MovieChat Forums > Stalker (1980) Discussion > Are you under 30 and Like Star Wars ? DO...

Are you under 30 and Like Star Wars ? DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM !


Is that sci fi ?

I mean don't get me wrong it had the most amazing cinematography but it's all about that and general ideas about human philosophy and conception ,
it is so boring as watching paint dry.

What a waste of two and a half hours of my life !

ps: i am a major sci fi geek but this film was an absolute waste of time !

It has nothing scifi in it just the main idea , the director uses abandoned buildings and tries to make it work and he succeeds on some point but not at that point that would be adequate for you and that little device that measures boredom !

if you are under 30 and think that Star Wars is the finest piece of sci fi ever made DO NOT ! i repeat DO NOT watch this film !


Ok well you just can't seem to think for two seconds.

Star Wars to me isn't the finest piece of sci-fi that to me would be "Blade Runner" this is my runner-up. If it bores you then you simply can not enjoy a movie that challenges you mind, and is more beautiful as opposed to guns, actions and shotting at every possible scene. Not that I'm discrediting Star Wars, it's a masterpiece in it's own regard. I love Star Wars that would fit into my top 5 easily, but this film touches my very soul and that's something few movies can ever do.

P.S I'm 16


There're only a few points worth arguing with the OP.
One is that Sci-Fi has been made into a very broad term. Specifically, Star Wars is more akin to the fantasy genre. Besides, this film never really tries to be Sci-Fi, so you clearly did not go in with an open mind.

Second is that this film is not at all traditional. If you disliked this film, it's more likely that you're just not accustomed to such original material.

Third is that you're flaunting your opinion as fact. Your criticism is based on points that are relative. This movie isn't for everybody, no, but just keep an open mind.


I guess i was a bit dogmatic back there but still i genuinely dislike this film , that's my personal opinion , i am allowed to have one of those right ? :D




This thread is ridiculous. The two films have no logical reason to be compared directly to each other. Both are great films (though I must add, Stalker is the superior of the two).

Not only is it possible, it is essential



Agree. It is what every sci-fi film should be like but isn't. Blade runner comes close tho


I love both Star Wars (the original trilogy) and Stalker. Am I the only one who appreciates both blockbusters and artsy films? :|


No, you're not the only one. Depending on my mood (and usually the movie itself alters my mood) I like both blockbusters and artsy films, just like you do.

As was mentioned: I has much to do with expectations, being accustomed to 'different' movies and the most important thing: taste. You know, I'm just blattering. Strangely, the writer said many things I've thought in my life too. E.g. "My conscience wants vegetarianism to win over the world. And my subconscious is yearning for a piece of juicy meat. But what do I want?" Yes, what do I want, or: which one is really me (if any)?

It seems that there are (almost) always some other people who think or act like you, although we are probably a minority indeed.


<<I love both Star Wars (the original trilogy) and Stalker. Am I the only one who appreciates both blockbusters and artsy films? :|>>>

Yes you are the only person in the world.


<<I love both Star Wars (the original trilogy) and Stalker. Am I the only one who appreciates both blockbusters and artsy films? :|>>>

<Yes you are the only person in the world.>>

although, there are a couple of mammals that are not humans who like this combination.


When you judge, judge on the same level. Star Wars had a multi-million dollar budget, filmed in USA with latest technology and was a happy story of good conquering evil, and the good always wins.

This movie was made under Communist censorship, for a few thousand dollars, and has creepier parts than watching Yoda undress for bed.

There is more humanity and reality in 5 minutes of this movie that brings the viewer into the atmosphere of living after an alien visitation than 10 hours of watching Cartoon-like characters of Star Wars (Jar Jar, Yoda) break-dancing and jiving.

This movie is pure sci-fi just as Blair Witch Project is pure horror both made on shoe-string budgets with no special effects.

I first watched this movie when I was 8 years old, and I was fascinated with it.


Some people think sci-fi must involve space or aliens or robots or something. Well, maybe it's true, I don;t know. But four of my favourite authors are considered sci-fi.

Arthur C Clarke and Isaac Asimov are two of them - and they are very much considered classic sci-fi authors, perhaps the 2 best known in the history of sci-fi.

The third is Philip K. Dick. He has some sci-fi elements in there I guess.

The fourth, and my favourite author, is JG Ballard. He was considered sci-fi, but I never really thought he was. Some do, and some don't.

It's all very arbitrary. The thing these four have in common, to my mind, is that there seems to be so much truth in what they write. It's all very, very applicable to the here and now. Although some stories are set in space of whatever in general their works are not just mere fantasies. Same goes for Stalker and Solaris, in my opinion.

Star Wars on the other hand, whilst very enjoyable, is pure escapist fantasy. Not saying that isn't valid - but is it more 'sci-fi' than Stalker?


Stalker is a great work of art. Star Wars is a toy commercial. End of story.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan



Star Wars had a multi-million dollar budget, filmed in USA with latest technology ...

Really? I suggest you check your facts

1 - it was shot on a relatively small budget with actors notably Harrison Ford and Alec Guiness taking a share of the potential profits than a wage up front

2 - the film was shot largely in Tunisia because it was so cheap to make there

Dont let reality get in the way of your attempt to belittle the op though - LOL


How can one "belittle" the OP - judging by his confused, repetitive, cliche-riddled post, he`s so small as to be almost nonexistent to begin with. And it doesn`t really matter how big the budget was and where it was filmed - it`s wildly populist popcorn entertainment regardless, aimed at the widest possible audiences. And facts such as A) Lucas turned the film`s aftermath into a huge, unprecedented commercial enterprise and B) he immediately gave up directing and was happy to only produce for the next 22 years, gives a clear indication he was always mainly a businessman at heart.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


I love these "warning" threads. They're so silly.

Who in their right mind would actually listen to this, really? You didn't even make a case for yourself. And fact is, some of us are open-minded. You CAN like slow movies as well as action flicks. I would know.

"I'll die unless you kill me!" - Ethan Hunt


I'm under 30 and kind of like star wars.

I watched this film.

But I also played S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and enjoyed the game.

The end with the girl moving the glasses reminded me of the dwarf in the game with telekinetic powers.

I liked the movie overall.


It's a psychological yawner.


It's an art piece. That pretty much explains everything.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


I am under 30, like Star Wars, and love Stalker. Stalker is only kindof sci-fi in the sense that it has sci-fi themes.

Oh, and Star Wars is a great example of what is NOT good sci-fi. Sci-fi is not placing a plot that could exist in any other setting and making everything high-tech. It's about how humans live with and respond to those technological changes.
