Scariest Hulk Out?

For me, it was in the episode "Married". When David is under hypnosis. David remembers when his wife was killed (he keeps saying, "I couldn't save her"), and becomes The Hulk, while still under hypnosis. The lighting and the mood were just right for that scene and was it ever scary!

XTRO Theme:


Not only was the first transformation from the pilot freaky, but there was one that showed David in a burning barn, trying to rescue a horse. the scene shows him turning back to David, and someone catches him in mid transformation. It shows David's body with the Hulk's face. But then The Hulk's face is replaced with David's face. For a 70's effect, it looked pretty freaky.




I've just started watching this show again thanks to Netflix. I can't believe I watched this as a kid and it didn't scare the hell out of me because several times I've watched it here as an adult and it has scared the hell out of me!

I just watched an episode called "Metamorphosis" and some guy drops a hit of acid into David's drink and this in turn causes some hallucinations which in turn cause the transformation to take place. This creeped me out! Having a pissed off hulk mad at you is scary enough, but having a tripping out hulk mad at you is even worse!

Although I did have to laugh at the singer's manager line when she turned around in the recording booth and saw the Hulk outside and said, "Oh my God what is that!" lol Love it!

I'm worried that my guardian angel is a crack head...


I thought the Hulk out when someone put LSD in David's drink was very scary. He didn't even see it coming.


For me, definitely the very first one as he changes tyre.


What was the costliest "Hulk Out"? In the "A Child In Need" episode The Hulk busted through the wall of the home of a child abuser. That must have cost a bundle to repair. I don't know why The Hulk didn't just break down the door.

