Best scene

I don't know what the best scene was in this one. I like the begining with "In. Out. In. Out. And now for the kiss of life." and also on the parallel bars when he dismounts down the stairwell. What do you think?




No one remembers the part where Clouseau is investgating the mansion and finds a secret 'door' in which he seems to walk a hundred meters only to find out he's walkin on a treadmill


Without a doubt, the FUNNIEST scene in the picture is when Clouseau and Kato hunt each other in the apartment. Lo and behold, we discover that Drefess is ALSO on the prowl for the Inspector. As Clouseau and Kato merrily heap punishment upon one another, Dreyfess keeps drilling holds in the ceiling to locate his prey.

Just try NOT laughing when:

1. Kato storms past Clouseau and plunges his big stick into the television and
the ensuing explosion

2. Clouseau runs toward Kato, trips on Dreyfess' periscope, and (in a BRILLIANT homage to martial atrs films), travels toward him, while viewing intercut shots of Drefess losing grip of the periscope, hilariously sailing off the arm of the couch, landing on the couch in a cloud of dust and upstairs we see the Inspector and his houseboy falling on one another. (I cannot POSSIBLY make this sound as hilarious as it is in the just HAVE to see the movie to know what I mean...)


Parallel bars: "Ah, yes. I rememberrrr---aaahhh!"

"But that's a priceless steinway!"
"Not anymore."

"What is your name?"
"Mrs. Loveleever."
"Mrs. Leeverlily how do you know the professor?"

"Relax, I'll get it."

And the laughing gas scene.

Oh yeah...that just happened.


the fight with cato, especially the screams in slo-mo
parrallel bars
the kiss of llife
the gay club
the hitmen scenes
the interrogation of the staff at the house
trying to get into the castle


The parallel bars gag was great as it came out of nowhere.

The fight between Clouseau and Kato was also hilarious, I particularly like it when Kato went to answer the phone and Clouseau knocks him out with a shinai before saying words to the effect of 'relax I'll get it'.

I'm only going to say this once: stay out of Camberwick Green - Sam Tyler


The parallel bars and early fight scene with Cato are definitely *way* up there for me. Quotable quotes abound: "Yes,'s all coming back to me now.....AAAUUGGGHHHH!"

To this day, the laughing gas scene puts me over the moon every single time: "He pulled the wrong tooth....ah ha ha ha ha.....only one man could pull the wrong's Clouseau....ah ha ha ha ha....KILL HIM.....ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

Very few movies capture such indulgence of sheer adolescent joy the way the Sellers Pink Panther movies do. Good times!


Good heavens, all these scenes are absolutely fantastic. I think my favourite has to be the shot of him walking through the darkened room lit only by a match, only to have the light come on and he's on a treadmill.
It made me laugh hysterically, but even more so when I stopped and thought about how well it was performed; completely straight and retaining the sense of dignity even though he clearly looks like a fool by not moving anywhere. It's also completely unexpected, I mean obviously something was going to happen, but never in a million years did I think it would be that. Absolute genius.

What's that? You just called me a bastard didn't you!


"Zere are three important facts to be consideared...

Fearst - Professor Faas-ben-dear and his daughter have been kidnap-ed

Second - *someone* has kidnap-ed zem, and we have to breeng the party, or partees, to the justeece

Theard - my hand...iz on fire...AAAARRGHH"

"Which sweetch did you use to put on the light"
"The light switch, sir"
"Funny, it didn't werk for me"
(then fiddles with the light switch and the treadmill switch, and realises his mistake)

"Heallo, zees ees Chief Inspector Clouseau. Zere eez a beautiphool womaan in my bed, and a dead man in my bath"...and then properly notices the dead man...

then rushes to Olga: Madame, please can you explain the pozeetion regarding the dead man in my bath"

"Aaarrggh, my eye"
Youe aye, I thought it was your tooth"
"It IS my tooth"
"Well, make up your mind. Aye don't normally make castle calls in the meedle of the night"

little later:
"What are you doing"
"Re-arranging the furniture to give you the full effect of the anasthetic"

then, after he falls through the stairs and climbs back up:
"Whoever has beelt zees house has put ze stairs in the wrong place"

"Now let me see, what shall I destroy next?
Buckingham, too small"
Leicester London
No, England, ENGLAND

There you go professor. No more fish and chips"

Also, when Dreyfus is 'torturing' the professor's daughter by dragging his gloved fingernails over a screechy blackboard.

