3 things that have always bugged me with The Road Warrior.
1- When Max drives the truck into the compound, a couple of marauders slip inside. There are at least 10 good guys with bows in there, yet Wez is able to move around and even stands still in plain sight without anyone ever shooting at him.
2- Max's departure from the compound with his car. The footage during the sunrise is sped up which looks silly. Speeding up car chases has been used in all Mad Max movies, but this one scene look really off. On top of that, Max loses control of his car from a single hit to his windshield without putting up a fight.
3- Pappagallo goes after the truck driving the "Lone Wolf" for what purpose exactly? He's alone and not armed. Once he's next to the truck he spots the feral kid and tries to save him, but up until that moment, his actions are pointless. They should have shown him ramming a couple of motorcycles or cars.