MovieChat Forums > The Thing (1982) Discussion > This movie was boring the 2011 prequel w...

This movie was boring the 2011 prequel was better

The practical effects were nice and all as was the idea of The Thing itself but the way it plays out in this film was honestly boring mainly because the characters are very flat and the ending was incredibly underwhelming as was the final act as a whole. Only thing this has over the 2011 prequel is that the practical effects are better than the CGI used in that movie. On every other aspect the prequel is superior.


stick to transformers. it has "MORE EXPLOSIONSISINSINS" to keep your attention span consistently


The Thing (1982) has a bunch of explosions, what are you on about?


yaa but you need more clearly. quick cuts, fast editing. im sure if there isnt a cut every 5 seconds and indistinguishable action you get bored


I disagree but I'm happy you enjoy the 2011 version. It's not the worst remake/sequel/prequel.


You have to know that you're in the minority, most people will disagree, including me. JC's The Thing is a masterpiece. The remake/prequel is technically competent but lacks any sort of X factor that could ever put it in the realm of great or classic.


Blair Says:

"Watch ElSofoque."

“And watch him close, do you hear me?“




No wonder you deleted your account.



The Thing (2011) - MEW provides some much needed Femininity,

Why did the Thing need femininity? Don't get me wrong, women have been at outposts in Antarctica since the late 60's/early 70's and the original movie has a female, but the 80's remake doesn't lack because there are no women.

she's a much better lead than Kurt Russell.

Completely disagree. She's no worse but she's no better either.

I personally like the 2011 movie but it was always going to suffer from comparison to the 82 movie. The funniest thing of course is that it took years for the 82 movie to be appreciated.



The prequel was CGI nonsense and also completely unnecessary. Not knowing what happened before the ‘82 movie is all part of the mystery and suspense. I suppose younger moviegoers need everything spelled out for them.
