Just thought of something last night!
If "Weyland/Yutani" already had the means of developing life like cybernetic organisms, like our good friend Dr Ash. Why do they still have organic staff members on their payroll? Think about it! If their objective was to safely retrieve "the specimen". Wouldn't it make more sense to have a corporate sponsored team of androids fulfill this operation? That way! You avoid the moral dilemmas and infighting that occurred between the group. Since the robots were obviously programmed to follow "Weyland/Yutani's" agenda without question. Without delusions of morality 😁
You also wouldn't have to worry about the Alien going apeshit and killing everyone on board since they obviously don't go after inorganic material. Unless WY somehow knew beforehand that the Alien needed a living host to propagate. My brother counter argues that an entire team of androids would be expensive, even for "Weyland/Yutani". This makes sense with the "expendable assets" angle the movie was going for.