overall, I agree with your assessment: The best revenge for an ex like that is to live happy


Yes... I would imagine that Ophelia saw far more ropes in her time, LOL. Penelope reminds me of the type of girl that says, "ew gross... cum". Ya never know though...

I always looked at it like this: Louis has Ophelia, a yacht in the Caribbean, the Dukes' money, a good friend in Valentine... Penelope has..... Todd.... and Philadelphia in the winter. Fuck that noise...


Considering her reaction when she first encounters Louis at the jail, she's definitely an "ew" girl.


"Is that your poisssse?"


"That's a nice poisssse.... "

No doubt about the ew....


They went on with their snobby shallow lives

