Damone’s garage
When Stacy called Damone his mother said that he was helping his father in the garage. Later we see him leave for school and it looks like he lives in an apartment and doesn’t have one.
shareWhen Stacy called Damone his mother said that he was helping his father in the garage. Later we see him leave for school and it looks like he lives in an apartment and doesn’t have one.
shareKnowing what a POS Damone was, it’s not unforeseeable that he told his mother that if Stacy called he didn’t want to talk with her and to make something up to accommodate this.
He knew she would be calling, so as any little prick would do, took steps to avoid accepting any responsibility.
As Martin says in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, “So what, people lie all the time.”
It's also odd that when Rat forgets his wallet, he calls Damone and asks him to borrow his mothers car to bring it to him. Later, we see Damone driving a Gremlin from his apartment.
shareMaybe it was his Mother’s Gremlin and she shared it with Damone?
They were living in an apartment which leads me to believe it was a single parent home.
Damone was probably just as manipulative with his Mother as he was with everyone else, i mean the guy had a full service bar in his bedroom, in plain sight, he obviously had his parent/s wrapped around his finger.
It's fun to play damage control with things like this -- you know, just for the mental exercise.
Let's say Damone had his own apartment but was visiting his parents and in that way could have been outside helping his father in the garage.
The only phone number he may have given Stacy was to his parents home, as opposed to his apartment phone -- to create a buffer zone as it were.
Having said that I'll say this: It was just a gaff in the writing in all likelihood.
What did you make of Stacy and Damone’s sex scene? It appears as if we’re supposed to assume Damone lasts 10 seconds, if that, but then Stacy tells Linda that Damone takes 10/15 minutes. Was she doing the same thing Linda was doing, about her bf, BSing? And if so, why, Damone bailed on her immediately after, wasn’t even subtle about it, basically said thanks for the fuck, peace bitch.
I guess that’s a stupid comparison, Linda’s relationship isn’t any better which is why she’s always talking it up.
"What did you make of Stacy and Damone’s sex scene? It appears as if we’re supposed to assume Damone lasts 10 seconds, if that, but then Stacy tells Linda that Damone takes 10/15 minutes. Was she doing the same thing Linda was doing, about her bf, BSing?"
You are correct. That is EXACTLY what she is doing.
"And if so, why, Danone bailed on her immediately after, wasn’t even subtle about it, basically said thanks for the fuck, peace bitch."
Well, she wasn't doing for Damone, she was doing it for herself. Friendly competition if you will, or pride. She didn't want to suffer the embarrassment of her experience compared to that of what her friend supposedly experienced.
Well said, and I agree completely, thanks!
shareHe was probably embarrassed he was so quick and bolted.
shareDefinitely so, and as Seperatrix posted, there was some rivalry between the two, mostly due to Linda, which is sad because Stacy didn’t have anyone she could he open to about such vulnerable issues, maybe Brad, but even still, it’s not the same as having a true girlfriend to lean on.
shareSome apartments have garages. In the early '80s I lived in an apartment where for an extra $50.00 a month you could have a private two-car garage.
shareI never got the impression that Damone lived and apartment. I'll have to rewatch it. That being said, Damone's facade of being a cool cat because of his ticket scalping game is one of the darker aspects of the film, but it counter-balances well with the comedic tone of the movie.