Victory Celebration or Yub Nub?

I grew up with the 2004 editions, with the Victory Celebration song at the end, as opposed to Yub Nub. I vastly prefer the Victory Celebration, I think it's one of Williams' best works, and a perfect way to end the trilogy.

What are your thoughts on the two? Which do you prefer?


Yub Nub. The replacement music sounds dated. 90's new age garbage.


I don't think anything John Williams composed could ever be garbage.


Personally I think anyone who prefers Yub Nub is delusional, but whatever. I too think Victory Celebration is far more fitting for what just transpired--especially with all the other planets shown celebrating.


Personally I think anyone who prefers Yub Nub is delusional

Why? It was the original piece, it was catchy, triumphant, upbeat and celebratory.

Personally, I think the new music was among the very worst changes imaginable. The music existing music should have been untouchable.


it was catchy, triumphant, upbeat and celebratory.

Did we listen to the same song? It's none of those things


Yub Nub is super catchy.
I watched the original cut and Yub Nub has been stuck in my head for days.

It would be interesting to see the ages and which version you saw first along with each answer.
I don't know if I've watched ROTJ special edition all the way through.
Don't really have the desire. John Williams and everyone else did the job in 1983.

I have to say, I don't remember a single new theme from TFA and I've seen it twice.


The cut scenes to the other planets celebrating was just typical Lucas fluff. It was overkill. Also I agree that the music didn't match the tone of the ending. I just caught the ending on a marathon they were showing and felt the need to comment about how bad it was. It saddens me that the future generations will grow up watching the hack job special editions instead of the originals.


As awkward as Yub Nub is it's MY SACRED CHILDHOOD. You don't mess with that.



I had the opposite experience. Yub Nub is horrible in itself, but it's very nostalgic for me and inseparable from possibly my favorite Star Wars movie. If Victory Celebration had been in the original release I might have preferred it. And anyway, all those CGI worlds and especially Hayden Christensen as Anakin - one of the worst crimes Lucas ever committed to film.

See you in hell, candy boys!


Victory Celebration.

It's A Hell Yeah!


Yub Nub, obvioisly. The one change in this movie that I actually don't mind is the flashing around the other planets celebrations. He could have used the victory celebration music for that, and then gone into yub nub when we get back to Endor! That'd have worked!

They've got cars big as bars, they've got rivers of gold


Yub Nub for me. I always liked it. Never cared much for Victory Celebration.


Yub Nub because it was just a joyous, raucous celebration which was appropriate for the occasion. While some called the newer song Enya-like, it feels more like James Galway to me, and I can just imagine him standing still on a concert stage playing this tune on his flute, basically devoid of motion and activity. That's laid-back, not energetic. Flutes are not rousing instruments.

Even the original celebration was better and more appropriate. The entire movie was tightly focused on Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie and Lando and their battles on Tatooine then Endor. But all of a sudden at the end of the Special Edition, we're looking at Coruscant and a bunch of other planets. That was jarring not just because of the switch in focus from narrow and local to wide and galactic, but because there was no foreshadowing whatsoever. Those of us who grew up with the originals were left wondering what planet Coruscant was supposed to be, because we had never seen it or even heard it mentioned in 1977, 1980 or 1983. Or anytime earlier even in RotJ SE. It was simply there without warning. Just plain gratuitous.
