Overrated and boring

Nothing happens, I felt no sympathy for Sonny, Sal hardly had any lines, I was rooting for the police the entire time, I was glad that it ended the way it did. That's all.


"The fact that you called it boring and overrated tells me a lot about your tastes."

Why do people always react as if it is forbidden to dislike their favorite film? Why the insults and insinuations? Can it be possible to be very intelligent, to be quite the film buff, and STILL not like this film very much? Do you believe people like that exist? Or is the world full of your type, not wanting to understand others but being ready to judge them?


DDA is far from overrated and boring.
I agree that is was a character study.


"Can it be possible to be very intelligent, to be quite the film buff and STILL not like this film very much?"

Of course. However, judging by the content - or rather lack thereof - of the OP, on this occasion it does not appear to be the case. "Boring"? "Overrated"? "Nothing happens"? That´s it? There are probably millions of people out there who find this or any other film boring - who cares? At least make an effort for chrissakes.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Yeah, big surprise. The OP is another self-important twit with an Internet connection, and feels that this, alone, qualifies him as a movie critic. I wonder how many people have accused him of being boring and overrated. Quite a lot, I would imagine. A nothing criticism from another nobody who never had enough guts to do anything but sit off to the sideline and bitch. Bitch, bitch, bitch.

"Careful, man! There's a beverage, here."



I question the hypocrisy of underhanded insults coming from a pretentious poster.

Contribute intellectually or don't comment at all.

"That said, criticism is always welcome if it is given respectfully. "

Really? Did you just say that? Look in the mirror.




Yes it is possible to be intelligent, a film buff AND not like this movie or other classics

But normally if you're all these things you're able to support your case well

The OP had nothing going for himself, a very dull comment with generic opinions

So, while it is entirely possible, when you attack a great movie like this one the least you can do is show you got something intelligent to say




Oooohh... OP is another complete retard going on my ignore list.


Nothing wrong with wanting Sonny to go down. He was a crazy fu@#er. And so was Sal.
But considering this movie boring, or even worse overrated... you should get your head checked. If you want a similar movie but with more guns, then stick to "Heat", lots of action to keep teenagers happy.


Sonny's buddy and accomplice in crime (the bank heist), imho, was way crazier than Sonny, which is why Sal ended up not surviving in the end. Sal got shot and killed. Remember?


You can just as easily argue that Sal got killed because Sonny sold him out. The whole time he's fronting himself as the guy who doesn't want to hurt anybody, at the same time saying Sal's the crazy one who's ready to kill. Naturally the police ended up targeting Sal more.

"We never win any ball games...but we sure have some interesting discussions."


Uh, yea, I remember. What's your point?


Come on man what kind of a comment is that

Heat is a masterpiece. So is Dog's Day Afternoon

How does liking this movie become an argument against a modern classic?

Grow up


"He won't listen to anybody. He's been very crazy all summer. Since June he's been trying to kill me."


My man its boring coz with all that *beep* in ur head I can understand that it must be difficult for u to perceive things like these


I usually know by reading about what a film is about, if I am going to like it. I do not like movies that romance people breaking the law and robbing a bank and making the cops looks like heavies in the film. I never understood why people would like something like that. It just plain wrong for one thing. I have always had a hard time rooting for a criminal for whatever reason they were doing something.


totally disagree with the O.P. This is a classic.


Nobody asks you to "root for" anyone and neither does the movie "romance" anyone. Also, police indeed ´are´ the "heavies", or worse - "the most dangerous single group of people in America", as someone put it. Definite fascist tendencies there in the law enforcement.

And it should go without mention that judging the book by its cover, as it were, is sheer ignorance.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


To the OP - Go back to watching some more Transformers 4 you f@cking brain-dead, common, millennial.


Oh let us not hate the OP, he may even have a point.

Even though I always loved this movie since the first time I saw it,
I think it would have benefitted from cutting around 20 minutes.
It would have been tighter.


What?? The first twenty minutes sets the pacing for the entire film, and has some brilliant, hilarious, subtle moments. The whole bit with Stevie unable to go through with the robbery - and just how incapable Sonny and Sal were at pulling off the robbery.


He said twenty minutes

He didn't say the first twenty minutes

He probably meant trim here and there

Makes sense. Valid argument


fvck your opinion brewerjy

