Anyone notice Tatum was

A little chubby? I mean not fat but she definitly had a beer belly going on under that swimsuit though you could tell she was trying to hide it.-Dont get me wrong she was (is) still a beautigul girl and Im a HUGE fan of her, even through her drug problems, I still find her and her life facinating.

And I LOVVVE this movie. Kristy McNichol was such a badass, and what a great job she did. Reminds me of something I would do when I was her age at camp when she stole that bus with the rest of them to go get condoms with "One way or another" by Blondie playing (hehe)One of the greatest scenes in cinema.

(So sad by the way that Dana-I think that was her name, she was in pretty in Pink too-she was the bigger, long haired brunette girl-was urdered in the 80's right after the wrapping of Pretty in Pink)


The bible says in the midst of life we are in death...Stand By Me


LOL i did not notice that


I thought she looked amazing. So fresh faced and natural. Not chubby in the slightest.


I agree with the others - she was a teenaged girl who looked appropriate for her age. She is beautiful! I think it's awful that some people pick on an ounce of body fat - no wonder so many hollywood stars are anorexic.


When she was wearing the white suit at the beginning, she appeared to have a tum only because the pants were so high-waisted. That is all.


When I was that age I was a perfect size five.


Nope, not chubby at all.