When Clouseau enters the room where Jarvis is dying - Jarvis' lips move as if he is trying to say something important to Clouseau. Clouseau moves his face forward to listen, and Jarvis kisses him on his cheeks.'s alright, Ma, if I can't please him


Best scenes:

The fight with Cato.

Getting his hand stuck in the suit of armor and bashing the bee keeper with the flail.

Dreyfuss torturing the girl with the nails on the chalkboard; his face is priceless.


I think the most consistently funny scene in the movie is Clouseau at the Fassbender house after the kidnapping incident. From checking out the house, the antics in the gym, jumping off the parallel bars and diving down the stairs, to his hilarious interrogation of the house staff, it is non stop comedy genius.

Blake Edwards was on top of his game here, as was Peter Sellers.


There are many funny moments in this movie. I liked the opening scene when Dreyfus encountered Clouseau at the asylum and gets knocked into the lake. As Clouseau tries to help him out, he steps on a rake and ends up back in the water. Then when he is pulled out a second time, Clouseau tries to give him mouth to mouth and is whacked on the head by a woman thinking that he is a pervert.

I also like the scene when Olga moves around his apartment after Clouseau returns just after the incident between the two assassins. Then when he turns out the lights to go to sleep and she gets into bed, he shrieks out in surprise when she touches him.


"There is a dead man in my bath and a beautiful woman in my bed"

It gets me every time. Comedy genius. They just don't make them like this anymore.


"ah yes it's all coming back to me now. ah yes....i remembeaaahhhhhhhah"

"AhAHHHHHHHH now we are getting somewhere. You! <slings a mace in the bee keeper's face>"

"the phone. the phone is ringing."
<cato goes to answer phone>
<cleauseau pops him in the back of the neck>
"relax! i'll get it"

cleauseau dancing in the rice he spilled out all over the floor outside his apartment door.

cleauseau attempting to pole vault across the mote of the castle and only checks the depth of the water right next to the bank.



[Clouseau investigates a kidnapping.]

Clouseau: ...And there is a very good chance that someone in this room knows more about the murder than he is telling.

Mrs Japonica: Murder?

Clouseau: What was that you said?

Mrs Japonica: I said murder.

Clouseau: What murder?

Mrs Japonica: Well, I don't know. You said murder.

Clouseau: I said murder? You said murder!

Mrs Japonica: No, I said murder because you said murder!

Clouseau: I said murder?

Shork: You said someone in this room knows more about the murder than he's telling.

Clouseau: Now listen... What was your name?

Shork: Shork.

Clouseau: The cook.

Shork: Gardener.

Clouseau: Now we are getting somewhere. You... [He accidentally strikes Mr Stutterstutt.]

Shork: Oh, dear!

Shork: Are you all right, Mr Stutterstutt?

Clouseau: Who is this man?

Shork: He's Mr Stutterstutt.

Clouseau: I see, and what is your job, Mr Stuckerstuff?

Shork: He's the beekeeper.

Clouseau: I'm not asking you. I'm asking Mr Stuffsucker. What's that? What is he saying to you? What? What was that?

Shork: He says he's got a bit of a cold, and he's lost his voice.

Clouseau: Lost his voice. A beekeeper who has lost his voice...a cook who thinks he's a gardener...and a witness to a murder. Oh, yes. It is obvious to my trained eye that there is much more going on here than meets the ear. Before you are dismissed, Mr. Stiffsticker I suggest you count your bees. You may find that one of them is missing.


Years ago, when I was in labour with our first child, my husband stood beside me, going: "In with the good air, out with the bad!" using his best Sellers voice.

It was hilarious, despite the intense pain.


That is awesome..."and now for the kiss of life!"

That scene at the mental hospital is wonderful and one of the best but I think I would probably have to go with the scene where he is questioning the staff as my favorite.

When I first saw the movie when I was much younger I remember laughing so hard at the Quasimodo scene that I almost choked on my food and could hardly breathe for a few minutes after.

the truth hurts...sorry it's true


"That was a priceless stineway"
"Not anymore"


Clouseau leaps out of bed with Olga. He stands at the foot of the bed. She says, "Forgive me my darling, I just washed my hands. They must of been freezing." Camera moves to Clouseau and you briefly see (mid-section up) his hand move to his midsection and move up and down as he says, "Freezing? Yes, yes.."


"The King of Paralells" and Peter Sellers disguised as Albert Einstein, when he opens the laughing gas cylinder..and the fall breaking the wall at the end.
