MovieChat Forums > Stalker (1980) Discussion > Are you under 30 and Like Star Wars ? DO...

Are you under 30 and Like Star Wars ? DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM !


Is that sci fi ?

I mean don't get me wrong it had the most amazing cinematography but it's all about that and general ideas about human philosophy and conception ,
it is so boring as watching paint dry.

What a waste of two and a half hours of my life !

ps: i am a major sci fi geek but this film was an absolute waste of time !

It has nothing scifi in it just the main idea , the director uses abandoned buildings and tries to make it work and he succeeds on some point but not at that point that would be adequate for you and that little device that measures boredom !

if you are under 30 and think that Star Wars is the finest piece of sci fi ever made DO NOT ! i repeat DO NOT watch this film !


STAR WARS is Hollywood commerce/"product"….meant to move millions of "units" commercially, toys, books, breakfast cereal, McDonalds HAPPY MEALS etc
STALKER is art-or a labor of love-and because it is Russian, is deep and dark

Lucas made one great art film, THX 1138, then ruined it later, for reasons of commerce (worried that todays kids wouldn't understand it, because of their video game attention spans)


I think I've just become stupider just by reading your post. I will pray to God so that He erases that pile of *beep* from my mind.



This is stupid. I am 25 and love both Star Wars and Stalker. Why would you discourage anyone of any age to not watch something and judge for themselves?



I'm under thirty and love Star Wars, I also thought Stalker was one of the best films I've ever seen.


I'm under 30 and EXCUSE ME FOR COMING OF LIKE IM HOT *beep* but god DAMN I'm glad I have a mind that has developed past... well, yours.

Stalker is beyond you.


I agree. This was an incredibly boring and incomprehensible film. And don't give me that old "you just don't understand it" crap. There was nothing to understand. It was a total mess.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


You just said you found the film "incomprehensible" and yet don't want anyone to conclude you don't understand it? What gives?

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan


You should just reconsider what sic-fi can actually mean.
Star Wars is called out to be not a sic-fi for good reasons: it's an adventure movie set in space. Sci-fi is about nothing but ideas.
And I haven't watched Stalker yet but I do very much understand that it isn't even comparable to Star Wars.
