Animal Abuse = Hilarious?

Look, I like this movie and all, but the part where the dog gets killed is too much. The dog wasn't the sweetest, but it didn't deserve to die like that. And I hate how they make it seem like the cop is a wimp because he gets emotional over it. They treated it with too much humor (like they did with the cat in CV). I don't get it - animals getting killed doesn't make me bust out laughing. Not even a chuckle. In fact, it kind of ruins the rest of their road trip for me. Clark is such an a$$hole!

At the very least, they should have given us a clue that the dog got out of the leash and survived. Or they should never had it as part of the story.


At the very least, they should have given us a clue that the dog got out of the leash and survived. Or they should never had it as part of the story.

That's what they would have done in a Disney film. The thing that makes this be more than just a cozy family movie is the edgy humor. The boobs, the language, the deaths. If you're not into that kind of edge, this really isn't a movie for you.

The fact that you are not "allowed" to laugh at scenes like this, is what makes it hilarious. It's almost like getting the giggles at a funeral. It's not a funny joke or anything, it's just a silly situation that appeals to a dark, funny place in your brain.

And besides, it isn't really treated with humor. They are all, including Chevy Chase, devastated about it. If you think it's funny or not, it's entirely up to you.


I never understand why americans go so crazy about a dog.
Kill 100 humans visible in a movie = no problem at all
Simply mention a dog died and people cry like the little bitches they are.

What's it with this crazy, psychopathic behaviour?

Dogs are vile, disgusting creatures anyway.


Dogs are vile, disgusting creatures anyway.

One could make the same generalizations about humans.

we're in the stickiest situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun


well.....its probably pretty stiff!

absolutely classic scene


Watched that scene last night on IFC. Still makes me laugh after 30 years.

Where the hell is Beeks.



Why should animals be spared fictional pain and suffering in movies where humans also suffer and die? If you want to complain about animal cruelty in movies, why not complain about the ones with real cruelty, like Milo and Otis?


Yay PETA is here. I bet you thought Aunt Edna's death was okay.


I agree... i found no humor in that scene at all. i'm just glad they never actually showed a scene of the dog being dragged to it's death. I like to think the chain broke when they left and dog is alive and found by another family



The dog was an asshôle and its death was an accident. Those factors are enough to excuse a blackly comic dead-dog joke. Nobody wants the dog to die but does anyone really miss the gnashing fur-demon? Didn't think so. Another perfectly pitched gag from a great comedy that isn't afraid to go dark in its portrayal of a nightmare family vacation.


Not real and yes very funny.
