MovieChat Forums > Scarface (1983) Discussion > Does anyone think Elvira really loved To...

Does anyone think Elvira really loved Tony?

the part where she says:

"Can't you see what we're becoming, Tony? We're losers. We're not winners, we're losers."

It seems heartfelt, like she had real, deep feelings about their marriage and was disappointed that their lives together wasn't the fairytale she was hoping for. Also the fact that she was willing to have kids with him, but decided against it because of their lifesyle.

Was she in love with him? I'd like to analyze her feelings towards Tony.


Maybe in some way. I think she knew she was a mess and that tony was gonna fall. She was an addict but i got the sense that she wanted a normal life too


I think she felt for him but I don't really believe she truly loved him. How could she? She was pretty much high all the time and couldn't deal with clear reality. Then when she has a moment to see what her life is really like, she doesn't want to be in it anymore. I think it was inevitable that she was going to leave him. But one thing I was confused about was weather she was intentionally trying not to have kids. Tony said they were trying but she was not getting pregnant.


Tony alluded to the fact they couldn't have kids because "her womb is so polluted"... I took that to mean that either the drugs were making her unable to carry a child to term, or that she was just barren and couldn't have children. I don't think it was intentional on her part because she really takes offense to it.

I don't think she really loved him, at no point when they were together did she seem to show any sort of affection. She was only with him because he was dangerous and exciting and in the beginning showered her with attention...women eat that up. Lopez had become boring...seriously he let his woman dance with another man he had just met instead of doing it himself.

Wayne Enterprises buys and sells companies like Stark Industries


Lopez, not Sosa.


Women often tend to want to have kids and since Elvira had married Tony (for that same "lifestyle"), who else was she gonna have kids with?

And no, there's no indication she ever loved Tony, even if she'd found him simpatico at some point.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan


No, Tony bumped Lopez out of the way and simply took over as Elvira's benefactor. She didn't love anyone or anything, with the possible exception of cocaine.


I think for a short time she enjoyed his company...

But a woman like her just goes from "coke" Daddy to "coke" Daddy lol.

Luckily, with both Frank and Tony, she got away from them before having the same fate.



Nope...didn't love him at all....Just went wherever the money, drinks & coke were. You see she said 'Frank never talked about money' when Tony was in the tub...that's not love...that's rubbing some person in another person's face. She was just a junkie who went wherever the money, drinks & coke went....that's all.


From what little character and depth she was given in the screenplay, this is not an answerable question. She shows nothing but contempt and derision toward Tony...
Then she marries him and is willing to have his children? What a jump!


>Then she marries him and is willing to have his children? What a jump!

Frank's on the way out, and Tony's offering her the same kind of deal, the same lifestyle. Plenty of coke and luxury, and a husband who is busy with his hotshot deals most of the time. What's she gonna do, say no? She says yes. Maybe they'll have kids one day, or maybe not. The fact she was able to explain why she WOULDN"T have his kids doesn't mean she ever wanted to actually have them. It might have become part of her "job" in the marriage if Tony hadn't just become more and more psycho and paranoid.


They didn't get along very well and that's kinda the reason why their marriage went horribly wrong, so, my short answer is no


I think the giveaway was when Tony and Elvira were in that yellow Cadillac in the parking lot, and they both share some coke--then Tony is rebuffed when he tries to kiss her---so he puts on her hat. She laughs, despite herself--"OK, Tony, playtime is over..." And she laughs again--but it's a laugh that tells she sees something about Tony ---an early hint that yes--she did eventually grow to love him. It's a nice scene.
