Scariest Hulk Out?

For me, it was in the episode "Married". When David is under hypnosis. David remembers when his wife was killed (he keeps saying, "I couldn't save her"), and becomes The Hulk, while still under hypnosis. The lighting and the mood were just right for that scene and was it ever scary!

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'Dark Side' comes to mind,since the Hulk was under the influence of that drug David took,and it made him really dangerous and violent. He could have killed someone this time.


I just watch that one recently, I think it was David dark that was really scary than the hulk because with dark David as I like to call him in that moment WOW! Scary, especially when he's seducing girl half his age. Wow scary!

Vengence is a living thing


Actually, the line in "Married" that David kept repeating under hypnosis and right before he hulked out was, "I couldn't get her out!"

The scariest hulk-out for me was probably when he was landing the plane in "747". With the possible exception of the VERY FIRST hulk-out in the Pilot with the flat tire (which is obviously part of the intro/credits for each episode), this is BY FAR the LONGEST, drawn-out hulk-out of the WHOLE series...

I don't really consider "Prometheus" when talking about hulk-outs, because David was stuck in mid-transformation throughout most of it.


Yes, the first Hulk-out in The Pilot.


Anytime David talks during a Hulk out is kinda scary, because his voice drops to a baritone level. The pilot Hulk out is just plain awesome, but I have to say that technically the scariest Hulk out goes to Frye's Hulk. He smiles during his transformations and it's completely demonic and creepy.


'Married' hulk outs 1 & 2 are the most scary to me.


The second one in Married, wasn't really scary. Brad (Brian Cutler) and his buddy through David over the railing, he crashes into some furniture. The buddy goes down to show him the door, but when he gets there, Hulk rises from the wreckage, no metamorphosis on camera at all.


My bad, emp1966. I meant hulkout three from 'Married' when Banner changes while lying in bed while having the nightmare of Carolyn on the bus with the grim reaper and the death of Banner's first wife Laura combined. And another one for me was the infamous long drawnout second hulkout from '747'.


No harm done, hard to remember sometimes that Married and Death In The Family each had the most hulk outs at 4 with Origin right behind them at 3. And the name is Eric. :-) The long one in 747, I admit was a bit scary but also dramatic.


For me the first Hulk Out in the pilot remains my favorite and scariest of them all. I always felt that in that particular transformation, the inside of his mouth looked a lot more "redder" than the other transformations, almost like his mouth was oozing blood. I'm not sure if that was part of the make-up and maybe it was toned down in subsequent episodes.

Also in "Prometheus" when David is stuck half-way between transformations, I found him particularly scary, even more than a full metamorphosized Hulk. There was something very eerie about those white eyes, that heavy brow and his changed voice.

Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate...leads to suffering


He seemed angriest(which is what made him scary!) in 'Broken Image' (a brutal punching with brass knuckles) and 'Veteran' (having ultra-sonic sound pumped into his ears with those muffs).

I don't blame him for giving those bad guys responsible the thrown into the wall treatment!


Definitely the very first one, in the pilot. Something about him out in the rain at night which just made it all the more frightening.

Then there were two in "Married". First when he's under hynopsis, then the time when he's in bed, after the bad dream.


Usually all the Hulk outs that are the result of bad dreams are scary, because there is that tension building (seeing scary/unpleaseant images in Banner's head) and knowing that when he wakes, it's all going to hit the fan. "Homecoming" did that, and was that Hulk out ever intense!

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The scariest Hulk out was in the phone booth. It made you realize that it didn't take much to set him off. Pay phones sucked back in the day. They were always screwing up.


Imagine what would have happened if he had a cell phone and it dropped his call? Then he'de really get angry! :)

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I DONT HAVE 25 CENTS!!! bang now im really angry!

You're a survivor arent you sidney?


For me, it was Frye's transformation in "The First," after he provokes a fight and gets thrown into a dark room with a swinging door. Just as the door swings closed, you see his eyes change and the twisted smile on his face.


"Dark Side" in the bar. David wasn't himself and that worried me that the Hulk would do something he might regret, especially when he just misses stomping a guy's head.
