MovieChat Forums > Porky's (1982) Discussion > The Controversy surrounding this movie.

The Controversy surrounding this movie.

Bob Clark had a really difficult time getting this made. No one wanted to touch it. They were still very apprehensive during and after filming. And most of the critics hated it.

They wouldn't even think about making this today - you can certainly see why.


Yes, cause 18th century purists are destroying males and females again.


This is the correct answer.


Made a killing at the box office, probably the most raunchiest and successful comedy that ever came out of Hollywood.

Never shown on cable.

Many people today want this movie to disappear.


It has been on cable. It was on Showtime not that long ago.


I get Showtime,did you happen to notice the time slots? It was on only twice...2am and I believe 12:30 am. Showtime has over 500 movies on demand, Porky's was not one of them.

Just searched my cable box and there are "no current matches" for Porky's. I get over 1000 channels with numerous pay movie sites and movies on demand...Zippo.

I have become convinced that this movie is now taboo.

It is in direct conflict with social engineering efforts of today. Specifically that juvenile male sexual hijinks are "harmless" and should not be taken seriously by the opposite sex.

This movie is in direct conflict with those efforts.


I don't know if it can be aired on cable channels considering the amount of editing it would need.


I get about 6 different pay movie channels that require no editing. Porky's hasn't been shown on them either.

The reason is clear.


The reason it doesn't get shown is it's so old. There are a LOT of movies from the 70s and 80s that simply don't get scheduled anymore.

It's actually tame compared to a lot of current content, especially on the internet. It had a run on HBO back in the day when HBO was the only game in town for seeing nudity. And although they cut it out eventually, it had nothing on the Skinemax days.


They ran a brilliant commercial interviewing people coming out of the theater still laughing and bragging on how funny it was. That commercial worked on me. We went and laughed our asses off. Porky's and Police Academy. We happened to be in the front row for Police Academy (we got to the theater late at those were the only seats left). I thought I was gonna fall out on the floor a couple of times.


It was originally going to be X rated. I imagine it would be difficult to get a studio for something like that.


It's on Amazon Prime.


I'm watching it on AP now for the first time and am losing IQ points.


It's also had multiple DVD releases, including special editions.


Yet by the mid 80's just about every film regardless of genre had to have at least one set of boobies.


The better ones did, yes. ;-)
