Best scene

I don't know what the best scene was in this one. I like the begining with "In. Out. In. Out. And now for the kiss of life." and also on the parallel bars when he dismounts down the stairwell. What do you think?


The fight with Kato, and when he's looking for Kato before they fight it classic. When he breaks off the nun-chuck in slow motion, thats about as funny as funny gets . Also, the entire scene in the mansion is gold.


Too many to chose from such a brilliant film but here's a small selection.

Interrogating the staff.

The laughing gas scene.

Getting into the castle.

The fight with Cato.

The initial scene between Sellers and Lom.

Michael Robbins in drag.

I think that covers just about the whole movie, actually.

In fact, the only section of the film that drags slightly is the assassination/beer hall scene.


This movie was so great there were a bunch of great scenes!

My favourite had to be when Cato was fighting Clouseau. The slow motion was the best. I've never laughed that hard in my life.

Clouseau when he was in the gym. Falling off the parrallel bars (One of the best parts in the movie). And the interrigation scene.

Trying to get into the castle. He fell into that moat like 6 times!

When Clouseau tries to get the hotel room. Thats not my dog.... CLASSIC!

Clouseau the dentist was really also good. Pulling the wrong tooth.

This has to be one of the best Pink Panther Movies.


What kind of bomb? The exploding kind!

And just about the rest of the movie.



"Well, I'm off to munich..." and he steps into the closet... :)


I don't remember, I haven't seen this movie for three years or something, but I'll see it tonight! :)


"Does your dog bite?"
"You're the cook? I'm the gardener. Ahh, now we are getting somewhere"
The bit where Clouseau pulls himself up with Francois' tie.
The classic bit's just never end in this movie.


The whole scene in the Fassbender mansion, right from:
"We should start upstairs."
"This is upstairs, sir."
to when he is interrogating the staff.

And when Clouseau fights with Cato at the beginning.

Strawberry Fields Forever!


I agree with DarkSide.. that whole scene is amazing!

And everything that goes on upstairs just so subtle and funny and then he says: "Please, stay where you are...I prefer to handle this EELAOONE!! (alone) [switches to karate chop mode before he enters the reum :-)]

Peter Sellers trully had some transcendent moments!



All of the above, and every other scene. I'm not joking, when I was a student, I nearly died watching this film. I was on the floor, choking and having convulsions, and every wave of panic kept being cancelled out as I recalled lines that had just passed; "I know zat, I know zat" "Mrs Love-lever" "Until we meet again, and the cass is sol-ved"

You stay classy, San Diego.... I'm Ron Burgundy?


I'm surprised no one mentioned Closeau's stripping scene near the end of the movie, and his singing voice(this one was mentioned) followed by Olga's facial expression.


Come to me (tom jones) and Sellers singing the song, he says is a song of "la ressistance" when he was in the war, it makes me laugh a lot, is the best



Fight w/ Cato


The opening fight with Cato is definitely the best scene.


Half of the things you mention are from Strikes Again

That's what this is!!!!!
You stay classy, San Diego.... I'm Ron Burgundy?


Trying to hit the fly with the mace, and just destroying the piano. And all the slow motion scenes.


Best scene, no doubt Sellers discovering the gymnasium room ("I was known as the Pavlova of the parallels") then crashing into the living room, getting himself stuck in the knight suit, followed by the "interrogation" of the staff and the demolition of the priceless Steinway ("Not anymore.") Also, realizing he's in a gay bar ("Until you love me... too") and the Russian spy in his bed ("Madam, I can assure you, you will never see these silly pajamas again.").

For me this is the best Pink Panther film. I thought "Shot in the Dark" was, but saw it again recently and it didn't age very well.

One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas I'll never know.


This film ages like a fine claret!

You stay classy, San Diego.... I'm Ron Burgundy?


This film ages like a fine claret!
Actually, it ages more like a fine bordeaux.


Clousau in the gymnasium room. Almost as good as the "special delivery a bumb...a BUMB" scene in "Revenge of the Pink Panther".
