Animal Abuse = Hilarious?

Look, I like this movie and all, but the part where the dog gets killed is too much. The dog wasn't the sweetest, but it didn't deserve to die like that. And I hate how they make it seem like the cop is a wimp because he gets emotional over it. They treated it with too much humor (like they did with the cat in CV). I don't get it - animals getting killed doesn't make me bust out laughing. Not even a chuckle. In fact, it kind of ruins the rest of their road trip for me. Clark is such an a$$hole!

At the very least, they should have given us a clue that the dog got out of the leash and survived. Or they should never had it as part of the story.


"Clark is such an as-hole".

That`s pretty much obvious even without the dog scene.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


little known trivia from the movie.... they really killed the dog. apparently chevy and the rest of the actors are method actors and just weren't "feeling it".... that is until they had the dog put down.

Thread ender.



You can't tie her to the roof.

Yes he can.

Not like it's going to rain.

Guacamole in my choos


Lighten up, Francis.


What about Aunt Edna? Would the way they treated her be considered elderly abuse?


i'll be honest.. Aunt Edna's barking was far worse than the dog's. I was glad when she died, she got on my nerves. I cared more about the dog!


I hate animal abuse. Deek is probably so nasty, because he was abused. BUT, this is just a movie. They never actually say why the dog is so nasty. They just imply that the dog is just one more evil obstacle for the Griswald's to overcome. And... that's why Deeky's death is so fun. THAT is how Clark overcomes that obstacle, by absent-mindedly leaving that monster hooked to the bumper. It's devilishly funny.


Believe me, I am all for animals rights, but this movie did the dog death scene hilariously. It shows how stressed the family was with the whole road trip that they forgot to put the dog inside the car.


That's why I love this film. It's so tasteless and near sadistic in it's sense of humor.
