MovieChat Forums > Krull (1983) Discussion > My father produced KRULL

My father produced KRULL

Where were all of you KRULL fans in 1983? If KRULL had so many fans back then the movie would have made big money and there would BE A SEQUEL!! WHAT HAPPENED? I did get to hang out at Pinewood and watch lots of things being done. And the best part is, I actually have one of the original GLAIVES.


I was thirteen at the time and my dad took me to see Krull. That was around the time of Firefox (Clint Eastwood) and The Road Warrior. It was a great fantasy and perfect for a kid my age.

-"who said anything about sabotage?"


A glaive is a blade on a pole, like a halberd.

The shuriken thing in Krull isn't a glaive.

To screw ECHELON please add "heroin, kiddy porn, terrorist, bomb, president, allah" to every email


Krull was one of my favorite movie I owned when I was a kid.. along with Star wars and the Ewok movies...

Great movie ! Thank your dad for me

"Thats a pickle no doubt about it"


Krull and Flash Gordon are in the same class. They are both good, campy movies. They are imperfect but have some unique good fun in them.

I remember the arcade game, before home video systems dominated like they do today, was a bigger hit then the movie.



This movie is a masterpiece as far as Im concerned, I have loved it since I was a kid and still do. I was pretty young when this came out and had no theatre where I live so I missed it on the big screen unfortunately. We had one of the original video disk players that came out before the vcr, and I found krull at the movie store when it first hit video and got it. I have loved it ever since and always wished they would have made some toys and other merchandise from that movie.



I remember watching the movie when it came out and I thought it was very entertaining. I also remember that the movie was not a financial success but the reasons were never publicly clear. Remember this was the pre-Internet age so if a film wasn't popular it simply slid into obscurity fast and no one talked about it. You'd be lucky to read some mention of it in the newspapers.
To this day I can't tell you the reasons why it wasn't more successful. Star Wars was certainly big business in the day. I can only surmise that the movie trailers gave the distinct impression that KRULL was a fantasy film a la the old, Hollywood swords and sandals movies. The few fantasy movies, a la Tolkienesque or Dungeons and Dragons, weren't quite as popular in that time period. That's not to say they weren't unpopular, just not as popular. I think KRULL would have had a more positive reception today. I would try to get rid of some of the cheesiness, which fortunately were few, like the flames emerging from Ken Marshall's fingertips. Marshall's character was clearly a mortal man from the get-go so to imbue him with superhuman or magical powers at the end made no plot sense and in my perception, diminished his character, not enhanced it as an extremely courageous prince.



You truly are the saddest little troll in all the world.



Pot kettle black.



I probably spent most of 1983 sucking on my mom's tits, as I was born a month before the movie was released. I discovered this movie either in the late 80's or early 90's.

The grave is no bar to my call.


This movie had more HEART than STAR WARS-which itself was a terrible rip off of the 1930s Republic action Saturday afternoon serials....

Perhaps Columbia did not know how to market it-it took a long time before a decent Widescreen Laserdisc (pre DVD) and VHS versions to come out
