Having just watched the movie & having read the first few pages of arguments, it gets repetitive after a while but my thoughts are, basically, i'm fine with it & I'll explain why.
Some people say the animal deaths were only added in for 'shock' value, I don't think this is entirely true, yes, it was shocking for some but I think the Director was trying to show how brutal & cheap life is in the jungle, how death gives life, the circle of life, if you will allow me one corny cliche.
I would have killed a couple of those animals myself, even if I was in my house & not hungry, that tarantula is definitely dying, that snake, a goner, I have killed a couple of snakes in my home already actually, say what you will but they can kill you.
A lot of people say it's wrong to kill the animals for simply entertainment but everything that was killed, was eaten by hungry people, the same as they would do on any other day, it seems barbaric to us but it's a way of life to them, yes, the cameras captured it & yes, it fed hungry people.
The jungle & nature in general is an ugly place, species kill species all the time, often, in very brutal & slow & painful ways & not always for food, sometimes they are fighting over land, self preservation, women, leadership & many other things.
A lot of animal lovers hate this movie, yet, ironically, this movie probably helped spawn a whole new generation of vegetarians by showing the brutal & honest truth of it, I have friends that hate animal cruelty & then go to KFC for dinner, honest depictions like this help them realize how it happens, it's not CGI or special effects, it's real.
Having said that, I am still a meat eater, I don't eat a lot of meat though, a couple of times a week, but I refuse to eat Halal meat, abattoirs are bad places but they are significantly better & more humane now, after I saw a video on how Halal meat is prepared, I refuse to eat it.
They have the technology now to make it as painless as possible (they're still killing them, of course) but they refuse to adapt these new methods because of some old religious beliefs that their throats must be cut & left for all the blood to drain out.
I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.