MovieChat Forums > Dog Day Afternoon (1975) Discussion > best performance by an actor not to win ...

best performance by an actor not to win the Oscar

I consider Pacino's performance in this to be one of the greatest performances not to win the Oscar. Unfortunately he had the bad luck of doing this the same year that One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest won everything (and Jack did deserve it). Anybody agree?


I love Jack but Jack was playing Jack. Al should have got the Oscar. He was acting.


Jack deserved an award for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest just about any other year, but Pacino deserved it more that specific year imo. Pacino's performance is my #4 greatest performance not to win the Oscar, just behind Peter O'Toole in Lawrence of Arabia, Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver, and my personal pick for greatest acting performance of all-time: Al Pacino in The Godfather Part II.


Agree that Jack deserved to win...Al should have been another year because he is also brilliant


Robert De Niro - Taxi Driver


De Niro in Taxi Driver


Ellen Burstyn in Requiem for a Dream...lost to Julia Roberts for Erin Brockovich


I've seen both movies but it's a tough call to decide wich is the better performance but i have always thought that pacino should've won for the godfather part II he's flawless in that one



Bill Murray :- Lost in Translation
Mickey Rourke :- The Wrestler


I agree, Al Pacino was phenomenal as Sonny. His performance in a complicated role that required a range of emotions and subtleties was masterful. I think that he should have won the Oscar, but alas, the Oscar is more about campaigning on the part of the studio, the popularity of the performer, sentimentality, and politics.



My #1 favorite performance by an actor is Jack Nicholson in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". My #2 favorite performance by an actor is Al Pacino in "Dog Day Afternoon".


My #2 favorite performance by an actor is Al Pacino in "Dog Day Afternoon".

The performance, or that mass of dark mop top on his head Mr. Hutch ;-) 


Well, Rascal, now that you mention it, all that thick curly dark hair, going off in every direction including limp, does make me weak at the knees. Al Pacino was a doll in that movie.
