MovieChat Forums > Escape from New York (1981) Discussion > How were regular inmates admitted to the...

How were regular inmates admitted to the prison city?

Snake flew in on the glider and in the sequel he got into LA with a submarine, but how did the average prisoner get into New York? We saw the processing area on Liberty Island, but not how the inmates got into the actual prison. Do you think they were dropped off with the food airlifts in Central Park, or maybe ferried across the river in boats? Why couldn't they just let Snake in the regular way?


They walked in through a plothole.


I would guess helo, not plothole! Chopper or possibly some controlled entry, possibly by boat.


That's how people were transported to Alcatraz.


They swim across either the Hudson or East River


My guess is by boat. They wouldn't spend engine hours and aviation fuel on flying them in using the Hueys. That way they can bring lots of cargo of food and medical supplies also. But I got the impression that anyone sent to the "island" would pretty much fend for themselves, and would be attacked and taken by gangs already there watching in secret until the boat leaves. I don't see how any organised distribution of food or supplies can happen. I imagine there would be some kind of a closed economy and services established, overseen by the Duke.

Perhaps it is explained more in a novelisation, if there is one.


Hopefully the police flew over the island in a helicopter filled with prisoners, wished them luck, and then pushed them out.


A chopper probably just landed and they made the prisoners get off.


they were dumped by air (parachute) or boats.
